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Chapter Eight โฅ ๐™ป๐š˜๐šœ๐šœ๐šŽ๐šœ ๐™ฐ๐š—๐š ๐š…๐š’๐šŒ๐š๐š˜๐š›๐š’๐šŽ๐šœ


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"Zipporah! You must come quickly!" The young Queen whipped around in surprise as Morgana burst into her chambers.

"What ever's the matter?" She asked, hurriedly going over to the other girl.

Morgana looked deeply upset, tears shining in her green eyes, and her voice almost broke when she spoke. "It's Gwen. Arthur has arrested her and taken her to Uther! They think she's a Sorceress!"

Zipporah's eyes grew large as she registered the alarming information. "WHAT?!"

The next second, she was already out of her chambers and rushing through the halls, with Morgana hurrying behind. She arrived outside the Council doors where the guards instantly granted her entrance, allowing her to stride in, wearing an outraged expression.

"Why will no one believe me?!" Gwen cried helplessly from her place on the floor. "My father got better, he just recovered. I didn't do anything!"

"I believe you," announced Zipporah, sparking everyone's interest.

Morgana moved to stand on the other side of Gwen and agreed, "as do I. Perhaps this is a disease that is not always fatal, have you thought about that?" She directed to Uther. "Perhaps he recovered naturally."

Uther questioned back, "and what of this poultice that was found?"

"Poultice? I don't know anything about a poultice," Gwen persisted.

A bittersweet realisation struck Zipporah in that moment. Merlin. She should have known that he would have tried to help Gwen using his magic. Yet, his effort was in vain, for it had created more trouble for the girl than she was sure he could have ever imagined at the time.

"It was found in your house," informed Uther. "Undo this enchantment. Put an end to this contagion."

Gwen blubbered as she tried to contain her tears. "I can't!"

"I will show you no mercy."

"But I will," Zipporah promised fiercely, earning a quick glare from her husband.

"I am not a witch," Gwen told him earnestly, "I don't know how to stop the illness!"

"If you will not undo your sorcery, you force my hand and I must find you guilty..."

Zipporah shouted in alarm, "Uther!"

He payed no heed to her protest, sitting back down on his throne in an almost leisurely fashion.ย  "It is therefore my duty to pronounce judgment. And under the circumstance I have no choice but to sentence you to death."

A painful sob ricocheted out of Gwen as her body convulsed with sorrowful cries.

"No!" Zipporah exclaimed as she looked down at the girl in shock.

As he commanded the guards to take Gwen to the dungeons, Uther called after her, "I can only hope that when you die, this evil plague dies with you."

Arthur, Zipporah and Morgana all watched helplessly as Gwen was dragged out of the Court, her desperate pleads ringing hauntingly in their ears.

As soon as they were all left alone, Zipporah fixed her fierce glare on the King, hatred seeping into every glance.

"How could you do that to her?! She is an innocent girl!"

Supporting her protest, Morgana added, "I know Gwen, she's my maidservant, not an enchantress."

"Have you ever seen an enchantress?" Uther inquired knowingly. "Believe me, they bear no sign, no mark. There is no sense of evil in the eye."

Arthur and Zipporah shared a quick and careful glance at his words, both thinking of the hidden irony.

"I've seen the way the girl works," Morgana told him, "her fingers are worn, her nails are broken. If she was a Sorceress, why would she do this?"

Zipporah elaborated on the thought by saying, "why would she kneel on a cold stone floor morning after morning when she could make these things happen with a snap of her fingers?" Throwing him a look of disgust, she added, "like an idle king!"

At her insult, Uther whirled around and barked angrily, "you have no right!"

"I have every right!" Zipporah fired back equally as enraged. "But you have no right to cast any judgement on that girl!"

"I have a responsibility to take care of this kingdom! I take no pleasure in this!"

"It is my responsibility too!"

Morgana nodded at Zipporah's statement then countered Uther's claim by saying pleadingly, "you're sentencing the wrong person!"

"What happened to justice and mercy?" Zipporah proclaimed heatedly. "Though I doubt those words are even in your vocabulary!"

"How dare you!" Uther took a long stride towards her, his fist clenched and his eyes burning with a-blazed fury.

However, before he could get close to her, Arthur hastily moved in front of Zipporah, shielding her protectively from his reach.

"She's right, Father," he stated, matching his hard stare as he tried to draw the man's attention away from the girl behind him. "You hear the word magic and you no longer listen."

His plan seemed to work temporarily, for Uther settled his gaze on his son instead and spoke in a slightly calmer tone, "you saw it for yourself. The girl used enchantments."

"Yes, maybe. But to save her dying father, that doesn't make her guilty of creating a plague," Arthur argued wisely. "One's the act of, of kindness, of love, the other of evil. I don't believe evil's in this girl's heart."

