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489 stories
IDOLiSH7 Universe Fanletters

A book where I post fanletters to any of the characters/idol groups/anyone in general from the IDOLiSH7 universe from you guys! Characters include:-Izumi Iori-Nikaido Yamato-Izumi Mitsuki-Yotsuba Tamaki-Osaka Sogo-Rokuya Nagi-Nanase Riku-Yaotome Gaku-Kujo Tenn-Tsunashi Ryunosuke-Momo (Sunohara Momose)-Yuki (Orikasa Yukito)-Natsume Minami-Isumi Haruka-Inumaru Toma-Mido Torao-Takanashi Tsumugi-Ogami Banri-Anesagi Kaoru-Okazaki Rinto-Tsukumo Ryo-Takanashi Otoharu-Yaotome Sousuke-Okazaki Rintaro-Kujo Tamakasa-Sakura Haruki-Yotsuba/Kujo Aya-Kinako-Ousama Pudding-Hoshimeguri/Celestial Pilgrimage Alternative Characters-Mechanical Lullaby Alternative Characters-IDOLiSH7-TRIGGER-Re:Vale (Momo and Yuki, Current Re:Vale)-Re:Vale (Banri and Yuki, Previous Re:Vale)-ŹOOĻ-MEZZO"-Pythagoras Trio-Fly Away Duo-LOVE&GAME Trio-Danshi Tarumomo ~MATSURI~ Quartet-Fure Fure! Seishun Sanka TrioAnd anyone else I forgot or didn't put! Have fun~☆!(P.S. I'll also try my hand at replies, but idols are busy, y'know, so who knows when you might get one~!)

510 4 16
You & Me, Me & You

Previously called My Love for Your's****❗️❗️❗️Hey guys :) incase your wondering I'm still thinking about writing this book I have a lot of other stuff going on right now and im just not feeling any motivation to continue this story, I will update you if I decide to discontinue this book.❗️❗️❗️****Maji's mind is sick. Her life is a big mess after her journal is accidentally found and she becomes famous for something she never really thought of. Maybe after meeting the famous Jacob Edford things will fall into place. Or get a hell of a lot crazier.WARNING : Really, really slow updates. Some mature language.

155 7 6
di mo lang alam...

ito yung kwentong tungkol sa babaeng 13 years old first yera high school name nya era nicole mendoza ... sya yung tipo ng babaeng boyish ayaw na ayaw nyang nag dadamit ng pang babae gusto nya lang puro pantalon...boyish nga kasi ehh dba?...hhaha.. meron syang kaibigang lalaki best friend nya matagal na simula nung grade 3 pa sila mag classmate na sila...may crush na grade10 si era pangalan daniel kaya nya yun natipohan kasi may pag ka sungyeoul sya lol player june 1 2000, yung bday type pinaka malupet poker face. isang araw nagulat na lang sya na friends na sila yun pala pinaka elaman ng best friend nya yung cp nya si jake! at nag msg pa! boom! lumipas ang mga araw naging close sila daniel and era !!!! era has no time with jake kaya ayun nag selos ang best friend yun pala may iba nang ibig sabihin yun tuluyan nang na fall tong si jake kay era but the problem ito rin palang si daniel na huhulog nanrin kay era!!! haba ng hair mag rejoice ka b girl!!! haha!! ano kaya mang yayari??? be the best man win na nga ba ang mangyayari!??? cguro....

251 2 7
Homestuck Head-cannons,  Au's, OC's and More

Even though Homestuck has ended not everything has been explained. Characters still need development, questions need to be answered, laughs need to be had! And what about those AU's we never got to have? Or Oc's we couldn't share? Ships that never sailed? Well I'm going to bring those things up.Kankri: D9n't trigger any9ne.Me: I'll try.Kankri: Just d9n't.Me: Shhooooooooooosh *pap pap*I'm going to share my Oc's (that you're more than welcome to use ((as long as you say they are mine :p)), Share my ships, Give you some head cannon's, and AU's to think about and laugh at (and maybe cry about), and so much more! Hope you enjoy!!!Kankri: Wanring!! There may 6e triggering c9ntent!!

