Search: bluebird411
162 stories
Charlie's sister

A month before Bella's graduation, Charlie's little sister comes home from being deployed overseas. She has his colleagues organize a Chief Appreciation party at the highschool so she can surprise her brother. After celebrations die down, she helps with the decorations for graduation. All the while, she catches the eye of the most quiet Cullen.

259.4K 15 4.9K
The Other Dragon Mother

It is said that for every generation of new Targaryen, three shall be born to reflect the house sigil. If there is a fourth Targaryen, it's a sign of unrest. It is also said that every time a Targaryen is born, the gods flip a coin to see if the child would go mad. That being said, being viewed as the unplanned Targaryen is something that Visenya has delt with all of her life. But now that an opportunity has presented itself for her to prove that she's worth more than her family name.

25.3K 7 629
The White Dream Walker

A story in which a woman must protect her brother when he arrives on Pandora. She must keep him from endangering not only himself, but her, and the people as well. But when Eywa makes her will known, that her and her brother are chosen for a reason, Elizabeth Sully will put all she has into making sure she doesn't screw it up....

22.2K 11 646
The Unusual Cullen

When Bella met the Cullens, she's instantly entranced by their looks. But when a previously unmentioned member of the coven returns from a trip, how will Bella react? More importantly, how will the coven member react when she learns of Edward's involvement with Bella? Will she try to get in between them? Or let the couple be?

214.6K 16 3.9K
The Hybrid Comes Home

Bristol Cove brews a deep dark secret. Few know of it. Those that do, fight to keep it that way. #SaveSiren

15.7K 11 540
The Other Swan

After Renee left with Bella, Charlie was distraught. He ended up having a drunken one night stand. The woman, wanting nothing to do with the baby, pawned her off on Charlie as soon as she could. Not wanting to make another mistake, Charlie kept the baby and raised her. He named her Khaleesi, after Daenerys Targaryen from George R.R. Martin's Fire and Ice series. Just like it's described in the book and tv show, Khalessi was born with white-blonde hair. She was born with blue eyes, but they soon faded to a weird purple. When Bella moves to Forks, she's shocked on how much difference there is between her and her sister.

112.9K 10 2.2K
Fire & Flame

"You once asked me why I came here, and I'll be honest. I thought I knew why."

592 4 17
The Lioness & The Soldier

People know of Bella and Edward. This is my version of Twilight. In this version, Bella has a sister. Her sister's ten months older, and a foot taller that Bella. When Bella and her sister come to live with Charlie, they each catch the eye of a Cullen. While Bella falls for Edward, Jasper tries to get to know Bella's sister. Will the school's new ice queen let Jasper into her heart? Will he be able to melt her frozen heart?

11.6K 10 237
Jurassic shifter

Melissa Hammond was John Hammond's second youngest granddaughter. When the events of Jurassic Park happened, she was only 19. Now, at the age of thirty-two, she's heading to Jurassic World. Worried that her grandfather's dream is going to go completely wrong again, she goes to the park, expecting to only see small handful on of dinosaurs. And the one thing she's kept secret since her grandfather's first dinosaur hatchling. She's a shapeshifter. The last of her kind, she's a reptilian shapeshifter. This'll help her as she is arriving two hours before the Indominus Rex eggs hatch.

13.3K 10 284
Bucky's daughter - Hiatus

When Bucky Barnes was 'K.I.A', he left a daughter behind. A beautiful 16 year old girl. Irina was 5'9, tan skin, eyes as blue as the evening sky, and hair golden like a wheat field.However, the HYDRA agents that survived, kidnapped her. They tortured her, and turned her into: The Arctic Assassin