Despite the arguments against him, Uther still refuses to listen. "I have witnessed what witchcraft can do. I have suffered at its hand. I cannot take that chance. If there is the slightest doubt about this girl, she must die or the whole kingdom may perish."

He then went to turn away, thinking that was the final word on the situation, but he stopped when Zipporah spoke up again, breaking through Arthur's safety barrier.

"You say that you have suffered at the hands of Sorcerers, but I have suffered at the hands of nobles and Knights!" She declared passionately, her mind reeling with painful memories. "Yet, I do not go around slaughtering every Knight or Courtier in the kingdom! You are not seeing sense!"

"I can see perfectly what is before me!" Uther rumbled. "A terrible evil masked in the body of a servant girl."

Zipporah laughed in pure anger and she stepped away, feeling the urge to use her magic growing almost too great to resist. Her struggle did not escape Arthur's notice, whose gaze followed her every move closely, waiting to see if he would have to intervene.

"One day you may become King," Uther told his son, "then you will understand. Such decisions must be made. There are dark forces that threaten this kingdom."

"I know. Witchcraft is an evil, Father," Arthur sent a discreet look of apology to Zipporah as he uttered the statement, both of them knowing that he did not mean it. He continued, "so is injustice. Yes, I am yet to be King, and I don't know what kind of king I will be, but I do have a sense of the kind of Camelot I would wish to live in. It would be where the punishment fits the crime."

"Precisely and this does not!" Zipporah declared. "Magic is not evil nor is it good, it is merely a tool. The one who yields it decides its nature! Gwen is not evil, she is kind and pure-hearted!"

As though she had never even spoken, Uther said to his son, "I fear you're right. She's played with fire, and sadly she must die by fire."

With that, he stormed away out the back entrance of the Court, leaving Morgana to run away in tears, and Zipporah to dig her nails into the palms of her hands, in an attempt to calm herself from exploding.

Arthur observed her sadly, before going up to her and gently taking ahold of her hands, ceasing her from causing herself any harm.

"I'm sorry."

Seeing his guilty expression, Zipporah cocked her head to the side in confusion, prompting him to elaborate.

"If I hadn't of brought the girl here-"

"It would have been someone else," she finished for him. "Uther does not care if a person is truly innocent, as long as they fit his own ideals of what guilty looks like, then that is what they become in his eyes."

Arthur listened to her sorrowfully, as she knew that every word she was speaking was entirely true, and it was one of the many things that angered him about his father.

Zipporah drew her gaze away from him as she stared a little into the distance, her thoughts raging with all the crimes of the unjust King.

"He has destroyed so many innocent lives because of his prejudice...so much blood spilled on his hands..." Something then snapped in her eyes, setting in a fiery determination. "He's not going to destroy Gwen's too. I will make sure of it."

Arthur squeezed her hands gently in a supportive gesture, but his eyes clouded with perplexity. "How?"

"I don't know, but one way or another, Gwen will survive..."


The dungeons were as cold and damp as ever, the murky atmosphere adding to the somber reality. As she made her way down the staircase, Zipporah eyed the many cells in disdain, thinking how so many innocent people had occupied them before.

It was the one thing that she wished she could change the most, for magic to be accepted in Camelot, to get people to realise that only people could be evil and not magic itself.

Her thoughts drew to a short end when she was granted entrance to the cell she had wanted to visit. Her eyes glossed over when she saw Gwen lying on the floor, her cheeks tear stained.

The servant girl immediately stood up at the Queen's presence, doing her best to contain her distress as she sniffled pitifully.

Despite her grievance of a predicament, she still managed to draw herself into a curtsy and greet, "My Queen," in a respectful manner.

Zipporah ignored her polite greeting, and instead reached forwards and enveloped Gwen into a tight embrace. Gwen was eager to respond to the act comfort as she clung to the other's girls dress, letting another tear finally fall.

"Oh, Zipporah!" She cried mournfully.

"I know, I know," Zipporah cooed soothingly as she gently rubbed her back. "I'm so sorry."

Pulling away slightly so that they could see each other, Gwen frowned, confused. "You have no need to be sorry. It's not your fault."

It did not matter what she said, for Zipporah would still blame herself, as she had no true authority in matters such as this, and it gnawed at her painfully.

"I promise, I will get you out of here."

Though a small flame of hope sparked in Gwen, she couldn't help but let out a shaky, dejected breath. "You can't, Uther will not stand for anybody defying his orders. I don't want you to put yourself at risk for my sake."

"I can and most certainly will. You let me worry about Uther. I am not going to let you die!"

Gwen let out a sudden blubber and tears poured down her cheeks. "I'm scared..." she admitted in a vulnerable, small voice that made Zipporah's heart clench.

"I know, but you have no need to be, for I will find a way. I swear to you, as you're friend."