76 12 2
Dragon Eyes

In het land Dyangwe waken de rijders over de andere mensen en dieren onder de leiding van de 12 ruiters, familie van de eerste rijders. Elke half jaar worden nieuwe rijders gekozen door middel van een test. In elke grote stad komen op het marktplein 5 drakeneieren te liggen. Elk kind tussen de 13 en 16 moet in een rij gaan staan en een ei aanraken. Uit het ei dat gaat gloeien onder jouw aanraking komt een week later een draak uit. Jouw draak. Kinderen van rijders krijgen voorrang. Zij mogen eerder dan de kinderen van de gewone mensen de eieren aanraken. Het kan namelijk voorkomen dat een ei twee rijders heeft. Je moet dus geluk hebben. Als je niet gekozen bent door een draak. Word je als je een rijders kind bent een strijder en als je een burgerkind bent wordt er geloot tussen strijder, boer of burger. Maïsa is een kind van rijders. Haar hele familie bestaat uit rijders. Haar vader is zelfs de grote Tuyre. Hij heeft met zijn draak Jozaï veel gevechten gevochten en gewonnen. Maïsa's moeder Seri is de middelste dochter van een van de Ruiters en heeft zelf ook een hoge rang in het bestuur van de rijders. De broers van Maïsa Isibo en Rind genaamd, zijn ook erg beroemd onder het volk. Door hun ouders en de daden die ze zelf hebben gedaan. Nu moet ze haar laatste test doen. Wordt ze een van de drakenrijders of wordt ze een van de vele strijders?

23 1 3
{ S L E E P  P A R A L Y S I S }

==•[ Lev is in college and near to entering uni, specializing and studying forensics and photography. She's always been the background character, getting on with her work and not saying anything really noteworthy, the only difference is her (loud) best friend, Kennedy Prescott! They've been friends since they started college when they shared dorms. Before, Lev lived with her mother, Axane, and alcoholic father till she and her mother managed to move out, now Lev visits her now and then. The only problem is... She has insomnia. But 𝘭𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘺 for her, she's caught a certain sleep paralysis demon attention! ]•==(A/N: cover is made by me)

7 1 0
Stupid Chronicle Facts


98 180 0
Oath Knights

In the land of Tamerin there is a place where children of the destitute can be sold before their first birthday. These children are only given a number untill they earn ot given a name by the head of the training facility. These childrean are trained for one ppurpouse alone to be elite body gaurds for the royal family called Oath Knights. Only sixteen chiuldren will be left to take the oath in this gladiator style training. Once sworn the oath only two outcomes are possile be released by death or by royal. The seconsd one is near impossible.....Having only the name Runt as far as she can remember all she knew was to survive. There was not much els for Runt the wolf whisperer to do in this harsh and cruel world of dragons, monsters and children killing eachother. Being among the sixteen surviving and now an Oath knight and leader of the group she must do what it takes to keep her fellow survivors alive. She was sure her and her wolves Silver and Knightfall had it all figured out until her eyes meet the green eyes of the princess she must swear her oath to.Danri knew nothing but the walls of the high gaurd castle . Everythng drab and boring until her father tells her she is old enough to have her own Oath Knights. When she meets the wild hazel eyes of the leader of her knew Oath Knights she knows her world is going to change. Wether for good or bad it will soon be seen

2 1 0
The Optimum 4

Before Despair and Tragedy Arc began and the school was built, the Killing Games has been hosted by several leaders at multiple locations around the world. Some games had all survivors, while others have few or no one at all. Plus, there were ranks higher than Ultimate such as, Paramount, Superlative, Unrivalled, Topmost and finally Optimum.Fenrir, the Optimum Archangel, was a former participant of 30 Killing Games and still survived even to this day. But, after witnessing or hearing from a survivor about the casualties increasing at the school, he had decided that it's taking it too far and decided to stop the Killing Game once and for all. He convinced all of the current surviving students to return to the school to confront the true mastermind. He also revived few students and forced Monokuma to host the killing game. But, it eventually didn't go so well as they were assaulted by an unknown person, or possibly a group. Would he and the others survive the Killing Game and revive the other deceased students? Or will despair corrupt them?Meanwhile, Baphomet, the Optimum Warlock, found Komaru for the first time and got along with each other. Would their friendship bond forever into love? (Sorry, this was supposed to be a normal secretive love story but it turned into the same boring murder-mystery event.)If you don't know who Fenrir or this Baphomet guy is, I will put a link about the characters info. (Currently in progress making it)