163.1K 10 3K
The Last Delta

Since the beginning of time, as long as anyone can remember, people have been categorized into three groups. Alpha's, Beta's, and Omega's. Alpha's where the warriors and protectors. Beta's were the diplomats. They would handle societies problems, and issues. Then there were the omega's. The Omega's were the caretakers, child bearers, and food preps. It was this way for a while. But in the shadows, in the places that society has forgotten, there exists a group of people that has been forgotten. The Delta's were something of an oddity. They could be anything that they wanted. But over time, they started disappearing without explanation. Pretty soon, there were no Delta's to be found, and everyone thought them to be a fairy tale.But now, in a time where there are hero's, mutants, and groups of crazy people thinking they know best, something unusual pops ups. On November 16th, in the year 1989, Guinevere Carter was born to teenage parents who, although they loved their daughter very much, they couldn't provide the care that she needed, so they gave her up for adoption. Guinevere was raised by Peggy Carter, and grew up with two older siblings. Although it was a small family, she felt very loved. When she turned 15, she was supposed to present like everyone else did. But when she present in a way that wasn't normal, her brother and sister shut her out, and she was on her own. Confused, and hurt, Guinevere set out to make a name for herself. She enrolls in SHIELD's training program, against Peggy's wishes, and quickly becomes one of the top agents SHIELD has. Along with Natasha Romanoff, and Clint Barton, Guinevere is considered one of the top assassins SHIELD has. Nothing can get in her way. But when she comes across an intoxicating scent, can she keep herself together? Or will she fall apart?

18.3K 8 635
Tony's Daughter

Tony Stark is a man of many things. Billionaire, former playboy, philanthropist, and Iron Man. But a father, he is not. Tony was always careful with the women in the past. Making sure that he always used a condom. However, when a young woman shows up, with documents, that stated she was his daughter, he's in shock, and completely ignores the poor girl. Nick Fury takes note of her abilities, and athletic talent, and decides to recruite her for the Avengers initiative. She trains under Natasha, as her shadow. But, when she needs Tony as a father the most, will he be there? Or will he be absent?

3.4K 6 77
Seventy years too late

When Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes was 'K.I.A', they left a friend and sister behind. A beautiful, but stubborn girl. Alexandra was 5'9, tan skin, eyes as blue as the evening sky, and hair golden like a wheat field.However, the HYDRA agents that survived, kidnapped her. They tortured her, and experimented on her. Wanting to replicate the results of Dr. Erksine's super soldier experiment. They also wanted her to go through the Winter Soldier program. She broke out before they could erase her memories. She's managed to keep herself relatively hidden over the years. With help from SHIELD, she learned how to defend herself, and became known as Miss America. Much to her chagrin.....

42.6K 7 812
The Marvelous Siren

After Bella's cousin moves in from being wrongfully fired from her job in New York, she isn't sure how she'll be able to keep her cousin from finding out the Cullen's secret. Or how Adrianna will react to Edward. Adrianna is very protective over Bella, and she would do anything to keep Bella safe and happy. Even if it means that Bella won't talk to her again.

1.7K 3 51
Thor's Daughter - Hiatus

What if Thor had a daughter? What if she was just as cocky as he was? This the story of Elsa, and her father. Butting heads in the way father and daughter's do.

97K 21 2.5K
Finn's Daughter - Hiatus

Back when the Mikaelson's were human, everyone was happy. Especially when Finn, got married to the woman of his dreams. It was the happiest time of his life. When she was with child, he grew worried. He worried Dahlia would come back for his child. But, as child was born, Ester put a spell on her. No witch on earth would be able to find her. As the child grew up, she was the peace maker of the family. Whenever Mikael got mad at Klaus, she'd start screaming & crying 'til he left Klaus alone. Although, she couldn't always prevent it. When Rebekah would cry over a boy, the girl would climb in her aunt's lap, & hug her. Everyone loved her.When Henrik died, she shut down. She wouldn't talk anymore. She was up before anyone, & went to bed before anyone. When everyone was asleep, the young girl snuck out to the forrest, & picked a few things. Knowing they were poisonous, she mixed 'em, then ate 'em. She went back to her mom & dad, crawled into Finn's arms, fell asleep, & never woke up.

7.2K 6 125
Long Lost Daughter

In a world far from our own, is place called Asgard. The Asgardians celebrate for a joyous occasion. The wife of the oldest son Thor, had just given birth to a beautiful baby girl. She would be the next in line for the throne, should something happen to to her father, or grandfather. Unfortunately, the celebrations were short lived. Thor's wife had unforeseen complications, and passed away a few days later. The care of the child was heavily placed the wet nurses. Thor was hesitant to be near his child. It took a conversation from his brother, and his parents to convince him that everything was going to be okay. He named his daughter after his wife, Freydís. Or Dís, for short. She had hair, as bright and golden as the sun, and eyes that sparkled like lakes in Alfheim. She was loved by all she met. It was on her first name day, that it was learned that Dís had inherited abilities from both of her parents. But they didn't take into account the anger and hatred of scorned enemies and shady allies. Dís was taken under the cover of night, and smuggled through time and space to Midgard. She grew up with faint memories of her short life on Asgard. But when someone from her past pops up, it'll make her rethink everything she knows.

