
"Hm, his powers have started developing?"

"Y-yes, from the reports we've gotten, it started just this morning."

"Interesting. It would seem that we will be meeting him sooner than we thought..."

"Why not right now, my lord?"

"Hm, not quite yet...

"...I'd rather sit and watch this unfold before I make any...hasty decisions."


Ven stared at the pencil in front of him on his bed, willing it to move. He had been sitting there for the past few hours, trying to see if he could make the small object shift or move in any way. But alas, he's had no luck in this endeavor. Any time he had seen the pencil move, it was because he had shuffled every so slightly while he was on his bed. Sighing in annoyance, he decided to try one last time with his hand extended. After staring at the pencil for a few minutes and trying to push, pull, or do something to make it move, he gave up with a huff.

'How did I even manage to do it with my phone before? I wasn't even paying attention or trying to do anything...' Ven thought, starting to feel more and more frustrated. He picked up his phone from his nightstand and looked at the time.

12:17 p.m.

He groaned and leaned his head back, staring at the ceiling of his room. It felt like it had been a whole century since he last talked to Haru and Ryo, but in reality, it had only been a few hours.

'Wait...' Ven perked up as he remembered something. 'Haru said he would try to text during their lunch break, and it's already past 12:15!'

After he had realized that fact, Ven excitedly opened the Messages app on his phone, going straight to the group chat.


In the "BBBFF'SSSSπŸ€©πŸ’žπŸ’ž" groupchat

Venny-kunπŸ₯° is now online

AhEm aHeM
Are y'all on your lunch break yet??

Vampire KidπŸ˜ˆπŸ’ž
I am, but I'm pretty sure Haru isn't
I think he has some advanced science class rn and he has his lunch break the period after this😫


Vampire KidπŸ˜ˆπŸ’ž
Aww, do you miss your boyfriendd? 😁

We aren't dating??

Vampire KidπŸ˜ˆπŸ’ž
That's what they all say πŸ™„
Anyways you should try texting again at like 1-ish
Haruru should be on his lunch break by then I thinkπŸ‘€



Ven shut off his phone and put it off to the side, debating what he should do until then. His gaze wandered over once again to the pencil that laid on his bed, and he frowned.

'I doubt that it'll move if I try anymore...but I guess it's worth a shot.' He thought as he extended his arm for what felt like the millionth time. Before he could do anything, however, the doorbell suddenly rang. With a sigh of annoyance, Ven got up after struggling for a bit and made his way to the front door and looked out of the peephole.

There stood an abnormally tall man with long, silky silver hair and a cap over his head. Ven looked him up and down and noticed that he had some sort of a uniform on.

'That must be the mailman...but he's not the one that usually comes around...' Ven stood in front of the door, contemplating.

But at the same time...I feel like I've seen him somewhere before.

Ven shook his head and sighed, giving up on trying to think all of this over. He opened the door and faced the man that was now in front of him.

The towering man started a bit and looked down at Ven as he opened the door. After he gazed at him (rather strangely, might I add) for a few short moments, his eyes narrowed and he spoke.

"Ah, finally. Someone has answered." The man's voice had a silkily smooth tone. Chills began to run down Ven's spine as he continued to speak.

"I was told to...give this package to whoever owns this house, but you seem far too young to be that person. I suppose you'll have to do for now." He sighed and handed the box over to Ven, who took it with a confused expression.

"You aren't the usual mailman, are you?" The younger boy straightened up, trying to look as mature and composed as he possibly could. The mysterious man quirked his eyebrow, looking at him curiously.

"No, I'm taking over the job for now. The other worker...called in sick. I have no clue when he'll be back, if ever." He sighed, crossing his arms. "Anyways, it would seem that we will be seeing more of each other from now on. I do hope that we can get along."

Ven breathed in and out before looking at the man in the eyes. "Um...What can I call you?"

"Hm. It's been a while since anybody has asked me that question..." The man contemplated for a second before turning to look directly at Ven.

"...You may call me Masaru, if you'd like."

"A-Ah...alright. I hope that we can get along as well. My name's Ven." Ven bowed his head before looking back up at Masaru, struggling to keep his composure up.

"A pleasure to meet you, Ven. Remember to give that package to your...parents...whenever they come back." Masaru nodded before taking his leave and walking away. Ven stared after him for a moment longer before shaking his head and closing the door. He put the package down on the dining room table before making his way back to his room and sitting on his bed.

"Huh. That was...weird." Ven mumbled before looking at the time on his clock.

12:35 p.m.

"Ughhh, it hasn't even been that long! Damn it!" He groaned and collapsed on his bed. "What the hell am I gonna do for the next half hour...?"

After thinking for a moment, Ven sat up again and found the pencil that was on his bed from before. He stared at it for a bit, wondering if he had moved it using his mind or some kind of force from his hand. Frowning, he grabbed it and held it in his hands.

'I don't get it...What's it going to take for this damn thing to move?!'

As he finished his thought, Ven felt a powerful force coming from his hand, and the pencil was flung across the room and lodged into the wall. Blinking in shock, Ven hopped off of his bed and ran over, observing what had happened to the pencil.

"That's insane..." He mumbled, shocked at how deeply it was stuck in the wall. He grabbed the pencil, pulled it out, and ran back to his bed, ready to try again.


After he practiced for some time, Ven eventually heard a ping from his phone. He grabbed it and saw that he had finally gotten a text from Haru.

I just got on my lunch break, Ven
How are you feeling?

I'm actually doing ok-
I kinda figured out how to launch stuff with my hands

So you've been able to send stuff flying with your hands like you did with your phone this morning?

So far I've only been able to manage moving a pencil, but I think I'm really getting the hang of it!

Has anything else happened that might have to do with you and your powers?

Well, this doesn't have anything to do with my powers, but-


Some weird guy came over today. He said he was the new mailman
He had reeeally long silver hair and he had the mail person outfit on

I've never heard of anyone like that before in our neighborhood
Perhaps he recently moved here?

That's what I thought at first, but wouldn't we have known if someone new had moved here?

Well, you are right about that...

See?? I'm right about some things!

Not everything πŸ™„
Anyways, I should go so I can finish my lunch
Even if I'm in class, text me if anything new happens
I'll see you after school

Smh Haru


Ven set his phone to the side and sighed, leaning back on his bed.

'I guess I should...get some rest. I've been practicing for a while now...' he thought, his expression turning to one of exasperation. He grabbed his phone again, set an alarm that was a couple hours from then, and set it down again, closing his eyes and waiting for sleep to overtake him.