2 1 0

JİMİN: J-jeong-guk.. b-ben, günahkar bir melek... a-asla olamam! lütfen yapma bunu!JEONGGUK: minik melek, kapa o çeneni. Şimdi benim ol, hadi, tut elimi!JİMİN: b-bir iblis ile olamam! t-tanrı yasakladı! asla olamam! ben g-g-günahkar bir melek olamam!!!!JEONGGUK: bizim mutluluğumuz, senin günahkar olmandan daha önemli! hadi enim meleğim! tut elimi!* jimin yavaşça ikna olmuşçasına elini Jeongguk'a uzattı, ancak; sonu gelmişti.. bu mutluluk burada sona ermişti. İblis onu kurtaracakmıydı? evet. Hızla kanatlarını açarak düştüğü yerden kurtarmak için hareketlendi. Meleğini o ateşten kurtarmalı idi. Koca kanatları ile jimin'i sardı ve hızla yukarı uçtu. (...) *

51 2 4
4 Payung Sahabat (Prolog)

Sekian banyak mobil dan motor menderu ditengah-tengah kota pagi ini, kaki Ridwan tak berhenti melangkah menuju tempat ia mencari nafkah untuk dirinya, berbekal tas yang sudah usang dan kotak kue, ia berjalan menuju stasiun Manggarai, salah satu stasiun di daerah Ibu Kota Jakarta, tempat dimana orang banyak menggantungkan hidup di kota ini, dan salah satunya adalah Ridwan. Ridwan hidup sendiri, tinggal dipelataran rumah rumah kumuh bersama orang-orang yang memang sederajat dengannya, hanya beratap besi tua yang rapuh, bahkan air hujan masih bisa menembus atap rumahnya, tak ada dapur, tak ada kamar mandi, hanya sebuah kamar tidur dengan kasur yang sedikit tertata rapi meski jarang sekali dibersihkan, inilah kehidupan Ridwan sehari-hari dalam rumahnya. Keluarganya sudah tak lagi bisa menemani hidupnya, ayah, ibu, kakak, adiknya telah tiada akibat peristiwa longsor yang menimpa keluarga mereka, akhirnya memaksa Ridwan untuk tinggal mandiri sejak berusia 7 tahun.

189 1 6
Crumble and break. (Saiouma)

~Non Despair au~Salty warm tears stream down his face felt as if it was acid dripping from his eyes, burning the corners as more acid falls. Venom being spoken all around to a situation of which had never been expected felt like a hole through his chest crippling at the edges of his heart. - ⚠️IMPORTANT ⚠️-There are possibly triggering themes in this book i advise you do not continue if you're Not in a well enough place to hear about dark topics without consequence. I can't stop you but I do warn to proceed with caution. -- Thank you for reading this I hope you enjoy your time and if there's anything I should change please Let me know I'd love to enrich my writing so it becomes more interesting and/or easier to understand.I'm still putting a lot of effort into my writing to make it better so anything helps : )

8 2 2
Seize The Moment ~ Stranger Things

After the escape from Hawkins Lab with El and El's disappearance, June was adopted by Deputy Martin Smith, who they had to catch up with because he was her real father after all. Anyway, after the whole Demogorgon thing and El's disappearance, Martin is allowing her to go to school and he is teaching her to make her powers stronger. But what happens when one Halloween, she meets one of the boys who like her?

7 3 0
Sophie, Benim Küçük Fahişem

''Çünkü sen, Şeytan'ın taa kendisisin Dean ! İçinde ki karanlık bu yüzden. Öldürdüğün insanlar, mahvettiğin hayatlar ...Sen koca bir acının içindeki sonsuzluğu istiyorsun. Bu dünyaya bir iz bırakmak. Kendi adaletini sağlamak. Bu yüzden senden daha güçlü olan Tanrı'dan nefret edip, onu öldürme planları yapıyorsun. Çünkü biliyorsun ki, seni bir tek o durdurabilir. Aşk 'la yada şefkatle iyileşemeyecek kadar kötüsün ! Tüm hırçınlığın bu yüzden ?! Yanılmıyorum değil mi ? ''Geçmişinin lekesinden kaçan masum bir kız ...Geçmişinin lekesine sıkı sıkı tutunan karmaşık bir adam ...'Çünkü sen, benim kefaretimsin Sophie. Bunu, evime geldiğin, namlunun öbür ucundan bana baktığın ilk an anladım. Canını yaktığım, kurtarmak yerine öldürmeyi seçtiğim herkesin bedelini bana ödeteceğini o gün biliyordum. Hem de adım gibi ve ben de şimdi cezamı çekiyorum'

220 1 2
Life of a Mafia II: Warriors rise

After Diana's passing, her children started to follow in her footsteps but one day there was an attack on the town and throughout her children's letters you'll see what they'll do...let's see if they make it

18 14 0
Melek mi Şeytan mı ?

