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487 stories
Rose Potter:- Philosopher's Stone

Harry Potter story with Rose Wilson... I'm not good at writing plus this is my first time writing something but, this is something I came up with... There's never gonna be any story compared to the original story J.K Rowling wrote, but we can have a little fun making up fanfictions, right? And the storyline is what I came up with, the content is completely from the original book, except for some changes that I made. Here goes....Rose Wilson, daughter of Nicholas and Annalise Wilson, raised in an orphanage, never knowing anything about her parents until when she turns eleven, gets her letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardary and comes to know of her mother's best friend's son, who she would've been growing up with if things wouldn't have took a dark turn... Things are difficult, she doesn't know why, but she seems to enjoy it anyway........ Until she is told of something dark...Find out what she goes through with Harry Potter and their friends on a path to kill the darkest wizard................................ who is actually after her...

149 16 8
WaralabaMakananMurah,WA +62-858-7941-2777

April Promo Besar,WA + 62-858-7941-2777,Franchise Makanan, Waralaba Makanan Murah,Waralaba Makanan,Franchise Makanan Murah,Waralaba TerbaikMeski mitranya tersebar di berbagai daerah, soto Mat Tjangkir selalu mempertahankan agar citarasa SOTO dan menu pelengkap seperti aneka sate pada setiap sajian soto di gerai-gerai mitra tetap sama. Untuk itu, mitra wajib membeli bumbu kuah dan bumbu sate soto dari pusat. Sementara bahan baku lain boleh dibeli di daerah masing-masing.harga jual ke konsumen di kisaran Rp 10.000-Rp 15.000 per porsi,Nilai paket investasinya. Pertama, paket senilai Rp 45 juta. Dalam paket ini, mitra mendapatkan perlengkapan, ynag jumlahnya ada 59 item peralatan seperti :angkring soto yang khas dengan "pikulan", mangkuk soto, dandang perlengkapan memasak, dan bumbuMitra mendapatkan peralatan yang sama dengan jumlah lebih banyak. Dalam kemitraan ini, Soto Mat Tjangkir juga memberikan pelatihan standar bagi mitra. Di antaranya pelatihan membuat soto yang enak dan cepat, meracik soto, menyajikan, melayani konsumen, hingga pemasaran.Biaya setiap paket sudah termasuk franchise fee dan pembinaan selama 5 tahun."Rata-rata balik modal dalam waktu 10-12 bulan,"Target omzetnya minimal sebesar Rp 700 .000 per hari, jika seseorang makan rata rata per pack mengabiskan 20.000, maka di target mendatangkan 35 orang per hari. margin kotor rata rata 45-50 % dan bersihnya 20- 25 %WA + 62-858-7941-2777 (ISAT)JL.KYAI TELINGSIG NO.9 KUDUS JAWA TENGAHWeb :, #franchisemakanan2018 #franchisemakananmurah, #franchisemakananan, #franchisemakanandanminuman, #franchisemakanana, #franchisemakananjepang #franchisemakananmurahmeriah #franchisemakanandanminunan, #franchisemakananminuman, #franchisemakananterbaru, #franchisemakananp, #franchisemakananenak, #waralabamakanan, #waralabamakanan2018, #waralabamakananterlaris, #waralabamakananmurah, #waralabamakananterbaik #waralabamakananjkt #waralabamakananterbaru

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BETROTHED (Book #6 of the Vampire Journals)

