Chapter 6:

(In this book Laddie is played by Jamie Campbell)

3rd Person POV:

It was her. His Bella. Laddie thought as he looked at his mate. She had grown into a beautiful girl. She had long brown thick wavy hair with red highlights, mocha brown eyes, red plump lips, and a curvy figure. Laddie stopped staring when David patted him on the back.m

"Go talk to her" David said as he looked at Laddie who nodded and went over to Bella.

Bella had gotten some candy floss and hummed in pleasure at the taste. She turned around only to bump into someone. She looked up to see a boy with Blonde hair, blue eyes, a muscular figure, a smile on his face, and a loving look in his eyes.

"Do you remember me? It's me Laddie!" Bella thought for a moment before her eyes widened in recognition

"Yes! You guys were the ones who lived in that cave and let me stay there after I was gone" Bella said as she looked to Laddie who beamed at the fact his mate remembered him.

"How have you been?" Laddie asked as they walked over to the beach, sitting on the sand.

"I've been good. After I left your guy's cave that night I got a ride from three guys. One was named Roy. He took me to the Sheriff, adopted me since my parents were found dead and took me back to LA with him. We lived there for a while until my dad recently got a job at the town. He bought a house here since it's only a 30 minute to 1 hour drive." Bella said as Laddie thought back to the night the others killed Bella's parents.

"Do you ever wonder who did it? Killed your parents?" Laddie asked as Bella looked to him with a sad look in her eyes

"Sometimes. I just... they were brutally murdered and thrown in the ocean! Surfers found my parents dead at the shore. I just wonder who could do that. But then I also wonder why they didn't kill me" Bella said as Laddie thought

He didn't realize he would be hurting Bella by killing her parents. He was just thinking about how if he did it, he would have his mate with him. Even though he felt slightly guilty, he wouldn't take it back. He would do anything to be with Bella. Looking back at his mate who was crying, Laddie pulled her into his lap and hugged her.

Bella hugged him back, feeling comfort and content in his arms, like she was meant to be there. After a few minutes Bella looked up to Laddie.

"Thank you, I'm not usually this emotional, '' Bella told him, looking down in embarrassment as Laddie lifted her face to look at him, not having his mate feel embarrassed as she was perfect.

"It's ok Bella. I'll always be here for you. And we can hang out more since you live here now!" Laddie said as he smiled down at his mate

"So have you dated anyone?" Laddie asked, hoping she would say no

"No. Well I mean not really. I went out with this guy for a week but I wouldn't call it dating."

Laddie smiled at that fact but soon frowned when she explained more

"I broke up with him because he kept pressuring me to give him my first kiss, along with other things. I wanted my first kiss to be special and I knew that if I gave it to him it wouldn't be. So I broke up with him. He didn't take well and started to harass me. I eventually got a restraining order on him and after that things seemed to get better...You must think I'm so dorky. A 18 year old girl who still hasn't had her first kiss". Bella said, looking up at Laddie as she was still in his lap.

Laddie smiled at his mate.

"You're not dorky. I haven't had my first kiss either. I wanted it to be special aswell."

Bella looked at him smiling. Laddie smiled back while on the inside he was angry. Some stupid human thought he could take Bella and when she said no he thought he could harass her! Laddie swore if he ever met him he would kill him. Laddie looked at his smiling mate and his anger quickly melted away. They both looked at each smiling and slightly leaning forward. Before either of them could blink, their lips were together.

In both of their eyes it was amazing. It wasn't too long or slow. It was sweet and perfect. Bella and Laddie broke apart, breathing quietly but heavily.

"Would you like to maybe be my girlfriend and see where things go?" Laddie asked

"I'd love that" Bella said as they reconnected their lips

For others it might be too fast but for them it felt right. They were mates, literally made for each other, although Bella didn't know that.