Tüylerinizi diken diken edecek kadar sert, kalbinizi yumuşatacak kadar masum, finali ile hayrete düşürecek kadar şaşırtıcı bir roman.İmkansız bir aşkta filizlenen mutlu bir aile tablosu ve bu mutlu tabloyu paramparça eden elim bir kaza...Tüm zorluklara göğüs gererek, herkesi ve her şeyi geride bırakarak evlenen Mehmet ve Nur ile onların iki çocuğunun hikayesi..Nurcan ve Mehmet Can isimli birbirinden habersiz bambaşka şehirlerde, kimsesizler yurdunda büyüyen iki kardeş...Nurcan, sevgi ve şefkat dolu bir yurtta tiyatro sevdası ile büyür. Tiyatro ve hayatının aşkı arasında seçim yapmak zorunda kalır.Mehmet Can ise doğumuyla ölümü getiren bir bebektir. Kendi adını bile bilmeyen, herkesin yeni bir isim koyduğu çocuktur. İşkence ve tecavüz dolu bir yurtta büyür. Gördüğü sanrılardan dolayı cinayetler işlemeye başlar. En sonunda bize bu çocuk melek mi, şeytan mı sorusunu sordurur.

4 1 0

Türklerin ataları Çin milletinin (si-hayi) dediği Batı Denizi sahillerin’de yaşarlardı.Komşu hükümdarlar’dan biri bunların yurtlarını basarak, çocuk,kadın ve önlerine çıkanları kılıçtan geçirip öldürdüler. Bu milletten ancak hayatta 10 yaşında bir erkek çocuk kalabildi.Bu çocuk’ta elleri ayakları kesilip bir bataklığa bırakıldı. Çocuk,bataklıkta açlıktan ölmek üzereyken, bir dişi kurt gelip,ona bir et verdi.Kurt, her gün gelerek çocuğu etle besledi.Çocuğun yaraları iyleşti gücü kuvveti yerine geldi.Çocuğun yaşı ilerleyip büyüyünce kurt bundan gebe kaldı.Atalarını katleden hükümdar,çoğun sağ kaldığını haber aldı.Çocuğu öldürmek üzere arattı, buldular Hükümdar, çocuğun bulunduğu yere birisini gönderdi bu adam, bataklığa geldiği zaman, çocuğun yanında bir kurt gördü ve şaşırdı adam, ikisini de öldürmek istedi fakat bir Tanrı, onları korudu Kurt, çocuğu sırtlayarak Batı Denizi’nin doğu tarafına geçirdi (Kao-cang) yakınlarındaki dağlardan birinde bulunan mağaraya götürdü mağaranın arkasında bereketli bir ova vardı ovanın her tarafı, yalçın kayalarla çevrilmişti Kurt, burada sakat delikanlıdan 10 çocuk doğurdu bunlardan biri, aile adı olan (Asena)’ yı aldı bu çocuklar, büyüdükleri zaman mağaradan çıkarak civardaki oymaklardan birer kız kaçırdılar bunları mağaralarına götürdüler ve bu kızlarla evlendiler.Birkaç nesil geçince, bunlar çoğaldı İçlerinden (A-Hien-Se) adlı birisi başlarına geçerek mağarada çıkardı (Kin-San) dağlarına giderek yerleştiler, (Cu-Cen) tatarlarına bağlandılar Bu dağların tepelerinden biri takya seklinde olduğundan kendilerine bu anlamda (Tu-Kyu) adını verdiler Asıllarına delâlet etmek üzere de bayraklarına bir kurt başı yaptılar.

32 1 2

City lights spinning in my headHere comes the night and go to bedI'm sitting here in that night cafeMy love won't go awayNeverending dreams of youLonely hours passing throughStill missing youWhere will you go, tonight?Just like an angel, you areHotline to heaven, you're my starJust like an angel, in the nightIce in the fire, melt in the lightJust like an angelWaiting for youLet me down easyLike angels doYou're my angelOh call on meGive me high, high energyI cross the streets to a telephoneShadows dancing - still on my ownI'm sitting here in that night cafeMy love won't go awayCafe is empty, the night goes byA million stars shine in the skyStill missing you, where will you go tonight ?

