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1,051 stories
New Girl New Life

16 year old Olivia aka Liv has lived in Barcelona her whole life well that was until her Dad was offered a job in Edinburgh, this has given her family the decision of whether to move to move to Edinburgh or not, Liv is currently sitting her Exams so they aren't sure whether it's a good idea but they decide to move anyway but after Liv's exams are over. They pack up they're stuff and head to Scotland to start a new life there. First day of school is already going bad for liv, that was until she met Lucas... The captain of her schools football team and she's instantly in love. Then along comes Amber.. The schools queen bee and also Lucas' long term girlfriend, Then comes the bullying because Olivia is Spanish Amber has taken a very big dislike to liv already. Will the bullying make Olivia leave home and move back to Barcelona or Will she end up with Lucas who makes her stay?.

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Living With The Boys

Jane Jones is a normal girl with a most favourite place in the world. New York. When Jane and her best friend Teddy are told that they will be moving there for their last year of school she is overjoyed. Though there is a twist She will be living with 9 other boys and 3 other girls. Anything could happen. There will be drama, love, sacrifice and betrayal...

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A Letter To You 💕

Darkness is a hole that ppl can fall in it ...Even if you fall in it you have to find the thread of light that can take you out of it ...That's what is going to happen to you in this oneshot story of Min Yoongi aka SUGA a member of BTS ...korean dictionary :고맙습니다 : Komapsomida : Thank you사랑해요 : Sarangheyo : love you민 윤기 : Min Yoongi

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Gia 2

Gia was a model, not just any model but a very special one. She shot up to the top of the fame pole so fast you couldn't even get her whole name out. Now Gia had a make up artist, Linda. As soon as Linda saw Gia she knew she was special. You can say it was love at first sight... If you believe in that. Gia and Linda went through some tough patches. Linda's boyfriend at the time had to except that Linda had deeper feeling for Gia then she did for Billy. Gia had gotten into drugs and one infected needle was the reason she passed away. Linda and Gia made a deal, the drugs or Linda. Well, Gia chose the one she felt she couldn't live without. Eventually, towards the end of Gia's life, Linda and Gia grew closer once more. But the problem was, Gia never told Linda she was sick. This is where the original Gia the Movie left off. The following plot and story is a complete fan fiction, using the ending of the plot from Gia and continuing the story. How can there be a Gia 2 if Gia is dead you wonder? Well, Linda had been pregnant at the time of her breakup with Billy. She didn't find out until after the death of Gia. About 8th month after Gia had passed, Linda gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Lizzie on June 7th, 1989. Her name was Elizabeth Gia Tanner, she was 7lbs, 19.5 inches. Now, on to the story.

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Whispers Of Betrayal-Short Story

In a tale woven with deceit and heartache, "Whispers of Betrayal" delves into the tangled lives of Evangeline and Cora, once inseparable friends whose bond is shattered by envy and manipulation.Evangeline's world crumbles when her loving boyfriend, James, is ensnared by the charms of her devious friend, Cora. As their once-promising future unravels, Evangeline finds herself teetering on the edge of despair, her dreams of love and happiness slipping through her fingers like grains of sand.With each twist and turn, "Whispers of Betrayal" paints a haunting portrait of the darkness that lurks beneath the surface of friendship. Will Evangeline succumb to the depths of her sorrow, or will she find the strength to rise above the shadows of betrayal and reclaim her shattered heart?Prepare to be captivated by a story that will linger in your thoughts long after the final page is turned, as "Whispers of Betrayal" explores the fragile bonds of trust and the devastating consequences of envy's cruel embrace.

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Who am I?  (One Direction Fan-Fic)

Sarah Mayfield is a normal girl, well at least she was.Sarah was 13 when her dad got a job in London forcing her and her mom to pack up and leave Ireland. Leaving Mullingar meant leaving Niall, her best friend since like day care. Her dad now worked as a business man in downton London, her mom was a nurse, and what was she supposed to do? Sit around and watch television all day? No Sarah decided to roam the streets of London and get a feel for the city. Every day Sarah would leave their house and walk around on the streets of London just looking for something to do. She saw an advertisement for a local singin cometition and thought why not give it a shot? It would definitely give her something to do, so she grabbed one of the info fliers a lady was handing out to see when and where it was being held. March 3 ; 15:00 ; the starbucks near Big Ben. That was the day her life changed for the better. Since that day Sarah Mayfield has become an intrnational superstar. 3 years later and she is now known as Sara May. She changed her hair from straight brown shoulder length hair, to curly blonde hair that flows to her hips. She wears cntacts to change her eyes from deep brown to bright blue. She works as a pop singer for syco records. This year Simon Cowell her manager has asked her to judge for X Factor 2010 (A/N if youve read the story "The Judge" by AlexHoran than that is where I got the idea for this). How will X Factor go when a familiar face trys out? How will Sarah manage to keep her real identity hidden when all she wants to do is tell Niall the truth about who she is?

