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Florence had been restless the entire night after reuniting with Benedict, she has tossed underneath her sheets, feeling an enormous hole in her - she didn't feel whole anymore.

So when she her body started to be attacked by exhaustion, she let herself be consumed by it. She woke a few hours later due to a large clatter that surrounded her, it had alerted her so much, her body had sprung forward from its' previously relaxed and sleeping manner. She hadn't even managed to brush sleep from her eyes as she faced her disruptive distraction. And only to be met with the same eyes as her daughters, they were staring right back at her and her face twisted with confusion.

"Hello," Benedict breathed. Florence's hand flew up to her forehead and drug it over her face, squishing her nose down before groaning, "Why are you in my room? Of all places, my room?"

"Well, it was the only place I could guarantee where you were!" Benedict states, his smile holds some hidden triumph and Florence feels the urge to wipe it off him with a kiss. She pulls a face at her own thought, she was not going to be doing that.

"You okay there?" Benedict asks, and Florence hates how compassionate and caring his voice is. She hates Benedict. She hates how he just turns up in Sweden and believes he has some rights to a conversation with her. Florence hates his stupid face that is gawping at her in such a loving way. She hates how eager she would be if he asked just a simple question, God forbid if he asked her to run away with him - she would do it in a heartbeat. She hates that a part of her still adores him, still desires him. Over anyone else, it will always be him and even as he stands looming over the comfort of her bedroom, he still looks the same as he did all those years ago.

"Fine," She replies with a bitten tongue, I am however not fine with you bringing back old feelings, "I'll ask you again now, what are you doing in my room?"

Florence then notices how weirdly Benedict is standing, and with an elaborate move she finds out why. He holds out several fresh flowers under her nose, it's clear that they're wild flowers, maybe from her sister's garden but it's still a beautiful gesture nonetheless. She takes them with a polite 'thank you', and he smiles.

"I suppose you're not just here to give me flowers?" A question maybe?

Benedict laughs guiltily, and his hand scratches the back of his head, his eyes downcast to the carpeted floor and Florence chews her gum in impatience. She watches Benedict dig around in his trouser pocket, and her face falls.

Knulla. She was tempting fate earlier with hoping that he'd ask a question to her. Well the question, and again. But maybe he's just giving her a note, or something miniscule like that. It doesn't have to be a ring.

Benedict finally fishes whatever out of his pocket, the diamond digs into his finger and the skin pinches with it as he encloses it in his fist, hiding it from Florence's vision.

"I actually had a whole speech, about equality in a marriage, including you in my plans, all of those marital things. Oh and to include, darling Astrid. You've done such a great job with her, Flo. And I know I probably have no right here, no ground to even try and defend myself here but I do still adore you. I haven't seen you in three years but everytime I see something that even remotely reminds me of you, your voice rushes and floods my head. And you are all I can think about. You are the only thing worth living for on this planet, you are better than any God, I can only see myself worshipping you for the rest of our intertwined lives together. But that can only happen if you answer 'yes' to my next question. And, remember you have all rights to say 'no', I wouldn't blame yo-"

Florence cuts him off, "Ask the question already."

Benedict's eyes had been focused so much on the floor, he had discarded catching a glimpse of Florence's reaction. She was beaming with joy, she was still as gorgeous as ever.

"Will you be my equal? Will you agree to this again? Will you do me the absolute honour of becoming my wife?" Benedict asks.

Florence's eyes immediately fill with tears, this seems more emotional than the first time. The tears run down her cheeks as she desperately nods her head 'yes'.

Benedict leaps forward and captures her in a kiss, and Florence squeals. She kisses back just as passionately, and they work in unison again. And it is pure bliss.

authors note
so, this is the second to last chapter, it's been fun but the next chapter is the last :'(
