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136 stories
Blaze and the monster machines: Marshalls real home

After one fight with the pups marshall can't think straight Wich costs him a lot a malfunction in a machine has send him to the World of Blaze and the monster machines but Marshall is still heartbroken and doesn't want to go home so he'll stay with his new best friend's and family..... but Marshall Accidentally brought a viruses with him...... what kind of virus? Oh just a normal, small, simple, harmless.....................Yandere virus

45 1 0
Kung Fu panda: The Axolotl Girl.

so what if po wasn't alone When his mom Left him he had a sister who was a Axolotl Wich was a surprise for everyone since everyone believed they were extinct with your beauty and kindness you are easily Loved by everyone in the village but when po becomes the Dragon Warrior things are quitely going crazy.(Yandere Kung Fu panda x Female reader)

279 2 10
A Family Reincarnation

So After your Dad came back from the war your family is Extremely happy even your friend is happy for you. but your stepfather is not so Out of Drunken Anger he kills your entire family and friend but get Another change in life as Cybertronian's in transformers but the plot is Different. when the Yandere virus breaks loose and you don't know the plot everything is crazy. this was inspired by "A Group Reincarnation". Made by @Chacharealsmooth714

95 1 2
Paw patrol: Marshall And The Wardens.

After All the mistakes marshall makes and his clumsy-nes he doesn't think he belongs in the paw patrol but after he gets captured by A dogfighting community everyone thinks it's a prank but in the Dark hour of time a Alpha monster from the Deep Dark comes comes and saves him Now with the Wardens he feels happy some are exactly like him and others treat him like a Brother. But after the paw patrol Finds out it wasn't a prank oh how guilt stabbed them in the heart.

88 1 3