Search: 5000candlesinthewin
156 stories

Stuff I wanted to write down but had nowhere to write it.Parks and Rec stuff on page 2!My friends will probably write a lot of this 😂😂

37 6 11
Tần Triều tốt đẹp sinh hoạt   tác giả: Sơ Vẫn Giang Hồ

Nội dung giới thiệu vắn tắt:Lý Kế Dương bởi vì hộ tống di sản văn hóa, bất hạnh chịu khổ sấm đánh, cố tình kia kiện di sản văn hóa là vật báu vô giá, trực tiếp dẫn hắn về tới hơn hai ngàn năm trước Tần Triều, hắn liếc mắt một cái nhìn lại, đều là thứ tốt! Liên khất cái trong tay chén bể, đều là vật báu vô giá a!

8.9K 14 90 Full
Trọng sinh chi chí tôn tiên lữ  tác giả: đường phèn hạt sen canh

Nội dung giới thiệu vắn tắtThiên tài tu sĩ Lận Huyền Chi đời trước không phụ thiên hạ, lại chỉ cần phụ một cái Yến Thiên Ngân.Thẳng đến bị ngày xưa thân bằng bạn tốt, ân sư đồng môn tính kế chí tử, mới biết chính mình đến tột cùng đều làm cái gì không thể tha thứ sai chuyện.Đến đại cơ duyên trọng sinh, từ địa ngục bò lại tới Lận Huyền Chi, thề muốn quý trọng cái kia bị hắn phụ người.Yến Thiên Ngân: "Bọn họ nói ta lại qua lại xấu."Lận Huyền Chi: "Sát sát!"Yến Thiên Ngân: "Bọn họ nói ta không xứng với ngươi."Lận Huyền Chi: "Sát sát!"Yến Thiên Ngân: "Bọn họ cấp cho ngươi tắc ấm giường người."Lận Huyền Chi: "Sát sát sát sát!"Yến Thiên Ngân: "Bọn họ muốn cướp ngươi chuyên môn tặng cho ta pháp khí."Lận Huyền Chi: "Sát sát sát!"Yến Thiên Ngân: "..."Lạnh run mọi người: "..."Nói, nói tốt ôn nhuận như ngọc lại thanh lãnh như tùng thời đại hỗn loạn đen tối giai công tử đâu?Vì mao bọn họ tổng cảm thấy cái này luyện khí sư so Ma tu còn khủng bố Qaq

17.1K 20 173 Full
Sentenced Soulmates (Flaritza)

On their 18th birthday, everyone gets their soulmates name tattooed on their body. Only the destined ones find each other. For Maritza, finding her soulmate just got harder when she was sentenced to serve time in Litchfield penitentiary. Will Maritza's time in jail mean she'll never find her true love? Or is the cage she's trapped in part of the plan? Vote/Comment/Share!! -D

6.4K 4 242

Aug 22, Sunday (start of the story)*********( End of the story)Hope you like it it's my first story enjoy

8.5K 8 29
We Came Dressed As Clexa (Camren)

Lauren can't get any hot girls to hook up with her because apparently there's a 'Clarke' at her own party, which people think she's with. Who is this girl? And why did she come dressed up as the love interest of the character Lauren's in?Published: September 2016Comment/Share/Vote!! -D

10K 1 426 Full
she's the one

Lexa Woods is a talented soccer player but she is also very shy and introverted. she fell in love with an actress she saw on tv screen, her name is Clarke Griffin. how will lexa ever make her move?

203 2 6
Gay shits (recommendations)

For gays.Manhwa, manhua, manga, and webtoons.All credit to the owner of the stories, translations, and arts.P.S. Feel free to recommend, it will be deeply appreciated!

26.4K 84 205 Full
Win $4,500.00 Cash - Enter Now!

Are you ready to win big? Look no further! Our latest cash giveaway contest is here, offering you the chance to score a whopping $4,500.00 in cold, hard cash. It's an opportunity you won't want to miss, and entering is as easy as pie.

20 1 7 Full
I'm Portuguese (Camren)

Camila uses Portuguese to speak to Dinah about the mysterious and hot new girl in class. Will Lauren ever find out what Camila is saying about her?(#1 CAMRENAU)And I'm so sorry to all the Português readers for my spelling mistakes and grammar. It's not my first language!Published: October 2016Vote/ Rate/ Comment!