In BETROTHED (Book #6 in the Vampire Journals), Caitlin and Caleb find themselves, once again, back in time-this time, in the London of 1599.London in 1599 is a wild place, filled with paradoxes: while on the one hand it is an incredibly enlightened, sophisticated time, breeding playwrights like Shakespeare, on the other, it is also barbaric and cruel, with daily public executions, torture, and heads of prisoners impaled on spikes. It is also a time of superstition and grave public danger, with a lack of sanitation, and the Bubonic Plague spreading in the streets, carried by rats.In this environment Caitlin and Caleb land, on the search for her father, for the third key, for the mythical shield that can save humankind. Their mission takes them through a whirlwind of London's most amazing medieval architecture, through the British countryside's most breathtaking castles. It takes them back into the heart of London, where they just might meet Shakespeare himself, and see one of his plays live. It brings them to a little girl, Scarlet, who just might become their daughter. And all the while, Caitlin's love for Caleb deepens, as finally they are together-and as Caleb might just finally find the perfect time, and place, to propose to her.Sam and Polly have traveled back, too, and as they find themselves stuck together on their own journey, their relationship deepens, as they each, despite themselves, can't help feeling more deeply for each other.But all is not well. Kyle has come back, too, as has his evil sidekick, Sergei, and they are both intent on destroying everything good in Caitlin's life. It will be a race to the finish, as Caitlin is forced to make some of the hardest decisions of her life if she is to save everyone who is dear to her, save her relationship with Caleb-and try to make it out alive.BETROTHED is Book #6 in the Vampire Journals (following TURNED, LOVED, BETRAYED, DESTINED and DESIRED), and yet it also stands alone

17.4K 1 49
The Biggest Exporter of Rice

Introduction:Rice, a staple food for more than half of the global population, holds immense economic and cultural significance across the world. When it comes to rice exports, one country stands out as the leader in this market - India. With its vast agricultural resources and a strong rice industry, India has become the largest exporter of rice globally. In this blog, we will explore the key points that contribute to India's dominance in rice exports and shed light on the Indian Rice Exporters Federation, led by Prem Garg, which plays a crucial role in driving this success.Key Points:Rich Agricultural Resources: India's favorable agro-climatic conditions and large land area contribute to its abundant rice production. The country possesses a diverse array of rice varieties, ranging from basmati to non-basmati, allowing for a wide range of choices for international buyers.Indian Rice Exporters Federation (IREF):The Indian Rice Exporters Federation, led by entrepreneur and industry expert Prem Garg, plays a significant role in promoting and supporting the Indian rice export industry. IREF acts as a platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and addressing issues faced by exporters. This federation represents the interests of various stakeholders and works towards enhancing the competitiveness of Indian rice in global markets.Conclusion:India's status as the largest exporter of rice is a testament to its agricultural prowess and the dedication of its rice industry leaders. The country's vast agricultural resources, robust production capabilities, competitive pricing, and strong infrastructure have all contributed to this success. Additionally, the Indian Rice Exporters Federation, helmed by Prem Garg, has played a vital role in promoting Indian rice globally and ensuring the continued growth of the industry. As long as these factors persist, India is likely to maintain its position as the dominant player in the global rice export market.

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rabbit hole

[taekook]İnsanoğlunun hayvanlara yaptığı zulümleri gören tanrı onlara büyük bir ceza verir ve hepsini birer yarı hayvana çevirir. Besin zincirinin en altındakiler en zalimleri, en üstündekiler en merhametlileridir. Aşağılık soyu yüzünden tavşan-insan olarak dünyaya gelen Jeongguk ise bir kaplanın pençeleri üstünde tutulacağından habersizdir.

504 2 58

oh boy! MORE HELL-

1K 200 309

•PSYCHO•Si psycho sudah menemui hidup yang lebih sesuai untuknya.Tempat yang sunyi, dihuni oleh atagonis-atagonis yang pernah meragut kebahagiaan orang lain.Walaupun kesedaran itu datang kepadanya pada pengakhiran kisahnya, dia tahu, takdirnya berakhir di penjara." Selamat tinggal kejahatan. "•SAME•Wajah yang sama tidak semestinya memerlukan kisah yang sama. Aku perlu pembaharuan supaya hidup aku teratur.Dengan perasaan yang baru, rasa sayang yang baru, dan..mungkin orang yang baru ?Ianya kisah, Psycho dan Same. Dua kisah berbeza tapi disambung meneruskan kehidupan manusia yang menjadi harian mereka Mula : 7 Ogos 2017 / 28 Julai 2018 (upgrade version)Akhir :

1.7K 70 187