Search: campnanowrimo
700 stories
Lotus || April CampNaNoWriMo 2019

San Francisco is burning to the ground with the zombie apocalypse, so a family consisting of a pregnant mother, a father, a teenage daughter, a young son, and a grandmother board their boat to escape only to find that a restless spirit is already living there.----cover by @weirdpurplepanda <333

307 11 38
They Fell From the Stars #CampNaNoWriMo2019

After a mysterious apocalyptic event, humanity fled Earth and reached the stars. In an effort to repopulate the human race, a space station the size of a moon was built, and now orbits Earth as its inhabitants wait and pray to one day go home, but, after a century, the network of society that once covered the planet has crumbled into ruin. Now, exactly one hundred years after the original survivors fled Earth, the powers that be have decided to discover whether it is safe to come home. Twenty teenagers, all found to be in perfect health and completely strong, each with a particular set of skills that have been determined to be enough to rebuild and maintain a society, are being sent back, down to the Earth's surface, and, if they can survive a year and a day below, it might just be safe enough for the remnants of humanity to follow them home. Among the unwitting teens are the genius scientist, Rooke, and the fighter, Evan. After her parents broke the law by contacting someone-or something-off the space station, Rooke was taken into the program without knowing why. After making the worst mistake of his life, Evan, too, finds himself paying for his crimes when he, like Rooke, finds himself on a spaceship, hurtling towards Earth, Together, they, and eighteen others, all between the ages of twelve and eighteen, must find a way to survive on an inhospitable, alien planet that should have been their home. But, when it turns out they might not be alone, when bad things start happening, and when secrets come to light, survival might just come at too high a price to pay.#campNaNoWriMo

277 27 6
Stone Skin, Clan Cruor, #CampNaNoWriMo April

Hatched over 800 years ago, Anjael Anutari Wasi is now old enough to be a queen and declare her territory, but the journey has left scars on her soul that her impervious skin will never bear, and made her into a vigilante centuries ago. Untrusting of the other queens of her kind, and as one of the Last Hatched, Anjael still has hope their species can be saved while pretending to be one of the species she helped make extinct. She isn't a demon, she's a gargoyle, one of the ancient protectors of Humans and Nonhumans alike.

578 22 150
✏️ Under One Roof

Ness has been alone for most of his life. He cared about his mother, but when she wasn't there anymore it hurt so much that he decided he never wanted to care about someone so much again. He's retreated into himself, avoiding friendships that are bound to hurt him in the end. His dad says Ness should try getting to know his new stepsister, but Ness would rather stay alone.Tegan has been bullied by her older brothers for as long as she can remember. But when her parents split up, they all went with their mum. Tegan decided to move in with her dad where it would be safe; even if that means she can no longer afford the college she wanted to go to. When dad remarries and Tegan has to get used to a new stepfather and a new stepbrother, she's scared. But she knows that there's one way to avoid being humiliated by a new wave of pranks from her sibling: she needs to strike first and establish dominance right away.I will be writing this story in April 2024, starting at midnight on the first and trying to write a chapter every day. Wish me luck!

3.7K 48 185
Accidentally Married

What would you do if you wake up married? Or have Chicken Nugget religious followers trailing behind you? Or throwing up at someone else's head at a killer ride?"Shit." That is the understatement of the century.(c) 2015 determinants[Book #1 of The Unfortunate Weddings Series][#3 Short Story; 13/11/2015]

522.9K 8 6.3K Full
✅ My Sister's Problem

This uses a basic plot idea that's been done by a couple of different authors, in different ways. And I thought I'd like to try putting my spin on it.Sally has a dream where her family starts treating her like a baby, and afterwards she can't stop wondering how it would feel. Could it be nice to try wearing diapers again, just once in a while? She doesn't know, but she'd like to try. But how would she get diapers? She's sure that if she started wetting the bed again her parents would just be angry... but maybe her little sister might get a little more leeway.This story is not planned to be mature. It's about a girl who longs for the comfort of being a young child again, and just wants to feel safe.

247.1K 139 2.8K Full
Cured [ManxMan]

Topher was a survivor, until he wasn't. After a noble sacrifice, he's become what the scattered remains of humanity fears most: a zombie. But he may not stay that way. Humans are developing a cure, and Topher finds himself one of their unwitting test subjects. Coming back to life is not easy, and he may find things are not how he left them. ***In case you missed it in the title, this is a manxman story, so yes, there will be male humans engaging in relationships, just so that's clear.

236.9K 35 12.3K Full
Scientific Fantasies (Wattys2015)

[CAMPNANOWRIMO 2015. VERY ROUGH FIRST DRAFT. EXPECT ERRORS]When eighteen-year old scientist Natalia O’Rourke accepted a mysterious job interview as lab assistant, she wasn’t expecting the top secret facility. Nor the strangeness of her new boss, the enigmatic — not to mention surely mad — Professor Ingvar Alkaev. She definitely wasn’t expecting to find that her new job is what had long been her dream. She had given up on that when her mother had died.Two years down the track, she is a fully fledged scientist in her own right, running her own experiments and research. And this time, nothing was going to stop her, not even the experiment she was running.Known only as experiment 7a10n, he is the oldest experiment made by the professor. Used to perfect the testing procedures, he is now Dr O’Rourke’s charge. But nineteen years of being a test subject has almost broken him. What Natalia expects — a placid, obedient specimen — is not at all what she will get. He has bided his time long enough.With the arrival of the much younger experiment known as 8e11a, the race is on to escape — and do it alive.Highest Ranking: #366 in Science Fiction!

