Search: blueberrypelt
6 stories
WARRIORS: Blueberrypelt's Secret

When Blueberrypaw Is Apprenticed To Daisyfoot, She Quickly Learnt About How Her Clan Is In Danger, Some Years Pass, Blueberrypelt Falls In Love With The Clan Leader, Talonstar...

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WARRIORS: Talonstar's Reign

When Talonkit Is Born To Oakstep And Swiftgaze, Every Cat In ShadowClan Knows A Dark Secret, That He Will Become Leader Of ShadowClan One Day, But When Talonpaw Becomes A Apprentice, Nuttail Is Suddenly Dying Of Old Age, How Does Talonpaw Cope With His Grandfather's Death?

250 24 24 Full
WARRIORS: Clawstar's Story

Clawkit And Kitekit, Daughters Of Eaglewing And Russettalon, Must Bark On Phenomenal Journey, ShadowClan Is Experiencing The Worst Greencough Pandemic Yet, Poor Blueberrypelt Is Trying Her Hardest But Not All The Victim's Live, Like Clawpaw's Mother, Russettalon.

366 25 25 Full
The Last Words Of My Warrior Cats OC'S!


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WARRIORS: Kinkjaw's Past

Kinkkit And Ravenkit, Born To Rapidcoat And Eveningbriar, But When Eveningbriar Dies Giving Birth, Rapidcoat Must Resort To Raising His Two Sons, When Kinkkit And Ravenkit Become Kinkpaw And Ravenpaw Something Bad Happens To The Farther, And After A Couple Moons Pass, Kinkpaw Becomes Kinkjaw And Ravenpaw Becomes Ravenclaw, And After The ThunderClan/ShadowClan War, Ravenclaw Is Killed, How Will Kinkjaw Overcome His Brothers Death?.

339 21 0 Full
The Lost Kittens Story

Please do not critisise if you read the very popular book, Worriers. I didn't completely base this on that. Actually i played a game that i think is similar to that of worriors. I didn't base every thing on that game(i'm making up my own world! Ish..). The name Blueberrypelt is from that game. Only small details. If any questions, please feel free to coment. I am not the best with spelling and grammar. Although i am good at it, i don't necessarily want to go all the way through the long (ish) chapters. I hope i am able to post as quik as possible, if this book is well liked. I am making up the story as i go. The 4 main charachters already is Tigerfur, Bimbo, Misha, Tollapaw, Titpaw, and Stone paw.Tigerpaw is a medicine cat. She has an older brother named Tollapaw. He loves his sister very much and does every thing to protct her. Tigerfur recently lost her mentor, and it will soon be announced she is the new medicine cat.Tollapaw is a hunting cat. Remember, i made my own universe and it is only partailly based off of a game. He goes on long hunting trips. The hunting cats also protect the cubs and mothers during attacks. Tigerfur can also often have the passed cats be fore her visit her in dreams. Blueberrypelt, Tigerfurs mentor, often visits her in her dreams to guide and help her. So far, Misha is a very sheepish lion. Bimbo is an almost responsible wolf. Misha secretly likes Bimbo. And all Bimbo actually wants to do is keep his friends safe. Tigerfur is a free spireted and kind cat. Although... She actually isn't aloud to be around.. Predators. Titpaw is a freindly, and yet protective sister, over Tigerfur. Stonepaw is a hunting cat, like Titpaw and he is a joker, and can be smart elic, but protective ober Titpaw. Please remember to vote and comment. This mostly for children like, 8 and up... but if you really want to read it, you can. I don't mind... I could use extra veiws. Go ahead and address me as pup. Tell me if i spell anything wrong. I hope you enjoy, ~pup

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