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Oh no! Y/N's mother sold her to BTS so she can have money for drugs. What will poor Y/N do when faced with bad boy Yoongi and sweetheart Taehyung? Who will she choose?Guy's this is a joke. This is a joke. This is a joke. It is supposed to be bad.⚠️Explicit language⚠️ btw

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Secret Hugs

August 31st 2014, 3:30 AMHey you, you've been gone for a week now. I can't believe I'm actually writing to you when I could just text or e-mail you. It hasn't been long since you left but I already miss you, we all do. Nothing's changed, nothing's happened, its always all pretty much the same around here, so don't worry you're not missing anything. Well it's surely not the same without you, it kind of sucks actually. I'm having trouble sleeping, every night the same thing happens; as soon as I lay my head on that pillow, I immediately explode into tears. I feel so alone, cause at that moment when I'm the weakest, there's no one here to give me strength. You're not here anymore. I can't just call you, it would be the middle of the night where you are, and I can't ask you to come over either, cause that you're in another country and all...Anyways, I don't want to bum you. I'm actually doing better; last night I only cried for 10 to 15 minutes and then I fell asleep fast.So, as you may already know, I'm starting school in a week. I'm kind of excited to see everyone and word is we're going to have the class lists in 2 days. I wonder who's going to end up in my class, last year's class was great but I barely had any close friends. I hope I'm going to be with Leila, I love being with her in class! 8th grade was great. Am I supposed to feel grown up by now? I mean 10th grade, we're finally sophomores! But it doesn't really feel like it. To be honest I'm pretty sure I'm always going to be a child inside.Summer kind of sucked. I was expecting something great but we really didn't do much did we? I expected parties and crazy adventures we'd never forget and tell as stories when we got old. But instead, we did nothing.Wow this letter isn't really cheerful, is it? I'm sorry if I'm bumming you out. I miss you so much, I hope life's doing you well. Write back soon okay? Or you could just text or e-mail me like normal people do nowadays. Sincerely yours, Acacia

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Choice : Love or Revenge

You never mess with someone more powerful than you cause that's just plain stupid since outcome of such battles is well-known to everyone. Too bad due to few of our crazy human tendencies called pride and stubbornness Amelia Tyson did same mistake she messed with Xavier Adams, a multi-billionaire Mr. Prefect who doesn't take anyone shit. Well technically he messed with her first in her defense but that's not the point besides does it even count? He is out for revenge with full proof plan to break Ms. Spitfire, he played with her heart. Too bad he lost his own in midst of his foreplay of twisted vengeance. What will be the result of this screwed cycle of love and revenge? Will Amelia accept Xavier with all his flaws or simply give him a payback for playing with wrong girl? Xavier refuse to give up on the only love of his life whilst Amelia is hell-bent on staying away from him at all cost no matter what add a childhood secret admirer/ crush of Amelia in this... And here it's perfect chaos.It's one wild passionate ride of love and war. Are you ready for it?Meet Amelia Tyson, sweet, intelligent, kind and gorgeous in her own way but don't let her fool you to believe she is harmless cause she isn't. Possessing jus right amount of mildly restrained fiery side she is a perfectionist who ......Meet Xavier Adams, ruthless, business minded, money oriented, arrogant with godly looks he is your very own bad boy, and with him being sole heir to one of the world biggest business tycoon it's just a cheery on top , he is sweet and caring in his own way... haunted by ghosts of Two people with most conflicting personality sharing mutual mistrust and hatred for love, living in totally different world where their paths will never cross or will the fate will play its infamous game of destiny?

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                  Asynchronous Distance Learning

Asynchronous Distance Learning overviewAsynchronous online discussion boards enable students to express themselves directly in writing while also promoting contact between teachers and students. Asynchronous online discussion environments also promote collective knowledge construction, critical thinking, and greater realism and motivation to learn according to researchers.Participants in asynchronous online discussions are supposed to be self-motivated and goal-oriented, to learn from their experiences, to read and interpret other messages related to the discussed subject, and to think about the topic. Restricted participation and involvement in asynchronous online discussions, on the other hand, appears to be an ongoing and widespread problem. Peer facilitation has been suggested as a solution to this issue, as a way to promote more engagement and as a model for constructive online conversation. Presence, threaded posts, content posts, discussion style, conversational style, input, and the use of questions are among the other factors listed for a good asynchronous discussion.The ease and versatility of time and location are two of the key benefits of asynchronous online conversation. Students may take part in online discussions at any time and from any place. Researchers assume it liberates learners from time and space constraints, allowing them to communicate freely.Furthermore, some argue that online dialogue allows for more in-depth discussions and reflective learning than conventional face-to-face environments, since students in face-to-face discussions do not have enough time to think deeply before responding.Students have virtually limitless time to write and submit messages, as well as respond to others, with asynchronous communications. Furthermore, asynchronous online conversations are seen as a natural extension of instructional activities that encourage dialogue, reflection, information construction, and self-evaluation.

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