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"He's not.. his body.. I-.." Phil tried to speak but seemed to be lost for words not knowing how to explain what had happened to his oldest son, heir to the throne of the Forest and hybrids. "He's a-alive though r-right?" you asked voice breaking not wanting to start crying again, Phil shifted to face you and hugged you with his arms and wings "Yes" was the only word that got you to start crying again, Happy that your... whatever he was to you was ok.Β 

"You should get something to eat, you didn't leave you room at all earlier" "O-ok" You answered sitting back up, Phil rested a hand on your upper cheek mostly in your hair. But his touch was different, not romantic like Techno's and not cruel like Dream's. Almost like a mothers touch telling you everything would be ok. He stood up helping you up with him and you two walked to the kitchen. You already knew you would be eating some more of the angel food cake

Once you got to the kitchen you grabbed the box with the angel food cake and looked at Phil "would you like a slice?" "No I'm alright, thank you though" he smiled and you grabbed a plate cutting yourself a piece of the cake and grabbed a fork. Phil stayed with you the whole time and you had an idea why. After you finished eating he brought you back to your room "I'll tell you more as soon as I can ok?" "Alright, thank you Phil" "Of course Y/N" he smiled and walked away as you closed the door.

You grabbed a random pair ofΒ  pj's and threw them on not caring, you grabbed your cape a pulled it on. You layed on the bed cuddling the cape slightly happy it smelt like Techno, At some point you fell asleep while silently crying into the cape.


You woke up almost around noon, you looked around your room. You sat up wiping the old tears from the following night and stood up even though all you wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry. You changed into another random dress not really caring right now.

You got dressed and walked out to see Prince Wilbur running towards you "Princess Y/N!" he yelled with a huge smile and tears rolling from his eyes "Prince Wilbur?" "Come on you need to see this!" He exclaimed exited and started running off, you ran after him confused until you got the infirmary, you slowed down as you got to the doors unsure and kinda scared to walk in. Prince Wilbur set a hand on your shoulder "It's ok, I promise" you nodded still unsure as you started taking shaky steps until you go to the door. Wilbur opened the door and you closed you eyes to prepare yourself.

"Princess?"you heard a shaky monotone voice say, your eyes shot open and you almost fell backwards if Wilbur wasn't behind you, what you saw in front of you, you wouldn't believe anyone if they just told you this. They he was, Techno was sitting on the infirmary bed with bandages covering his shoulders to his hip staring at you with a smile. You shakily took a step forwards before running to him setting a hand on his cheek to make sure he was real and this wasn't a dream.

He set his hand on yours a stray tear falling from his eye. Without hesitation you leaned down connecting both of your lips to his, feeling like you body went from being cold to a comforting warmth. After you parted your lips you set your head on his shoulder not wanting to let anyone see you cry "Do you want to cuddle my Princess?" the words hitting you hard, you nod as you pulled yourself onto the bed and cuddled into his side under his arm making sure not to touch his wounds with you head in his neck silently crying.

You heard walking "Y/N L/N we need to talk" you could hear the anger in his voice as you stiffened. "She's asleep" Techno said with a bit of venom in his voice, there was a pause in the talking until your father spoke up "Send her my way when she wakes." he stormed out hearing the doors slam close as you flinch. "She's not asleep-" "I know that idiot" Techno whisper-yelled to Tommy as he rubbed your back.


A/N: SUPRISE SHAWTYYYY- mk I'm a idiot ANYWAYS- no he isn't oofed- I need sleep if you can't tell though and I had to rush since I have school soon ;-;

I wanted to add more to this but I don't like writing at different times if you haven't been able to tell yet-

