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131 stories
In Memoriam - An Unus Annus Fanfiction

365 days. Unus and Annus have one year left until their death. Trapped in strange machine, relentlessly hunted by Blank and Dark, a fight against the clock begins. Will they be able to find their way out, or will their story be lost in the sands of time?

6.8K 175 616
My  big love

,, Nu credeam ca dupa moartea parintilor mei , voi continua sa iubesc , nu credeam dar uite m-am indragostit pana peste cap de el , toti imi spun sa stau departe de el , dar nu pot il iubesc daca nu il cunosteam cred ca .... ,, - Alison Frumusetea este definita ca un aspect care aduce bucurie persoanei pe care o detine . Viitorul apartine celor ce cred in frumusetea viselor lor. ,, E o fata simpla, timida , scunda ,slaba , dintr-un sat mic , cum a fost ea aleasa ,cum ? iar eu un baiat rau , crud , cum mi-a furat inima ? Nu inteleg. O iubesc si as da orice pentru ca ea sa fie a mea , nu o noapte ci toata viata , vreau sa invat ce inseamna iubirea pentru....,, - Harry Iubirea este floarea vietii si infloreste neasteptat si fara nicio lege si trebuie adunata acolo unde este gasita , bucurandu-te de ora scurta a duratei sale .,, Cum a fost el alesul , il urasc , eu aveam sentimente pentru ea din clasa 4 -a si dintr-o data a venit unul ca el si a stricat tot , o iubesc mult, si suntem prieteni de la gradinita , dar ...,, - Laur Timpul este singurul lucru care se pierde intr-adevar .,, Nu-i inteleg pe niciunul dintre ei , Alison e timida cum l-a ales pe el ? Laur e prietenul meu iar Harry l-am cunoscut pe parcurs e un dobitoc , o iubesc pe Alison , incat .... ,, -Adelin Timiditatea este o greseala pe care nu trebuie sa o ascunzi , daca vrei s-o vindeci.,, Ce se intampla cu ei ? Uita ca noi am fost prieteni de la gradinita ? Alison e prietena mea si singura prietena la fel si Laur , Adelin , de ce se comporta toti asa ?off , Harry e un baiat de treaba dar trebuie sa o lase in pace pe Alison , o face sa sufere ,o sa aiba de-a face cu mine pentru ca.... - Erica Prietenia este firul de aur care leaga inima intregii lumi . Nu stiu daca o voi continua eu sper sa va placa ....

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Reserach Analysis

Industry analysis is a crucial step in the current competitive market space that helps identify the right target customers and provide tailored solutions according to their business needs.

109 46 0
Architect dream

**The Skyscraper's Secret**The city of Lumina was an architect's playground. Towering structures, each outdoing the other, carved Lumina's iconic skyline. Amidst them all, one skyscraper, 'Helianth Tower', was an enigma. Its construction was a story whispered in hushed tones.Marcus, a budding architect, was always intrigued by Helianth's unconventional design. From afar, it seemed like an ordinary skyscraper, but on closer inspection, every floor appeared to rotate slightly, making it seem like the building spiraled towards the sky.It was the work of the legendary architect, Victor Helianth. He was known for pushing boundaries, but with this tower, he had outdone himself. Marcus yearned to know the secret behind its construction.Determined, Marcus approached Victor's old office. Digging through archives, he found Helianth's personal journal. As Marcus flipped through the pages, he stumbled upon the design plans for the tower. To his surprise, the tower wasn't just an architectural feat; it was an environmental solution.Helianth had designed each floor to rotate at an angle to capture sunlight optimally, transforming the entire building into a solar energy harvester. But there was more; the space between the rotating floors collected rainwater and purified it for the building's use. The skyscraper wasn't just beautiful; it was self-sustaining.Marcus realized that the tower's secret wasn't just its rotating floors but the vision behind it. Victor Helianth had envisioned a future where buildings weren't just shelters but also guardians of the environment.Inspired, Marcus decided to continue Victor's legacy, designing structures that were both architectural marvels and stewards of nature. The Helianth Tower, with its spiraling floors, wasn't just a mystery unraveled; it was a beacon for the future of sustainable architecture in Lumina.

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Dive into the mesmerizing cosmic odyssey of "The Celestial Tapestry: Harmonies Across Realms." Follow the enchanting journey of Elara, a timeless guide, and a cosmic village that evolves from a humble abode into an intergalactic sanctuary. As the Heartstone, a beacon of harmonious energies, connects with cosmic nexuses across realms, a Cosmic Alliance forms, transcending cosmic distances to weave together beings of diverse energies.

