Search: aotzombie » Page 3
170 stories
All of us are dead x AOT

All of us are dead X AOTDescription:You are one among the friend in the group ( eren, mikasa, armin, jean, levi, hanji, connie, sasha etc and the others like annie, reiner, bertholtoto etc... are your classmates since first grade) you've had a thing for levi since you were little but you were too shy to ask him out. It was the day when you had plucked up some courage to finally come up to him but there were many obstacles in your way, you see a particular girl run across you in a weird manner and bite your bully's throat off.This story will have a little mix of the Netflix show "all of us are dead." Its actually okay if you have't watched the show, I'll make everything clear and don't worry about the spoilers because it wont go with the original story but there may be some similarity with the characters. y\n x levieren x mikasaarmin x annie(not a major spoiler)So people who were titans in the anime will be half zombies(if bitten).

19 1 2


207 5 10
ship rp

a book were we can rp ships.

35.7K 103 307
Attack On Titan: Zombie Apocalypse AU

'This world is cruel. It is also very beautiful'.Attack On Titan Zombie Apocalypse AU.

474 1 13
(AOT)  The 10 Titan? /Eren x Reader/

Hallo! dies ist meine Zweite Story also bitte seit nicht zu streng :)Wichtiges:-Alle Bilder sind NICHT von mir sondern von Wattpad-Es werden Charactere aus dem anime benutzt, dennoch hat diese Story NICHTS mit dem anime zu tun!!-Story frei erfunden! (es könnten Übereinstimmung mit dem anime gesehen bestehen)*Ich lief mit Meinem Kleineren bruder durch die gassen meines Wohnbezirks, Doch Plötzlich gab es ein Riesen Blitzeinschlag vor dem Großen tor, es fielen viele und große steine vom himmel... ich nahm mein 2 jahre Jüngeren Bruder und zog ihn von der mauer weg, als ich plötzlich einen heftigen ruck spürte fiel ich hin, ich schaute zurück.. dort lag ein riesen stein.. drumherum blut... Ich fing an laut zu schreien.. so saß ich dann die nächsten 8 Minuten dort bis mich jemand von der Militär Polizei schnappte und weg brachte*Ein kleiner Einblick in die Vergangenheit, mehr erfahrt ihr in der Story.. ich denke ich werde wöchentlich ein neues kapitel schreiben :)

58 5 0
On the Zenith of the Waves of Thoughts (POETRY)

"When a feeling never had, cannot have, or will never have a chance to begin with --- we call it a poetry." ~ 🍂P - Powerful words from the zenith of the waves of thoughts,O - Open doors to imagination and feelings; mind and heart,E - Evoking the emotions and thoughts of the readers,T - Transforming ordinary moments into extraordinary verse.R - Rhyme and rhythm that dance upon the page,Y - Yearning to be understood, appreciated and heard.

62 21 43

I. d. k. b r o. kgl xotzoyxup

365 26 20
Hunt or Die

5 1 0
The Anger of the Dead

Chapter One

11 1 0
Ya'll: It's For The Readers

°•~×Things that aren't important×~•°°•~×Tags, Random crap×~•°°•~Basically it's not worth your time~•°

145 5 13
My Book of Thoughts, Creativity, Randomness, and Insanity. :3 Poyo!~

Just my thoughts, daydreams, ideas, and imagination thrown together into one heck of a wacky collection of stuff. xPKirby belongs to Nintendo.

2.2K 30 90
Unexpected Love

Two kids named Carl and Enid met in the ZA. They fell instantly for each other. Did fate bring them together or did Society? Will they survive in the new world?

86 1 2
Dirk Gently and The Waking Sea of Reality

It's been four months since Dirk solved the Oneiroi case and human existence, (yes, Dirk solved the case of human existence) and they were beginning to get used to the idea of maybe, possibly, living a normal life. Not that they wanted that, of course. But they had stopped Blackwing so maybe the universe was fixed and no more weird stuff would happen...Wrong!Get ready for a tale of goats, a boat, drugs, and lots of other random stuff. I told you this one was weird.

322 19 46
The Dark Night

It all started one night 2 years ago halloween to be exact this my story try and keep up

10 3 4
Change of heart: AOT: Christa x Male Reader: AOT x RESIDENT EVIL

The story takes place in a Modern Universe where the C-Virus had emitted in Christa's hometown, now it was clear that the government had declared war against the infected, her life is now different, her family is gone due to the C-Virus, now turning into infected, it was now clear that the survey corps decided to cooperate with the DSO, what eventually happens when someone enters her life

47 1 3

"I'll never submit to you.""We'll see about that."Prompt from jtsquared4

85 2 15
The Mu-pocolypse

During the apocalypse, it is common to see gang wars, killing, exploitation... but how in this bacteria ridden, mutant infested land are 3 teens the time of their lives???Cover page from Sunset Overdrive by Insomniac

13 1 0
The End of Wars

In a world torn by non ending wars between dimensions, the 'sleepy boys' finally find some peace away from it all. That is until Ranboo goes missing.

7 2 0

I'll put any kind of picture that is cute, funny practically anything

695 32 44
Viral Apocalypse

Set in an apocalyptic new world, a young women tries to navigate a new life she never thought possible, while searching for her family members and surviving not only the dangers of the world, but the new kinds of people in it. Discovering that sometimes, real evil isn't in the heart of monsters, but in the minds of men...

24 6 0
Life isn't worth living anymore

This book is about a group of teenagers going out on a late Saturday night but once they leave they walk to there car but they here something growl like a infected dog so one of them goes to check it out but all of the sudden he starts to scream he starts to bleed someone or something slit his throat all the other teens ran in the car and drove away but about 30 minutes after there in the middle of the road driving and something bangs on the back door so hard it opens

86 2 0
Siren (Crackship Gifs) (CLOSED)

Closed for now.................Welcome to my crackship gif book I have seen a couple of books like this and decided why not make one myself. So request and i will do my best and hopefully you enjoy them.- J

34.2K 186 2K
Is this real or just my imagination?

Draco x HarryHermione x PansyNeville x BlaiseThey all fall in love, but with 8th year started and awkwardness in the air what will they become?Ron hasn't come back for 8th year and won't be mentioned(much) in this story. Let's just go with he is mourning his brothers death still👍

88 5 8
Cruel Summer | Pin Hawthorne

|Cruel Summer ooo. Pin Hawthorne ❝She had never wanted to keep a secret so bad, if it meant that she could keep him, even if it was just for a few moments longer. ❞ OR IN WHICH Magnolia Marie Penelope Atlas had a major secret that she has to keep, if she wants to keep one Peter Hawthorne, the boy she was destined to love, in her life but nothing ever stays a secret for long, especially when you are young. May Contain swear words !Free Rein season one - season three[including 12 neighs of Christmas and Valentines day.]

71 5 0