Search: celanadenimyangcelanadenimwarnabiru
11 stories

Phallic. Sexy. Yellow. PEEL IT WITH A SPOON

117 15 0
My Art!

anything i feel like sharing that i drew

1.3K 23 55
Art Stuff

just my art

2.9K 75 358
What A Veela Wants, A Veela Gets

When Hermione Granger walks into her Potions lesson on her 17 birthday, her life changes forever. Veela Draco. This story is by Imwaiting4myAliceandEdward on

14 3 0


1 1 0
+62 853 2002 3771 | Harga Cream Malam Oorloop Untuk Kulit Berjerawat

krim malam untuk mencerahkan Wajah, Night Cream Untuk Kulit Berminyak Dan Berjerawat, Krim Malam Yang Bagus Dan Halal, Krim Pemutih Wajah Untuk Mengatasi Masalah Kulit Wajah, Krim Pemutih Wajah Yang Aman Dan Cocok Digunakan. Hubungi WA 0853 2002 3771.Masalah kulit sering terjadi akibat papasaran sinar UV matahari lebih, debu, dan polusi udara. Bahkan gaya hidup juga ikut berperan dalam menyebabkan masalah kulit seperti kebiasaan merokok, minuman alkohol, kurang tidur, jarang berolahraga. 0853 2002 3771.#krimwajah, #krimwajahglowing, #krimpemutihwajah, #krimpencerahwajah, #krimwajahterbaik, #krimwajahmurah, #krimwajahaman, #krimpemutih, #krimglowing, #krimglowingwajah, #krimwajahlaris, #krimpencerahwajah, #krimwajahbagus, #krimjerawat, #krimwajahherbal

2 1 0
You won't read this

Don't you dare

16 1 2
simon cowell x louis walsh

i mean this was eventually going to happenjust a typically bad written fanfic of simon as a judge and louis auditioning as a singerALSO cover made by KimWatson0

399 2 11
You Don't Really Know Me

Liam Parker and Myah Parker finally make there way back to there home town after many, many centuries. When arriving back to the mysterious Bridgeport, California not only do they discover their father is still alive, they also come across a new and dangerous threat to their family. Liam and Myah originally came back to Bridgeport to start fresh. As their father had never mentioned it, they come to find they have younger siblings. Are they really getting the "fresh start" they wanted? Coming back to Bridgeport could either be the best or worst decision of their lives. It's all up to them how their lives are lived now.

29 1 0
Lumity confession!

This is a pure HC, this is gonna be sweet and lovely and blah blah blah. [NOT FINISHED]

54 1 0