6 52 0

Looking for a reliable supplier of 1P-LSD 100MCG BLOTTERS? Look no further than Drug Med Store. We are a leading supplier of research chemicals, offering high-quality products at competitive prices. Buy 1P-LSD 100MCG BLOTTERS.All of our products are backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so you can be sure you're getting the best possible product.LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) abbreviated LSD or LSD-25, also known as lysergide and colloquially as acid, is a semisynthetic psychedelic drug of the lysergamide family. It is composed of a substituted amide derived from lysergic acid and diethylamide. LSD is sensitive to oxygen, ultraviolet light, and chlorine, especially in solution. Consequently, store it in a dark place or protect it from light by wrapping it in aluminum foil.Looking for a trusted research chemicals supplier? Look no further than Drug Med Store. We offer high-quality 1P-LSD 100MCG BLOTTERS at the best prices. 1P-LSD is a powerful research chemical that has similar effects to LSD. It's used by scientists to study the human mind and to investigate the therapeutic potential of psychedelics. Buy 1P-LSD 100MCG BLOTTERS.If you're looking for a reliable research chemicals supplier, Drug Med Store is the perfect choice. We offer high-quality chemicals at the best prices, and our team is always available to answer any questions you may have. Order your 1P-LSD 100MCG BLOTTERS today.If you're looking for a trusted source for 1P-LSD 100MCG BLOTTERS, look no further than Drug Med Store. Place your order today!

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Health Care And Pharmaceuticals: A Panorama India Consultancy Group Perspective

In the dynamic realm of health care and pharmaceuticals, innovation reigns supreme. The intricate interplay of biopharmaceuticals, pharmacogenomics, and telemedicine offers a fascinating panorama of possibilities. From monoclonal antibodies to CRISPR-based gene therapies, this sector thrives on cutting-edge science.Panorama India Consultancy Group, a key player in this arena, fosters synergy between research and clinical applications. Their role is pivotal in navigating the labyrinth of regulatory frameworks, ensuring compliance with pharmacovigilance protocols. Amidst the pharmacopoeial standards, precision medicine emerges as a game-changer.At the heart of this mosaic lies the convergence of health tech and biopharma, redefining the future of patient-centric care. In a world where data-driven decision-making prevails, Panorama India Consultancy Group stands as a beacon, illuminating the path towards better health and pharmaceutical solutions.

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Tras un fatídico suceso, Chalk, un niño albino africano, despierta movido por la suave corriente de un río donde se topa con la embarcación de un misterioso hombre de notable corpulencia que lo saca del agua. Sin mediar palabra, y sumidos en la más penetrante oscuridad, ambos atracan en el embarcadero de una pequeña casa débilmente iluminada. Chalk sigue al desconocido al laberíntico interior de la casita donde columnas de libros altas como torres forman estrechos pasillos. Allí, se encuentra con un rollizo enano y una muchacha en silla de ruedas con aspecto de muñeca a la que el hombre de la barca llama Nora. Ésta, al percatarse de la presencia del chico, se dirige a él diciéndole: "Estás muerto, ¿entiendes? Todos los de aquí abajo lo estamos". Todos nos habremos preguntado alguna vez si existe un mundo alternativo al nuestro después de morir. ¿Un cielo y un infierno como nos han inculcado a la mayoría de nosotros? Eso, por el momento, continúa siendo un enigma. Sin embargo, hay un lugar donde las personas que han fallecido de forma violenta van a parar, el Jardín Subterráneo. Esa violencia condiciona la existencia de todo ser que habita en este extraño emplazamiento, muy vinculado con la realidad de los vivos. Los Rampantes, como suelen llamarse, se caracterizan por acumular un odio desmedido hacia los humanos por los tormentos a los que estuvieron sometidos y aguardan el momento idóneo para llevar a cabo su venganza. Solamente Nora podrá hacer frente a un ejército de millones de Rampantes pero, ¿sabrá sobreponerse a sus propios odios y enfrentarse a los habitantes del Jardín Subterráneo con los que ha convivido durante tantos años?

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Embers of Affection: Blaze and Kittie's High School Romance

In the bustling halls of Lincoln High, amidst the flurry of students and the hum of academic life, a tender love story quietly unfolds between two sophomores: Blaze and Kittie. Their paths first cross in the unassuming setting of their English class, where Blaze finds himself inexplicably drawn to Kittie's presence. From the very first glance, there's an undeniable tension between them, palpable in the stolen glances exchanged across the classroom. Though they've never exchanged a single word, the electricity in the air speaks volumes, weaving a silent connection between them. Blaze, with his tousled hair and introspective gaze, finds himself captivated by Kittie's quiet charm and radiant smile. And Kittie, with her thoughtful eyes and gentle demeanor, feels her heart flutter each time she catches Blaze's gaze lingering upon her. As the days pass, their silent admiration blossoms into something deeper, a budding romance that dances on the edges of their consciousness. Yet, the fear of breaking the fragile spell keeps them from speaking their hearts aloud. But amidst the swirl of high school dramas and everyday challenges, Blaze and Kittie find solace in the silent understanding they share. And as they navigate the ups and downs of adolescence together, they learn that sometimes, love speaks loudest in the quiet moments shared between two souls destined to find each other.