4.1K 34 288 Full
Robin's Need (ONC Entry - Batman Beyond/Young Justice Fanfic)

The death of the first Batman sets in for Terry McGinnis - the Batman of the future as he finds himself unable to return to his own time, yet also involved in the life of the first Robin, someone he never met in the future. The path forward is definitely unsure, what with entities from different times existing at the same time and not actually making the universe implode, but there are definitely secrets Bruce never told him about. Making matters worse, there appears to be a bleed over from his now non-existent timeline, forcing him to face his past, or his own beginning as Batman on top of dealing with the first Robin.Disclaimer - I don't own Batman Beyond or Young Justice. This is a sequel to my one-shot Gotham's Need, but this is also written for Open Novella 2020. The prompt I picked was number fourteen, "the only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once."

4K 21 90 Full
Passenger | Unedited Version

The summer in which Nellie Dreher tries to draw the map to Indie Rao's heart.(cover by @GlamerousDolls)

100.2K 30 3.1K Full
Linda, The Fifth Legend (NaNoWriMo 2014) (Completed)

Four Members known as the Folk Legends Guild is all it takes to stop those monstrous villains that lurk inside of fairy tales. It is their mission to defeat the bad guys and save the good ones so they can have their happy ending. Of course, doing this job is harder than it looks. Linda Kemsley soon finds that out when she joins the guild as the fifth member, and her past mistakes that keep mysteriously crawling back into her life aren't doing her any good favors either. Will Linda be able to prove herself to Folk Legends, or will her precedent slip ups ruin the last chance that she has?

502 22 79 Full
✏️ Big Brother / Little Sister [SummerCamp2024]

The Treatment started as a scientific curiosity, but now it's available to anyone who can afford it. You can have your DNA edited, change your height or eye colour, or even become more athletic without needing to work at it. But while cosmetic changes are easy, something like changing sex can't be done overnight. Daniel will need to be transformed back into a child, to go through puberty all over again. Laura was raised by her big brother, and she's more than happy to return the favour by raising her new little sister. But when something goes wrong with the process, life might become a lot more stressful.

2K 28 196

"My name is Jace Overton, and I have schizophrenia."Mr. Stevenson stood from his desk, his eyes widening and surprise slapping him in the face as if he'd just discovered vibranium. "Wow, so you're a schizophrenic?"My mom told me there were three kinds of people in the world: people that didn't care, people that cared enough, and people that cared too much. He was definitely the third type of person."No, I have schizophrenia. I am not a schizophrenic.""Is there a difference?"I stared at him blankly, "I wouldn't have corrected you if there wasn't."-----Jace is weird.Jace has a blunted affect, a knack for memorizing, and a strong attraction to a Pakistani girl named Elizabeth. He also has a distant father, an overbearing psychiatrist and two best friends that get him into situations (some of which end with his nose [and heart] being broken). He has a sister that's ten years his senior, daily medication, serious hatred for the color white and a mere four years to accomplish the following things:1) Make his parents fall in love with each other again.2) Make Elizabeth fall in love with him.3) Get people to understand that he has schizophrenia, he is not a schizophrenic. The former is attached to an identity while the latter is a label.A CampNaNoWriMo Novel

111.6K 27 8.9K Full
The Whiskey Brothers: Willard

The Whiskey Brothers: Book IWillard 'Willie' Whiskey has been in love with Evie for two years but due to the age gap between them he has kept his feelings hidden even going as far as keeping this huge secret from his five brothers.On the night of Evie's 22nd birthday, Willie makes his first move, but his one step forward leads to ten steps back when the next day Evie's father dies on the anniversary of her mothers death.Evie pushes Willie away only for Willie to push himself right back into her life. The back and forth of battling emotions ensues, and Willie learns that sometimes you have to just let go and let fate runs its course. Will Evie stop fighting herself and put her fears aside to let Willie love her unconditionally? Or will she push so far the damage can't even be fixed?