1.5K 5 31
The Hybrid (Independence Day Fic)

Twenty years ago, the world experienced an event like no other. In 1996, our planet was invaded by a hostile alien race. The aliens wanted our resources for their own. Little did they know, they had messed with the wrong people. After the aliens were destroyed, the scientists were able to obtain several DNA samples. Thinking they could create a race of aliens under their control, the scientists spent months splicing samples together. Until finally, four days before New Year's day. A perfect specimen was born. She started out small. About the size of an eight month old baby. Little did the scientists know, that the aliens that survived Independence Day, knew of her. Some viewed her as their new queen. They telepathically communicate with her over the years. Teaching her everything she needed to know about her people.

1.7K 3 23
For leaving me.....

Melody was a quiet kid growing up. She was constantly bullied by her class mates for not having a mom and dad. It became a sore subject for her as she got older. But when she comes home for a month long vacation, she's greeted a man she thought she would never meet. She'd thought she'd be happy to see him, but she's not. She's angry. She feels like he abandoned her. She feels like he hated her, and wanted nothing more to do with her. That's why she lives with her uncle...............right?

330 4 6
The Mystery Woman

After someone leaks the contents of the Sokovian Accords *cough* Vision *cough*, the world realizes the problem in restricting heroes' capability of saving the world. While they do acknowledge that heroes need to be held responsible, people think being saved outweighs the risk. So when they get word that there's a Hydra base they missed in Hungary, the Hungarian government has no problem with them coming and taking it out. But neither group expected it to be occupied by only two people. Steve recognizes Bucky, but not the woman he's guarding. Who is this woman, and why is she being guarded by Bucky?

877 4 40
Falcon's Girl

When the man she's come to think of as a father is killed by an organization that was thought to be long dead, she unleashes her anger. Sonny Parker has no patience for the people who screw with her family.

522 5 14
What Am I? - Under Rewrite

This a story that popped into my head one day.

441 4 1
Away From Home

Loki and Ren were once childhood friends. They would spend hours upon hours together in the library, or pulling pranks on the palace staff. They were inseparable, and were only separated from each other for bed time, or when Loki had to go with Thor on hunts or battles when he was older. As they got older, things changed. Ren's father was more stern with her upbringing, and only allowed Ren to see Loki when he and the Allfather met for business. Occasionally, when Ren's father was on the battlefield, her mother allowed her to visit Loki. As the two grew into their teenage years, they developed feelings for each other, despite not being each other's soulmate. They were head over heels for one another, but refused to act upon said feelings. Now, centuries later, Loki is an Avenger, albeit a reluctant one, and is in a strange but loving relationship with fellow Avenger Bucky Barnes. But the relationship is challenged when Thor brings an old, but familiar face to the compound.

390 5 19
My Past, Your Future

If there ever was a time for a person to be terrified about something, it would be now. Maria Stark-Barnes was someone who was serious when when it was called for. She was someone who needed rationality in order to make sense of a situation she doesn't recognize. So when a magic lesson from Dr. Strange goes horribly wrong, and sends her to a world she knows isn't hers, she's absolutely terrified. She's on her own for two weeks, before someone catches her. It's only then, does she truly realize how far she is from home.

543 6 12
Human Deviant - On Hold

Eyes that glittered like the ocean, hair that was like a golden wheat field, and a smile that shined bright like a thousand suns. Every man wanted her, and every woman wanted to either be her or kill her. Ever since she was little, Marlene Abigail Perkins, or Marley as her friends call her, has never known where she wasn't judged for her looks. She hated it. Whenever there was a chance, her mother would exploit her looks. All Marley wanted to do, was become a police officer like her grandfather. She put her foot down on her 21st birthday, and enrolled into the Detroit Police Academy. She graduated the top of her class, and was assigned to the grumpiest cop in the city. But is she gonna do, when CyberLife sends an android the deviant cases?

215 5 4
The Goddess of War

Galeran had always known she was different. If not for her looks, people would whisper about the strange girl who was adopted by Howard and Maria Stark. Galeran's birth was a mystery. She was hesitant growing up. Unsure of how to act around her family, Galeran kept quiet. She eventually warmed up to them, though still kept to herself often enough. Fast forward a few years, and now she works for Stark Industries. When someone from her father's past comes back with a vengeance, she will discover more about herself than she ever did.

323 3 10