39.7K 3 1.3K Full
unORDINARY chatfic

takes place after john comes back to Welston after his suspension. That's all I'll say no one reads this anyway. I do not own the characters. Credits go to uru chan author of unordinary.cover- in unOrdinary 4 Febuary 2022

6K 10 139
Hold My Hand (Camren)

What happened after Lauren's attempt at trying to hold Camila's hand on stage during their 2016 7/27 tour?They're no longer together but hopefully Lauren can prove to Camila that she's ready during their next performance.(Based on the video of Lauren trying to hold Camila's hand during Dope on 1st October 2016 (YouTube it ;) ))Published: September 2016Rate/ Comment/ Vote!!!!

9.2K 1 276 Full
Urban Legends and Conspiracy Theories

Myths, rumours, internet hoaxes, fallacies, urban legends and scary stories.I do not own any of these and have no idea if they are real or not.#161 IN CREEPYSTORIES (??.??.????)#55 IN CREEPYSTORIES (10.11.2018)#85 IN CREEPYSTORIES (09.08.2018)#55 IN CREEPY STORIES (10.09.2018)#29 IN CONSPIRACYTHEORIES (09.14.2018)#21 IN CONSPIRACY THEORIES (09.22.2018)#19 IN CONSPIRACY THEORIES (10.05.2018)-j

9.9K 25 375
Stronger Together | The 100 [Bellarke one-shots]

A collection of canonverse Bellarke one-shots.Cover art from

15.7K 21 470

❝@commandernova: hi I'm nova and I only like dogs and Bellamy Blake❞❝@wildpipm: hi I'm Bellamy Blake do you like me yet❞bob morley x oc

95.4K 22 4.3K
HEARTBEAT, b. morley

H E A R T B E A T[ SOCIAL MEDIA ] ❛ let me fall asleep to your heartbeat. ❜[ bob morley ][ social media au ]

68K 17 2.4K
Little Rose.

A 100 cast story in highschool. Alyica debman carey and Eliza Taylor are the school's star couple, their friends are the king and queens of the school being the best football team they had in awhile. Alycia is captain of the football team and Eliza is captain of the cheerteam. what if they get interested what people call little rose? Y/n L/n, the school's rose. she's quiet, shy, always alone, beautiful and average, she has difficulty at home and sometimes bullied. she sings, draws, paints and has many talents but tends to keep it on the low. what if a certain group seem interested in her?⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ MENTION OF SELF HARM, ABUSE, DEATH AND SUCIDIE!!!Not abandoned, Just slow updates!!

1.9K 9 57
Slave Auction

Every year Jessica's school has its annual slave auction to raise money. The girls are auctioned off to the senior boys where they lived with the boys and had to do everything they said for a whole month. Even the idea just disgusted Jessica. What happens when her friend Nicole enters herself and Jessica? ( This takes place in a universe where 1D is not famous)

2.4K 4 12
The 100 cast ¥ Social Media

Social MediaMadison Gates, 27, gets casted as Rose Nelson, Bellamy Blake's love interest on The 100. Will Madie's on screen relationships affect her personal life?

2.9K 8 23
Mother! (Nesscas)

Ness is coolNess thinks Lucas is cooler"I swear I'm not gay!" -Ness

4.3K 7 80
Yuri Manga And Webtoon Recommendations

Reading and Recommending yuri mangas and webtoons because I am gay and they are very underappreciated.\\\\\\\\\\\\\

43.3K 50 582

She was from the underground. He was from a world beyond the walls that she never imagined could exist. Neither of them are from the same world as the others, making them outcasts.-Y/N, a lonely young girl from the underground who has always dreamed of the world above ground is caught in the act of theft. She is given the choice of execution, or joining the 104th cadet corps - however, which does she choose?****WARNING: spoiler alertttttttttt****Also the uploads may be slow/irregular because I'm currently studying for my A-levels and yeah, my uni offer is reaaaaaallly high so I can't f*:\%*CK it up :/I'll still try to upload as much as possible tho because each read you give makes me feel amazing :) (ima be cringe and use a FMA reference, equivalent exchange: you are all amazing so when you read this were transferring our amazingness :))

14.6K 10 541

Aquí para aclarar, todos los de la FANFHS los animatronicos y los Toy's, se graduaron ya, y cada quien se fue por su lado, pero se preguntaran PORQUE SE REUNIRÁN DE NUEVO LAS BANDAS?, pues lea la historia y lo vera :v, PD:-Aquí no habrá ships, o tal vez si.PD2:-Esta historia creo que sera mas corta o no? Jajaja me gusta el suspenso >:D

2K 10 169
Destination 12

Rin Bradford has lived her life behind closed doors for as long as she could remember. She's lived within the brainwashed community, thinking that was living.She questions herself everyday, about what life would be like outside the walls, past the electric fence separating her from paradise. Until one day, her saviour arrives, but sacrifices have to be made in order to live the life she's always wanted. Copyright gad12345000co 2017All rights reserved

14 1 3 Full