It was currently Sunday night and it was quiet for once in the house. Joel and Erick were busy studying. Chris was playing his game in his room. Zabdiel had left and gone out a while ago and Richard was currently on his way out.

" ayo , I'm heading out now." He announced to the three.

" tranquilo compadre." Chris called out , letting Richard know he was aware of his outing.

As soon as he heard one of them respond , he would already leave.

Now where was Richard going so late ?

He was going to meet up with his uncle, his uncle supported his love for Art.Β  Of course the boys did to but , we're talking family wise. His uncle as well worked at a superhero headquarters. Yes , they actually exist.

Anyway , his uncle had a tiny surprise for him. Richard trusts his uncle completely.


" dΓ­melo, que lo que TΓ­o?" Richard said enthusiastically greeting his uncle as they did a bro hug.

" mira lo que te traje." His uncle said giving him the backpack he had on his back.

Richard opened it up and there was a bunch of spray cans. He thanked them and then went to this abandoned section of the subway.

Richard stared at his canvas which was the blank wall underground. He finally got an idea and began to pull out the cans. His uncle just sat there and watched his nephew.

Richard truly had such a strong passion for art and photography.


Richard was currently finishing up his work of art. Meanwhile his uncle sat there listening to music. As he was spraying the wall he felt a pinch on his hand.

" ouch." He said and slapped his hand. He didn't see anything so he shrugged it off and continued with his work.

But , little did he know a tiny spider had crawled away. That spider turned Richard into a complete different guy over night.


The story has officially begun , wait until Richard finds out.

xoxo CNCOx5