1.7K 34 7 Full
Robbie [Wattys 2016]

On Carina's first day at her new school, she learns the one important rule: Stay away from Robbie Schmidt. She has always managed to stick to that rule until one day, a class project throws them together.Cover by @fluffyoranges

477 5 39 Full
Kissing Wounds | ✓

After graduating from high school, Mathew sets out to do a two-year missionary service like everyone else his age.Mathew thought that his only problem would be him adjusting to the city as someone who's lived in a farming town all his life. he didn't expect to get so focused on helping Nathaniel recover from his past wounds. His encounters with a man five years his senior makes him question his life, faith, and everything he had ever believed to be true.-[April 2018 Camp NaNoWrimo Winner.][Long listed in the #Wattys2018.]Cover by @nolakepner

342.4K 32 19.1K Full
Lone Wolf (completed but unedited)

A man once cursed to be the only of his kind, banished to live the rest of his days alone and swallowed by his own depression. He was left to wander the forest, praying on the weak and festering in his hate of humanity. Until Audrey. Audrey has her own past that refuses to leave, she calls it a curse. In her attempt to escape, she moves to the small town of Creston, Canada and delves into small-town life hoping that nothing of her past will make it to the ears of the residents that live there. Soon, despite the warnings, she befriends a misunderstood man and tries to pull them both from their cursed existences and horror filled pasts.© Bella Farren [ two-thousand-and-fourteen ]

156K 14 7.1K Full
April Showers

Each poem written for Camp NaNoWriMo, April 2018. Goal is one poem a day for the whole month. [May not get updated every day.]Cover photo courtesy of Google images.

281 5 37 Full
✅1️⃣ Trusting the Babysitter

Taking this job was a no-brainer for Adam Exley. He's recently finished high school and has nothing better to do until he gets his exam results. Mrs Cartwright is offering an exceptionally large amount of money for one day; and there could be other, less predictable, rewards if he plays his cards right.And how hard can it be? Adam has never done babysitting before, but he thinks that dealing with a little kid can't be too hard. He doesn't believe all the horror stories he's heard from his classmates, calling sweet little Lorelei Cartwright a demon. And he doesn't want to ask just why the fee is so high. And when it comes down to it, if he really can't cope he could ask her big sister Claudia to help. That would be a perfect outcome, because once they got an excuse to talk he's sure that Claudia would realise what a great guy he is. Nothing could possibly go wrong.But his optimism might turn out to be misplaced. It won't be long before things take a strange turn, and Lorelei knows just how to stay in control. Taking revenge on a bully and seeing a whole new side to childish games. By the time Mrs Cartwright gets home, it might not be so clear who's the babysitter and who is the child.This story is being written for Camp NaNoWriMo in April 2021. This is an attempt to write a novel in a month, so it might be less polished than most of my work. It is also my version of a concept that I've seen recommended to me in a dozen different books; written because I find it hard to get through books where someone suddenly has a power and it's not explained why, and I think I can come up with a reason for it.(NOTE: This story may involve some mature content between Adam and Claudia later on. If that happens I'll have to set it to mature; so sorry in advance if that stops you reading it)

91.1K 43 646 Full
kicks ✓ || namgi ||

we're all stuck inside, so let's go on a road trip with bts!

13.5K 55 705 Full
nanowrimo promotions [july]

recommending one book a day for the entire month of july.

26.7K 31 1.3K Full
Haikus from Camp NaNoWriMo April 2014

Here are some haikus that I wrote during Camp NaNoWriMo in April 2014. My main project was a SF novella, but these popped into my head in the evenings (as one might guess from the themes they touch on, haha). I thought they deserved their own story/album.

172 10 23 Full
Roll the Dice

When it comes to the musical Guys and Dolls, Lottie Ingham would not call herself obsessed--just knowledgeable. After all, she can dedicate entire essays to the smooth gambler character of Nathan Detroit, which any average teenage girl can do, of course. Now that it's summer, she can rewatch the movie as many times as she wants. However, what she doesn't expect is to rope her longtime crush, a hot-as-hell soccer star, into her dedication to Guys and Dolls and more than a couple other mishaps.[Camp NaNoWriMo project for July 2015]{stunning cover by @anticlimactic}

90.4K 32 4.3K Full
Protecting You

When Tyler Martin's sentence for killing an officer, theft and conspiring against the government is changed from death through experimentation to transforming into an Aitu, he'll do anything to get out of it. He discovers that what he thought to be true isn't. He discovers that he can't trust the people he thought he could. His life is not what it seemed when secrets are revealed. © All Rights Reserved by Harmony'sLoveHP. No part of this story may be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author. This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to real people is merely a coincidence. This work is a work of my imagination. Any similarities to other works of art are coincidental.

722 40 63 Full
Straight Through The Heart ((ON HOLD))

|| Sequel to CUT TO THE BONE ||Alisa Rousseau always knew she was born for greater things. She just didn't know how great...Eighteen years after the War of the Rift, Alisa Rousseau lives a life too far removed from the bustle of the Parish. Not until her brother's unique and rare Clerical gifts are discovered is she finally allowed to travel with him and begin her own training as a Venandi. But her Initiation into the sacred order goes unexpectedly, horribly wrong and Alisa is running for her life to the last place she'd ever consider a safe haven-The Rift to Hell.Through trials both mental and physical, Alisa must discover the truth about her past while determining her own worth as a Venandi if she's to survive the challenges presented to her by the Princes of Hell... but at what cost? ----------Cover by Tina Glasneck©2021 M.DaltoPublished to Wattpad 04.01.2021Camp NaNoWriMo April 2021Initial draft ongoing - last updated 04.24.2021

8.8K 15 679 Full

This is my NaNoWriMo for the year 2013Titled dark due to both the time I wrote most of these and for the things I came up with.

2.2K 54 96 Full