6 3 0
Introduction to Water Curtain Spray Booth and Water Wash Paint Booth water curtain spray booth uses a flowing curtain-like water layer to collect and take away paint mist. The curtain-like water layer is generally set directly in front of the air stream containing paint mist. In the painting room with horizontal air supply, the water curtain hangs like a curtain on the wall directly in front of the operator. The water curtain in the large up and down air suction painting room is arranged at the bottom of the room, and placed on the slope. When the air flow is rushing to the water curtain, the paint particles impact the water drop and are left behind. The curtain is maintained by the special circulating water pump, and the water volume is adjusted by the regulating valve to control the integrity of the water curtain shape. The wall of the water curtain spray booth is not easy to be polluted, the effect of treating paint mist is better, and the structure is simple. However, as the paint mist is collected by water, the exhaust gas containing paint mist is transformed into wastewater containing paint mist. As a result, secondary pollution is formed, so wastewater must be re-treated. In addition, due to the use of large area water curtain, the evaporation area of water is large, and the indoor air humidity is large, which may affect the decorative quality of the spray coating line.

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Things that Linger in the Dark

It was midnight, the moon at its highest peak. The leaves were colored red, brown, and yellow due to it being my favorite season. Fall. It was a chilly night, as far as I can remember. I had just left my bartending job downtown. Mom always told me to keep pepper spray on me at all times, being paranoid as she was. Of course, the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree. I clutched my right hand that had the pepper spray in it harder, turning my head side to side while walking down the darkened street. Cue creepy screechy sounds. I stopped dead in my tracks, eyes alert. There was nothing but a shallow street light at the corner of the block in front of me. My breathing quickened as I turned away from the noise, back from where I just came. Out of nowhere, a shadow appeared in my eyesight. Tall, hooded, terrifying. He took one step forward and that's all I needed to get the hell out of there. I turned and ran faster than I ever ran, quicker than when I was in school P.E. doing that stupid required pacer test. Soon, my throat burned from inhaling so hard. I took a quick peek behind me and saw absolutely nothing. No horrifying man who no doubt was going to sell my body and take my money (he would've been disappointed, I have about $20 in cash). Although the man was no where to be found, I didn't stop running. There was still so much I wanted to experience in life! I wanted to fall deeply in love, get hurt! I needed to experience every emotion so NOTHING was going to happen to me, I won't let it! "Hi."

1 1 0
When I Don't - Dawn of the Star Phoenixes

"We are here; We are together:In this now,We are forever."It has been 14 revolutions of Luna Clé Diamants, the Moon of Diamonds, since the War of Faeatalon on Splendeur Clé Blanche, a planet whose name alludes to its coveted meadows and the one precious flower they team with most: Moonstone Gardenias. It was a war of anguish, a war whose memory should be flung across the galaxies into dark matter and lost forever, a war that tore a name for itself into bodies as scars and graves. Now, many creatures' spawn still find breath and home on Splendeur Clé Blanche, eking out acclaimed reputations for themselves amidst its dreamy landscapes, but not together. For, since the War of Faeatalon, the devastating civil war they started, the fae and the elves among them refuse to see eye to eye, perpetually churning the other races into a pandemonium of side choosing and bloodletting. Their teardrop celestial birthplace, naturally half illuminated, half shrouded, seems doomed to entirely collapse into devilry and death, unless...From among the most shunned of the mystical races, the mixed breed of fae elves, comes an answer - loud, clear, and fiery, borne from east to west on majestically feathered wings. The blood of the celestial fae, long thought extinct, has resurged in the lithe bodies and bewildering skills of two unassuming princes, fae elves, like father, like son, and their work is cut out for them: immense and looming. They must discover themselves, unearth their hidden powers, awaken the royalty within, and learn the secret of the Moonstone Gardenias before it is too late, for time, like waterfalls, is flowing away from them. Let the star phoenixes arise!