Zipporah drew Gwen into another hug, squeezing her tightly as she tried not to let her own tears fall. After a long moment, the two of them broke away, with Zipporah holding onto her hand in a bid of goodbye, before eventually leaving the cell.

As she made her way out of the cell blocks, she found Merlin waiting for her at the top of the staircase, looking highly sheepish.

"Have you seen Gwen?" He asked quietly, not fully meeting her gaze.


"I saw her too. I promised her that I would find a way to free her."

"So did I."

A moment of an almost, uncomfortable silence ensued between them, and Merlin was desperate to break it.

"I really am truly sorry about all of this," he started in a low murmur, "I never meant for Gwen to get hurt. I was just trying to help her father...I never thought..."

"No, Merlin. You didn't think," she agreed with a heavy sigh. "I understand that you had good intentions, but this is the consequence of acting on impulse with your magic."

"I know, but I thought that if I could cure her father then she would be happy again, I didn't want to see her upset-"

"Yes, but by acting the way you did, you only created devastating results."

Merlin looked down at his feet guiltily, feeling like a scolded child, but he knew that he deserved it.

"Do you think that I don't understand how frustrating it is to have to restrict the powers that we have? I feel such an anger of injustice every single day, knowing that I could use my powers to help so many lives, but instead I am forced to contain it and pretend that I am a normal person of society. It haunts me all the time, but I bide my time and I pick my battles carefully, because otherwise I risk endangering others."

After she had finished her counsel of wisdom, Merlin was left staring at her as he registered her words. It made him realise that what he had only felt this once, was something that she had to endure for much longer, and in a much harder position. Shame crept up on him as he dwelt on this humbling reality.

With sincerity shining in his eyes, he said, "Zipporah, I am so sorry. You're right. I was blinded by my own desperation to use my magic..and now Gwen is paying the price."

Zipporah eyed him carefully as she saw how guilty and ashamed he appeared, before letting a small smile rest on her lips.

In a considerably softer voice, she uttered, "you had her best interest at heart. I just want you to be aware that our magic is something to be handled with care. I had to learn that the hard way, and now you have too. By the way, Arthur told me what you did, you confessed that you had magic to save Gwen. That was noble of you, if not just a tad stupid."

Merlin didn't make a comment, for he didn't need to, but he smiled at her in relief that she was no longer angry at him.

Changing the subject to something less depressing and worrisome, Zipporah inquired, "has Gaius managed to trace whatever is in the water yet?"

Merlin could have kicked himself for forgetting that, it was what Gaius had sent him to tell her.

"Oh, yes! We went down into the caves to the heart of the water supply, and we found this horrible creature-I mean it was incredibly ugly-one of the most awful-looking things I've ever seen-"

"Merlin-the creature, what was it?"

Merlin laughed a little bashfully. "Oh, right. Gaius found in his books, that it's called an Afanc."

Recognition sparked in her eyes when she heard the name of the beast. "An Afanc...has Gaius got a book on elements?"

"I think so, why?"

"Because the Afanc is made up of water and clay, two of the four base elements. The other two, fire and wind might be able to destroy it...I think I remember reading that it one of my mother's old books. And you're right, they really are hideous creatures."

Merlin broke out into a huge grin, hope filling his heart as he realised that they had a chance of freeing Gwen.

"Zipporah, you are amazing!"

"I am, aren't I," she quipped with a teasing smirk.

"I've got to tell Gaius!" Merlin went to speed away, before stopping in his tracks and running back to her. "Wait, Arthur- we need Arthur- he's our best chance."

Zipporah gave a nod and replied, "you leave him to me."


Zipporah did as she promised and tracked down Arthur, finding him in his chambers at his table, with a large pile of mess surrounding it.

Upon seeing her, Arthur instantly stood and straightened himself up, feeling a little embarrassed about the state of his room.

"Sorry about all this," he apologised, gesturing to the scraps of food on the table, "Merlin's not been in today."

"I know, he's been helping Gaius and I. He's been in an awful state...Poor Merlin."

"Yes," Arthur agreed, although he wasn't sure that he liked how sympathetic her tone was towards his servant.

She smirked a little. "To offer up his own life to save Gwen's. I certainly can't imagine any man loving me so much."

Something undefinable flashed in Arthur's startling blue eyes, and for a brief moment he looked as though he were in deep pain.

Taking a single step towards her, his jaw set hard, his gaze boring into her like a blazing fire, as if he were peering into her very soul.

In an almost broken whisper, he uttered, "don't. Don't mock me, Zipporah."

Seeing how badly her jesting had effected him, Zipporah's own heart filled with guilt, causing her to swerve her glance away from him and to the floor.

"I'm sorry. I didn't meant it like that."

Even though her words had hurt him, Arthur couldn't bear to see her upset, so he consequently, walked further until he was standing dangerously close to her.

