Search: bonstarowo
29 stories
Art Trash (Artbook)

Some of my doodles and artwork{ Started: September 10, 2017 }{ Finished: ??? }

1.6K 80 240 Full
Bon's Blog

I post random crap here.{ Started: May 16, 2017 }{ Finished: December 25, 2017 }

1.6K 199 308 Full
Starkit's Prophecy Rewrite

Archiving a story I'll probably never finish but had a really fun time writing(( artwork by thunderc1an on tumblr ))

351 15 7
Black and White • Warriors Fanfic Rewrite

Archiving a rewrite of my very first Warrior Cats fanfic{ Uploaded: May 15, 2020 }

307 30 1
Petal Dance (Bon's Blog 2)

I had no reason for this story's title.

355 76 106 Full
Art Dumpster (Artbook 2)

Come one, come all, to my new book of artwork and DeviantART updates!{ Started: October 13, 2018 }{ Ended: January 29, 2019 }

274 13 18
Rise of Darkness • Warriors Fanfic Rewrite

Another archived story that I rewrote a while back

134 16 1
Picture Perfect

Deagan Peters is a strong, gorgeous, and daring model from Los Angeles. Her life was a constant battle of rules and regulations when living in Franklin, Tennessee. Then, one day she meets Chase McCormick, a tall, rugged man with a passion for music and farming. Deagan takes an instant liking to Chase and the caring and compassionate ways he learned in his younger days growing up in the South. The pressures of Deagan's job as a model leave her blind to Chase's affections, and Deagan moves across the country to distract herself. However, when ex-boyfriend and cowardly LA Dodger player Troy Carr, threatens to come between them and badmouths Deagan, Chase acts fast--springing to the rescue. But, will they ever find the intimate love that they deserve? © copyright reserved 2018

44.2K 72 1.5K Full
Tales of a Ninja Magician: Of Where We Come From

An alternate universe story borrowing only the Universe from the original creator of Naruto, Masashi Kishimoto, filled with entirely different characters and stories while trying to maintain all the main elements of the genre like overblown larger than life battles, transformations and training montages and all the fan favorite elements. The story is about Nakotsumi Mana, a very strange young girl who struggled all of her life because she had strange ideas of peace in a world where violence is the norm. Mana saw all of reality as being magical as a child and saw ninjutsu as a magical tool to protect the magic of life. And because of that she became a stage magician as well as ninja, to show people that ninjutsu was not a tool of murder but something that each user defines by themselves. Follow the struggles of Mana and the world around her following her life journey to change the world into a place where life is considered sacred and a source of magic to be protected.The story will try to follow the english naming of the techniques (eg "Shadow Clone Jutsu" instead of "Kagebunshin", "Universal Push" instead of "Shinra Tensei") but the names of the villages will be the Japanese versions (Konohagakure or Konoha instead of Village Hidden in the Leaves). It follows an entirely different history and has a unique history to itself (the origins of this world might end up entirely different as compared to Naruto manga), also some concepts and techniques might be changed so before you attack me in a review telling I don't know anything about the universe (which you are free to do btw.), feel free to shoot me up a PM and know if it isn't just a change I made deliberately just to tell a better story. Also English is my third language so I am bound to make mistakes but I will do my best not to, rereads and all that but feel free to bash me about that - it'll help me improve a lot!Cover by: Cgonza15

11.6K 200 641 Full
TART The Sequel (TART 4)

We're back again, bois

4.1K 198 779
Side Street (Bon's Blog 4)

I haven't used Wattpad in well over a year so now's the perfect time to come back so I can dump my art and writings again{ Started: June 9, 2020 }

6 2 1
Art Folder (Artbook 3)

A fresh new artbook!{ Started: June 9, 2020 }

31 4 4
M&M's (Bon's Blog 3)

Hey everybody. I guess I'm back?{ Started: June 16, 2018 }{ Ended: March 1, 2019 }

613 78 135
Frostclaw's Fate (Warriors)

Frostclaw's brother was killed unjustly, leaving Frostclaw in shambles. For moons, he couldn't eat, sleep well, or even help take care of his own Clan. He was grieving, but he needed to do his job as a warrior of RiverClan. So when a kind spirit enter his dreams and offers to help him recover, Frostclaw is eager to accept.But perhaps he was a little too eager.(TW for depression, violence, and death)

17 2 0
Villains Death Battle 3

This would be the third part of the villains and evil faction of characters that would take place in the Death Battle Tornament of fights.

516 200 3
spam 2

i still dont know what the fuck is going on

3.4K 125 630 Full
Rainbows and Stars {Art Book 4} // Completed

Highest Rank: #113 in Colour31/10/17 - 27/12/18I'm back with more art. PLEASE DONT REad the others they're so bad.Inside you will find a bunch of messy doodle of my stupid OCs and a ton of Undertale fanart probably. {Link to my website in my profile bio! The site should have links to my YouTube, Instagram, RedBubble, etc on it!}

7.3K 200 1.8K Full

✿# ⤥𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝖺𝖻𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗄𝗉𝗈𝗉 𝗇𝖾𝗐𝗌 & 𝗋𝗎𝗆𝗈𝗋𝗌 ﹀

614 198 7 Full

OwO Silhouette here~ welcome my dark children

2.6K 198 710 Full
Filmy 2

To samo co w pierwszej części

3.6K 131 207

cover by BonstarOwO

4.1K 115 370
Kiedy świt spotyka borsuka

"Nasz praszczur Noe mądry był I wina nie żałował".Zebrani patrzyli z przerażeniem na skulonego pod latarnią tubylca, obawiając się każdego oddechu, zwiastującego nagły atak. Mężczyzna charczał, pluł, darł się wniebogłosy. Dla tłumu był jedynie monstrem, plugastwem czekającym na spalenie przez kapłana.Krzyczał, nawoływał demonów, a gapie jedynie patrzyli na jego degrengoladę, choć sami byli jedynie nic nie wartymi ludźmi, prawdziwymi potworami.Tubylec wstał z wolna, uderzając kręgosłupem o mur, a jego usta wykrzywiły się w mefistofelicznym uśmiechu.Patrzył na nią. Wyróżniała się w tłumie zwykłych wiejskich dziewek zarówno swoim pochodzeniem, jak i bronią dzierżoną w dłoni. Podszedł powoli, a tłum cofnął się płochliwie, jednak ta jedna przybyszka nie ulękła. Monstrum wyciągnęło ku niej rękę, wytrącając trzymany przez nią łuk i zaśmiało się ponownie, jak gdyby natchnione przez czarta.- Faleście, proszę... - Odtrąciła go szybkim ruchem dłoni. - Zakończ już tę farsę.

1.4K 21 60
Kpop Lyrics

This album is contained KPOP LYRICS. I compiled this book for personal purposes.Lyrics that will be posted here will credited to the rightful owner.

124 171 1
Wonder's Art Book

Classic!Wonder:here you go guys,admin suggested I do thisSwap!Wonder:yes!Fell!Wonder:it's about time,I guess......Swap!Wonder:fiona! appreciate it! I've been waiting for this for a whileClassic!Wonder:I can tellFell!Wonder:well atleast someone can easily wait for something(New Cover By: @Ticci_Rodger )(Oof sorry if I spelled your username wrong)

11.2K 200 1.8K Full
Sweeter Than Fiction: Book 1

The Main Squad Is Back For The 5th Season Installment Of Sweeter Than Fiction...... Kcirej,Mason,Davis,Ray And Kiel Are Getting New With Other Actors And Actress That They'll Meet... Follow Them Cuz This Season Will Be An Epic Journey Of A Famous Life... Enjoy...

2.4K 200 31 Full