Search: fulixazaad
738 stories
The Lion Guard Season 4 Part One: Legacy of the Night Pride

6 months after Kion was crowned as King, an old shadow of the Night Pride's past returns seeking revenge on the Royal Family.

47.7K 12 492 Full
A Lion Guard Fandom

Everything from Pictures to Book ratingsPICTURES DO NOT BELONG TO ME

2.1K 22 48 Full
Lion Guard-A New Generation

This is a sequel to My book What if Kion Grew Up with Rani. This will Focus in Kion and Rani's children, their Daughter Nya and their son Kai. Kai is meant to be the next leader of the night pride, but a new threat is on the rise (sounds original i know), and he has to protect the everyone he cares about to make sure he doesn't lose them.

29.6K 13 199 Full
Lion Guard, Mystery of the roar

This is a fan made after the lion guard season 3 and this does not continue the season of the lion guard, all rights reserved to DisneyKion has became king of the tree of Life with queen Rani. He knows a lot about the roar but there is still more about the roar from Askari and even more that even he doesn't know about. Enemies from far away lands that has taken over prides. and there next target is the tree of life and the pride lands. Kion right now has enough power to defend his lands from most enemies. But this will still be the biggest challenge that Kion will ever have. Will he be able to defend his lands or will he fail.

31.1K 31 249 Full
What If-The Lion Guard Season 1

I will explore a few universes that exist out there in the multiverse. You will see a bunch of things like, what if fuli was evil, or what if Kopa came back (but not as a villain). Really its me saying stop fighting over ships and other stuff because there is at least 10,000 other universes with the ship you hate. If you are one of my first followers, chances are that you are outside my target demographic because I wrote like 4 other Ducktales stories, but im trying to expand.

33K 38 275 Full
The Lion King AU Episode 2-Hope and Destiny

Kopa, prince of the Pridelands is born. But a darkness from the war of the past is back. ZIRA, Scar's top general and mate, wants revenge against Simba for killing her beloved Scar, and she will not stop until he is dead.During her quest for vengeance, Zira found a cub and adopted her. Over the years Zira has assembled an army of outlanders, who also want revenge against Simba for what he did in the war so many years ago. As Kopa grows older, so does Zira's hate for Simba. Her plan is almost ready to be set into motion. Once her army and her best soldier VITANI is ready, she will take back what she believes is her's, and take over the Pridelands....This book is set 11 years after the first book, so read the first one if you haven't

8.4K 10 166 Full
The Lion Guard: King of Outremer

Kion is a Knight and warrior Prince back home, but is given the chance to become a King. Join Kion and his Lion Guard as they travel to a faraway Kingdom and meet his betrothed, Queen Rani as the 'Lion' King fights to defend her home to his dying breath. Human Kion, KionxRani, BungaxBinga, KopaxVitani, KiaraxKovu, SimbaxNala, FulixAzaad.

21.5K 16 209 Full
Lion Guard Ships

All Lion Guard ships that I know of.

55.7K 147 791 Full
The Lion Guard Season 4 Part Two: Divided and United

The Night Pride becomes fractured after an unfortunate surprise attack on Pride Rock, resulting in Kion, Fuli, and Bunga stranded deep in the JungleNow with a new group of Animals with powers of their own, the Night Pride must defend the Tree of Life and mend the wounds of their past.

19K 13 282
Life In The Tree Of Life

This Story Is After Kion Announced As King Of Tree Of Life And Its In Zootopia Universe.I Decided To Make It Cannon As Possible And Not Following The Other Book That I Created Also Called "Life In The Tree Of Life"

65.8K 50 526
The Lion Guard - Mia's Fate

Mia is a young attractive beautiful lioness and air to the throne of the Backlands some may say she seems like the perfect Princessa but on the other side, she is the niece of Zira after her father died from a tragic incident with her ex-friend Rani Mia's life fell apart from there. But what will happen went she meets Kion? Who comforts her and lifts her spirits or will they both start catching feelings for one another? ✨💕

1.7K 5 29
The Lion Guard

I wanted to make a season four of the lion guard. I also might remake the last episode.Two years later, Rani and Kion have two cubs, Fuli and Azaad have four cubs, Bunga and Binga have three kits and Beshte and Ono go back to the pride lands to be with their families.Makucha and Chuluun start to get along with the night pride but Ora and Mama Binturong didn't give up trying to eat the animals.Varya's cubs grow up to be great hunters. Makucha has been teaching them fighting and hunting skills and Chuluun teaches camouflage.I'll update as much as possible.