60 3 0
Um Copo de Fama

Tiago é modelo profissional e personal trainner da uma famosa academia do bairro onde mora, suburbio do Rio de Janeiro amigo e ex-namorado da aspirante a modelo, a ambiciosa Sophia Britto, uma jovem linda, ruiva e fatal, cuida sozinha do pai argenor, vitima de cancer na prostata. Sophia é amiga de Helena, uma jornalista conceituada, dona do seu proprio nariz, mora na zona sul do RJ, area nobre da cidade, bem resolvida, helena é uma jornalista conceituada e gay assumida, um pouco fora de forma, helena vive infeliz, ainda não superou bem o fim do namoro com a estudante Giovanna britto prima de sua amiga sophia. Giovanna namorava com Helena quando decidiu ir morar em genebra, apos 9 meses de estadia na europa giovanna decide voltar ao brasil e recomeçar sua vida, so que o destino da estudante muda completamente durante o voo de volta ao brasil, a moça conhece a aTOP model internacional Pietra velazquez e faz uma intensa e explosiva amizade com a modelo, que esta vindo para sua terra natal, apos um escandalo envolvendo casamento e drogas. a trama se começa quando Misteriosamente a então desempregada Sophia é escolhida para estrelar uma importante campanha internacional de moda praia, a moça não medira esforços para se manter no holofote da moda e arriscara passar por cima da importante modelo Pietra Velazquez que tenta estabilizar a vida de modelo com um novo romance devastador...Até onde vai o carater de Sophia para conseguir ser uma TopModel internacional?Tiago vai conseguir lidar com os 2 empregos ? ou terá que escolher entre ser modelo ou personal?Como Helena vai lidar com a volta de sua ex-namorada Giovnna?e Pietra como vai lidar agora que tem uma nova modelo em potencial para conquistar o que sempre foi seu, o topo da moda?essa é a trama que envolve o primeiro volume do meu livro Um Copo De Fama... espero que gostem...

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Instructions to Get the Perfect School Backpack

There are various assortments and makes of rucksacks accessible that are accessible at this moment, and infrequently, the arrangement makes it considerably more convoluted for us all clients. Assuming you know your children or little girls well, you can get them school packs that fit them perfectly. What's more, you want not to stress. There are various pointers you might consider. Essentially continue to peruse this message, and you will come out a more astute mother or father. Do you see that a larger part of children will constantly be in a hurry, and undoubtedly, they discard every one of their distributions and stuff inside their sacks, sling it around their touchy backs, then, at that point, continue out the entryway? Choosing the mistaken children's knapsacks might make your children have extensive back and neck injuries and stance hardships. May likewise utilize Children's school sacks some of the time during school occasions. Going on road trips, short-term visits, or perhaps get-aways to the beach, the vast majority of these small-scale knapsacks can be utilized to drag books, caps, iPods, or even toys. May likewise use these kids' sacks on cold evenings as both calfskins and material minis come water-sealed. On occasion as to plan, weighty material can be used that may not offer the solace essential for that large number of fragile backs. School packs that accompany huge cushioned shoulder lashes, a cushioned posterior that supplies lumbar help, and a midsection belt that moves the load to the waist region give the best solace. The Kids School Backpacks For Sale Online are fabricated with top-quality materials both inside and outside. The zippers are extreme, and the drawstrings thick and strong. They have hard-wearing ties alongside full pockets both inside and from a distance. So exactly why not join crazy style and execution? Small children will worship these smaller than normal school packs without a doubt!

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A Dance of Hearts: Whispers of a Forbidden Love

"A Dance of Hearts: Whispers of a Forbidden Love" takes readers on a captivating journey through the intricate tapestry of human emotions, where love transcends societal boundaries and whispers of desire ignite forbidden passions. Set against the backdrop of a world that clings to convention, this enchanting tale explores the profound connection between two individuals who defy the norms to follow their hearts.In the glittering ballrooms, where elegance and refinement reign, our protagonists, their souls intertwined, discover a love that defies expectations. Their story unfolds with every graceful movement, as their bodies become entangled in a dance that mirrors their longing and the pulsating rhythm of their hearts. With each step, they tiptoe around a forbidden territory, their love blossoming amidst whispers and stolen glances.As the plot unfolds, readers are immersed in the clandestine world of these courageous lovers, navigating the complexities of their relationship. Secrets are guarded, risks are taken, and emotions run deep, as they navigate the challenges that arise when love confronts the barriers of society. Through their struggles and sacrifices, they paint a poignant portrait of the power and resilience of love.This narrative invites readers to reflect on the nuances of desire, the pursuit of happiness, and the courage to challenge societal expectations. It delves into themes of identity, acceptance, and the transformative power of love. With vivid prose and evocative descriptions, the story captures the reader's imagination, transporting them to a world where hearts collide, and forbidden desires ignite.

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Really Really Really bad jokes...

Really bad jokes

30.6K 182 1.3K