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6,083 stories
Revolting Children, Fantasy High

⠀It is 2 L 8 4 UDimension 20's Fantasy HighSEASON 1 - ??© shadowslore, 2023

357 2 10
Old revolt park stuff


93 7 0
Hololive Fighter Championship

This is a hololive fanfic written by Kaminari Yanevolt.Tóm tắt: cũng là Hololive Production nhưng vào những tháng cuối năm thì thay vì tích cực stream phục vụ các con simp thì lại đi đúm nhau.Notice: đây chỉ là fanfic, có những thứ trong này sẽ không có trong stream của các gái mà là do thằng tác giả là tui đây nghĩ ra nên có gì mấy ông ném đá ít thôi, tui buồn tui dỗi đó.

273 8 13

Born an apathetic beauty Akris was a possessive and obsessive girl. Doing everything she could to woo the one she liked. Succeding but always ending in betrayal. Despising cheating and "Harems" but being loyal she could not leave her lover unless they asked her to. Her latest betrayal ending in her death and reincarnation in a parallel world with a mission of- wait? Creating a HAREM!?Now stuck with what she considered a REVOLTING MISSION and eternal damnation as a threat she has to find someway to create a harem and not lose her morals in the process.

242 5 3
Rising in Revolt

A full English cover of Rising in Revolt from Sword Art Online -Alicization-Song: Rising in RevoltAnime: Sword Art Online -Alicization- Original Artist: Ai Kayano ft. Yoshitsugu MatsuokaEnglish Lyrics: Summer Cotner

173 1 2 Full
Martian Revolt

Tensions rise when Mars revolts against Earth

8 1 1
A Beaver Revolts

A (very) short story about how Justin Beaver revolts after having enough of the Weaver household throwing trash into his home.(Behavior of the beaver was NOT at all based off of Justin Bieber. I just thought that the name was funny.A short story for writing practice!I just felt like posting it so yeah.

2 1 0 Full

What year is it? Who am I? What has happened? These are the first things that run through Rose's head when she wakes up unsure of all that has happened. Well she might not ask all these questions at once but she asks them at some point....

68 5 11
The Wizard's Revolt

Syioriel Regan is the body of life and death, dreams and failures, and peace and chaos. She is the manifestation of the world and that she exists to embody everything in between. She reigns as the universe speaks.

151 8 5
Youth in Revolt.

Okay so this is a collection of poems I've written.Feel free to post feedback, or anything you didn't like about them, or anything you would like to see more, I'd be happy to oblige. Thanks bros.

211 10 11 Full

The administration ruined the world, everything they promised, everything they said about the future was a lie. They wanted a world where nothing was unexpected or inconvenient, not even unusual. So they made a world without pain, color, or a past. They're new rules, the laws of Metropolis, it's all bullshit. The point is, there is no feasible excuse for what we have become, what they made the world into. We have chosen to put profit before people, money before morality, division before decency, and our own trivial comforts before the agonies of others.If you can't remember that way of life, they set Poster Children before you. "To lead by example"But quadrant 4, the poorest of metropolis works against that way of life, an uprising is in tow when rebel leaders, Phoenix and Snow go against the new powers that be, Galaxy and Griffen.The pairs are dead set on their ways of life, but what really is the antidote to a society being drained of color?

1K 7 29
Elijah And Kaleena: A Katherine's Sister Vampire Diaries Fanfiction

katherine had a sister, when she was banished from her home land for having a baby out of wed-lock. Her sister Kaleena went with her read and find out more crap at summaries

114.3K 19 1.6K
Revolt - A Short Story

Short story for the Hear Here: Emerging Authors Contest.They called them runners. Inhuman beings that ran through the streets, destroying everything they passed. They called themselves lurkers. They were the closest to humans that were left. Hiding among the runners.When group leaders, Dallas and Kyo, are about to loose their last building to the runners, they meet someone who may have the way out. When your city, and possibly the world, has been overcome by an inhuman species, how would you revolt?Cover by [ViktoriaRay]© 2015

116 1 8 Full
Revolt of Pagudpud

June 5th, 1834 was the 2nd Revolt of Pagudpud due to trading prices increasing, lets see an ilocano downfall shall we?

6 1 0 Full
The Brother of the 4 factions ( Azur lane x male reader)

Y/n was the first to be construct ,the first ship boy to have a human body, the only first male shipboy, he is the one who saw every shipgirls growing to be who they are, but he has four little sisters in each faction as a true family.There names are Enterprise, Bismarck, Hood, and Amagi and he raised them as they're older brother of four girls but when the girls grew older.Y/n suddenly disappear and he gave them his title and weapons to his sisters and fight the sirens and find their brother.But the day has come the one they called their brother has returned.Y/n, the most powerful MegaAircraft carrier warship of the 4 factions of azur lane known as THE OMEGASIS has returned.(Disclaimer:This book was inspired by Blacksilver76 i like your story bro and please continue the book)

39.4K 8 496
Once We Were Lost (Lost Boys)