250 8 0
DawnClan's Rise - Book 1, The Shadowing Danger

The three clans - BlossomClan, RainClan, and ShadeClan - are on the brink of a change. The previous ShadeClan leader, Moon'Star, had died due to greencough. The deputy, Shadow'frost hadn't even finished deciding the deputy when... He was k!lled, his body found in the leader's den. The clan was terrified and later on chose their leader... Eagle'Strike. A fatal mistake. Eagle'Star then attacked BlossomClan camp just a moon in his leadership. BlossomClan was ambushed. Some of them decided to join ShadeClan, while the others ran. Eagle'Star attacked RainClan soon after, in leaf-bare. RainClan was defeated. Some joined ShadeClan, some ran away. Will Eagle'Star get defeated? Of will he rise? Will the clans rise? Or will they fall? Follow the journey of Dawn'kit to find out...Cover made by me on canvas. The cat is WIllow'Light drawn by me on sketches on iPad.

3 1 1
Devekuşu Stratejisi | ❝IronFrost❞

Loki'nin Odin'den kaçma planın bir kısmı ya da neredeyse tamamı görünüşe göre Tony Stark'ın malikanesinde olan, giderek gülünç bir dizi saklanma yerinden oluşmaktadır.Tony, oturma odasını mahveden İskandinav tanrısından pek memnun değildir, ama kötü bir durumda en iyisini yapmakta her zaman iyidir.. Thor sadece kardeşinin bir yerde beş dakika kalmasını istiyor ve Steve'in tek istediği, Tony'nin dünyayı kurtarmaya yardım edecek kadar uzun süre flört etmeyi bırakması. Sonunda, hepsi peşinde oldukları şeyleri elde ederler - sadece bekledikleri şekilde değildir.Hakları Ao3 sitesinden @NamelesslyNightlock adlı yazara aittir.

406 3 35
Accidentally Inlove Brother Of My Crush

Main CharactersLopez FamilyMr.LopezMs.LopezShane Marie LopezMichael James lopezJohn Dave lopezFuentes familyMr.FuentesMs.FuentesJustine Lloyd FuentesDave Calvin FuentesDanrich FuentesFriends Of Shane Marie Sassy layKrystal Krizzia jadeForsha Gangster prince Mem.Lucas cruzMark JayveeReyond lucky____Luis ford bautistaHaelly joy____

314 19 5
Langkah Sang Antagonis

Kata antagonis tentu sudah sering kita dengar. Tokoh yang selalu menghalangi protagonis dalam mencapai tujuannya. Sebutan lainnya adalah Villain. Laras adalah seorang mahasiswa akuntansi yang begitu mencintai novel karya sahabatnya. Novel yang hampir semua bergenre Fantasi itu mampu membuat imajinasi Laras semakin lancar. Yara si penulis terkenal yang juga sahabat Laras senang-senang saja saat mengetahui novelnya begitu banyak disukai, terutama oleh sahabatnya sendiri.Hingga suatu pagi, terjadi sesuatu yang tak terduga. Kedua sahabat yang tadinya sedang berkemah itu ditemukan tak sadarkan diri di tenda mereka. Detak jantung yang memang lemah sempat membuat petugas mengira mereka telah meninggal dunia. Tapi tak ada yang tahu jika ternyata kedua masuk ke dalam salah satu novel ciptaan Yara. Apa yang harus mereka lakukan ketika mengetahui keberadaan mereka telah mengubah alur utama cerita? Dan bagaimana jadinya jika takdir mereka terpaut satu sama lain? Jika hanya satu diantara keduanya yang bisa pulang, siapakah yang akan tinggal dan merelakan dirinya hidup dalam novel?

23 1 1
Marriage Contract || J.JK

Poor widowed 25-year-old Pyon Saerom, who's desperate to support her 7-year-old daughter Chanri, meets 28-year-old wealthy business CEO Jeon Jeongguk, whose mother is sick, and they somehow end up in a contract marriage together.Based on the K-drama "Marriage Contract".⚠️𝗦𝗟𝗢𝗪 𝗨𝗣𝗗𝗔𝗧𝗘𝗦 𝗯𝗲𝗰𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀!⚠️•••••••••story and idea by: 𝗻𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗵𝗲𝗲𝗵𝗲𝗲cover by: 𝗻𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗵𝗲𝗲𝗵𝗲𝗲10. October 2019Germany©neleheehee, 2019The work including all contents is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Reproduction (in whole or in part) in any form (print, photocopy or other process) as well as the storage, processing, duplication or distribution by electronic devices of any kind (in whole or in part) is prohibited without the express written permission of the author. All translation rights reserved.

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