2.2K 3 13
The Lion Guard: Season 3 Reimagined

A reimagining of the Lion Guard Season 3 and Prequel to Lion Guard: King of Life introducing new characters and reimagined characters as well as a proper main villain for the season. See Kion travel to the Tree of Life to heal his scar while fighting the effects of Ushari's venom as it weights down on his soul. Upon arrival he meets the future queen Rani and discovers he may not want to return home. Kion x Rani, Fuli x Azaad, Kiara x Kovu, Bunga x Binga.

27.9K 13 268 Full
King Kion and Queen Rani's Life at the Tree of life

(Book being rewrote) Kion and Rani's life at the Tree. (Modern English) Kion and Rani's life living at the Tree, but the resurrection of Scar, and a childhood friend of Rani puts a threat to the Tree of Life; as Scar targets Kion and his friends to obtain his roar. Kion is put on another test to protect his lands and his lover. Will a new lioness break up Kion and Rani? Will Rani get jealous and kick Kion out? This story will put Kion in many positions, blood will be drawn.Note: Scar and Fang (Childhood Friend) does not get mentioned until later in the story.

229.6K 22 1.8K
The Lion Guard: Legacy of Power

this is An alternate universe where the Lion Guard are Humans Kion, Bunga, beshte, Ono fuli and Anga are in highschool 10th grade

319 4 8
Kion and Rani life

This story takes place after the coronation of Kion, Kion and Rani fall in love over time, but an evil lion named Kimba tries to get into the tree of life and seize it. It will take a long time to get into the tree of life, will he come up with a plan that will really work? When his son, Axel, is born and raises him from an early age to be the future king of the tree of life, will Kion and Rani get rid of him? Will they have a heart to kill a cub too? When everything is calm, they start thinking about the cub, Rani will be pregnant the next day, but when Kimba's son returns, no one will recognize him and he will start planning. when a young prince is born, he thwarts his plans , and Axel plans to get rid of him, will he succeed?

6K 5 40
Tree Of Life (Kion And Rani)

Kion begins to gain the king's experience, but then Rani's childhood friend appears at the tree of life. Rani doesn't know he killed her parents yet and plans to kill Kion as well, will he succeed? When Zuri comes to heal, Rani becomes jealous, fire Kion? Will Kion date Zuri? When Scar returns to take over the tree of life, he succeedssucceeds? When Kion sees Rani and Claw (a childhood friend) how they hug, are he go back to the pride lands , or does with Rani meet along the way? Will Scar be killed again? And when one danger ends the other gets worse, bringing this romantic couple again? And a King of north tundra, tree of life takes over?you will find out in my bookPS: there is much more but I want to stretch you

22.8K 18 191
Lion Guard, Tree of Life True Story

The True story of the Tree of Life is later revealed, a powerful enemy has came back and ready to take over the land once again, but she doesn't want just the Tree of Life, she wants the entire world.All rights reserved to Disney

1.2K 4 15
The Lion Guard: Lost Heart (#1)

Kion has ended up with Rani as a mate, but he doesn't truly feel happy. Likewise, Fuli is with Azaad, but she isn't that happy either. They don't know what's wrong, but will eventually come to realize the truth.

19.2K 24 151 Full
Kijani's Way(TLG Next Gen)

Kijani Is The First Born Son Of Kion And Rani He's The Future Of The New Night Pride Leader Along Side With His Younger Sister To Be The Future Queen Let's See How We Will Uncover The Story... Note:This Story Is In The Same Universe As Zootopia So Don't Get Confuse As They're Doing Human Things And Cross Breed Will Happens.And Please Read The First Book Tittled:Life In The Tree Of Life

8.4K 24 117
A Never ending Love Story

Everybody at the tree of life was happy exept kion he was having some regrets ever since he married rani. He soon realizes rani only loves him for his roar. He also realizes he loves fuli. How will kion win fuli's heart? How will azaad react to this? Will a love triangle form? Is there a historical meaning to a love triangle between two cheaters and one lion??

1.6K 13 43
The Lion Guard: Destinies Combined

When Kion and Rani have a litter of cubs for the first time, Kion is still trying to get used to being a father. But worse then that, Kion is also forced to choose-Pride Lands or the Tree of Life? When Queen Kiara and King Kovu call war on the Tree of Life, Kion and Rani's world is turned upside down.Also this probably isn't for small beans as it includes birth, death, blood, gore and also more.I didn't add sexual contentThat's a liiitle bit TOO far.

2.1K 4 14
Fuli x Azzad story

after Kion became King Fuli and Azzad started to a life with each other but soon the guard will find out that a great threat will bring to the tree of life

5.1K 17 90 Full
My Opinion on Lion Guard Ships

This is just my opinion on TLG and TlK ships. No hate please. Thank you.

3.7K 21 75 Full

The story revolves around love of our lives PREERAN.

13.4K 13 635 Full
Azaad Love Confession

Just Read

10.8K 12 126