Aurelia's green eyes scanned the boardwalk as she lifted her bag higher onto her shoulder. Her red hair glowed in the light from the Ferris Wheel and it caught the attention of a dark haired young man leaning against his motorcycle. His eyes drank in her form as he felt his dead heart cry out for the woman before him. His hand reached out to tap his brother's arm and pointed in her direction. David turned and froze as he too drank in the beautiful woman who hadn't noticed their attention. "Paul. Marko. Leave them." He hissed without having to look to see his other brothers openly teasing the needy human girls."What? Why?' Paul whined and rolled his eyes at David."It's her." Dwayne growled at his brothers, offended they dared to question. Marko and Paul both turned to look and instantly shoved the girls away from them, their attention now only on the red haired woman. She was now looking at a map in her hands and tilting her head to the side. David groaned as he watched her bite her lip in thought. Dwayne took in an unneeded breath as he watched her shuffle her feet and he watched her legs. Paul's eyes were fixated on her unruly red curls. Marko found himself licking his lips as she reached up to move her hair and unknowingly flashed her beautiful pale neck to him. Aurelia had caught the attention of four very dangerous creatures and she didn't even know it. She was now their prey...But not in the way you would think.

74.7K 14 2K
Tough Love (Mitch Lucker Fan Fic)

62.9K 51 1.8K
Heart of the storm

Thunder was a normal Pantalan Voltwing, forced to live in the worst of conditions, until one day that all changed. Murders, disappearances, and "mysterious circumstances" force Thunder to make a move he'd never imagined.

934 13 40
Short Story- Revolt-

A young woman and her moment of courage and fear

112 1 1 Full
Revolt of the Unknown(OLD VERSION)

An Emerald Locket appears mysteriously in a desolate kingdom of Jewelry. His fate unclear, he asks a lady where he is, and the reply shocks him. The story was @DoodleyFira's idea.

1.1K 45 15 Full
The Pirate Revolt

A simple man turned pirate, Antioch has to make his life better at sea and escape the grasp of death.

113 4 15

DEFINANCE BECAME AN EPIDEMIC. _______________________________ Thousands of years into the future, we all saw the 'wars' and 'destruction,' coming. But thousands of years later, we've been pieced back together and this time- our 'rights' and 'laws' were questioned. We were questioned. Can humans ever learn to live with each other? Can they really love? The answer in the council's eyes was - 'NO.' so they made new laws, new rights. They split the world up into sectors and gave us our all mighty 'POSTER CHILDREN.' Two were appointed to each sector. 1-20. They are our 'Model Citizens'- placed their to be our prime examples of 'HOW TO ACT.' But theirs a group of us, a group of us in every sector who... 'Remember the way things use to be. We remember the history they stopped teaching in schools, the wars they forbid us to talk about. we remember it all.' And not only did we remember that, 'but we remembered our rights. Love. Dancing. we remembered.' And we wanted things to go back that way. it was time to REVOLT.

829 18 10
Project : Revolt

An anthology encapsulating my personal struggle to revolt against hurdles and obstacles that dragged me to my lowest point in life

66 14 2
Mysterian Revolt

"We will reclaim what is rightfully ours. Restore our land, or your blood will pay the price."

50 6 7
Silent Revolt

In a city suffocated by the iron grip of an oppressive regime, Alexandre and Elena live lives of enforced monotony within the walls of a sprawling industrial complex. The ever-watchful eyes of the Party's surveillance ensure that no thought of dissent goes unnoticed, and any sign of rebellion is swiftly extinguished.Amid the relentless machinery and shadowed alleys of the factory district, a spark of hope is ignited by a cryptic note from their vanished friend, Julien. As whispers of resistance grow, Alexandre and Elena are thrust into a dangerous game of cat and mouse, where trust is scarce and every move is a gamble.Together with Luc, a quiet but determined ally with intimate knowledge of the city's hidden pathways, they embark on a perilous journey to uncover the truth and break free from their shackles. In their quest for freedom, they must navigate a labyrinth of betrayal, surveillance, and fear, driven by the burning question: Is it better to live in silent submission or risk everything for a chance at liberation?Silent Revolt is a gripping dystopian tale that explores the depths of human resilience and the unyielding desire for freedom. Through the haunting streets of an industrial nightmare, this novel weaves a story of courage, defiance, and the enduring power of hope.

4 4 0
heart revolt

set in 80s, india this is story about an enchanting traditional and optimistic Indian girl who land herself in an unkown place in to a world which she know nothing about completely dazed and had no idea what to do and then she meet someone who she never thought and her life completely change and she felt things she never thought she would .a Russian guy who wanders around just to see and learn different things a author for passion and a bureaucrat who works for the government came down to the country as a delegate meet someone there who he can't forget about came back to his life not knowing what's in future store in for him (what if you meet someone whom you met once in a life time for a brief moment which you can't forget about and then boom you meet again at the most unexpected place in a an unexpected moment , what would you do and feel like )

19 4 2