He slowly reached out his hand and hooked his finger underneath her chin, gently tilting her face up again so that she had to meet his eyes.

The intensity of his stare made her want to look away, at anything but him, yet there was something that was pulling her, something that wouldn't allow her to.

With a small, ironic smile, she murmured, "for a moment...I had almost forgotten..."

His brow furrowed. "Forgotten what?"

"That you're the one who truly loves me...that it's not just a part of my hazy imagination."

Her forbidden declaration hung perilously in the tense atmosphere that had formed, and Arthur had to take a sharp inhale of breath.


Her name uttered from his lips was like a sweet symphony to her ears. It was a sound that she could replay over and over in her mind and she would never tire of hearing it.

She closed her eyes briefly and with a sad sort of smile, whispered, "I know."

Conflict burned in Arthur's mind, opposing thoughts and desires battling each other, his own conscience reeling with strange justifications.

In one daring motion, he lifted his hand from her chin and brought it up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear, allowing his fingers to purposefully caress her skin.

Almost subconsciously, she leaned into his lingering touch, her own skin burning with the craving that she had been deprived of for so long.

Arthur, too, was overcome with a wild tingling sensation all over, every fibre of his being itching to take her in his arms and just hold her close.

As his own contrasting thoughts screamed at him, Arthur moved his hand down to rest on her cheek, letting his thumb lovingly caress over her soft skin, igniting from her a small, contended hum.

That was the only prompt he needed to start to lean in, his gaze drifting down to her plump lips. Slowly, he got closer and closer until their lips were almost, tantalisingly touching....


"...Am I interrupting something...?"

Arthur and Zipporah's heads whipped around at a dangerously fast speed, only to find Morgana standing by the closed doors, wearing a smug smirk.

The pair realised how bad their positions looked, and instantly ripped away from each other as though they had caught on fire, deliberately standing on opposite sides of the room.

Morgana merely raised an eyebrow at their actions, appearing highly amused.

Neither guilty party knew where to look, certainly not at each other, so Zipporah settled for the table and Arthur, the wall, in a poor attempt to look as causal as possible.

Clearing his throat uncomfortably, Arthur broke the tense-filed silence by saying, "what are you doing here, Morgana?"

Said woman was not oblivious to the bitter undertone of his voice, and her smirked deepened, rightly guessing that he was irritated at having been so untimely intruded upon.

"I have just seen Gaius and I was coming here to gain your assistance," she then let her gaze land on the other woman present, "but I see that Zipporah has already beaten me to it."

Zipporah sent her friend an annoyed glare at her obvious and teasing implication.

A sudden, awkward laugh elicited from Arthur, which only fuelled the suspect situation.

"Always hilarious, Morgana," he remarked, though his face showed that he felt anything but humour. "What was it that you actually wanted?"

"Thanks to Zipporah, Gaius has been able to find a way to end this plague. It requires the assistance of a Knight. Sadly the age of gallantry seems to be dead. You look around and all you see are small men, not big enough to fill their armour. There's not one of them that' s able to stand up for what is right."

Arthur smirked at her obvious, manipulative insult. "What do you want me to do?"

"I believe I can leave Zipporah to fill you in on the details," she quipped with a suggestive wiggle of her eyebrows, causing both parties to send glares her way.

Morgana only laughed as she rested her hand on the door handle. "I'll leave you to it. Oh, and just a piece of advice; be sure to lock the doors next time, that way you'll be sure to avoid any disturbances."

Throwing a cheeky wink their way and laughing at the colour that began to tint their cheeks, Morgana exited the chambers, her amused chuckles echoing in the halls when she left.

Arthur clicked his tongue, clueless as to how to resume a conversation after the highly awkward and embarrassing moment.

Subsequently, it lead him to unwisely comment, "heh...women...they can be crazy sometimes."

In turn, Zipporah planted her hands on her hips and wore an unimpressed expression.

"Excuse me?"

Arthur scrunched his up his nose and internally winced. "You're going to make me pay for that later, aren't you?"

"And some people say that you're not that bright..."



Far down in the caves of the Water Caven, Morgana, Zipporah, Merlin and Arthur were all grouped together, ready to find the creature that was contaminating the water and kill it.

They all had torches of fire in their hands, but even then their vision was badly restricted, as the caves were cut off from every source of natural light. It wasn't exactly ideal when you needed to fight a magical beast.

As they walked further into the caves, Arthur muttered under his breath, "you three better be right about this.

Before anyone got the chance to reply, a loud and ominous growl echoed around them, causing Morgana to let out a startled gasp and Zipporah to grasp the hold of her torch tighter.

Arthur took notice of their reactions and told them, "you two should stay here."

"We're coming with you," Zipporah replied firmly.


Morgana smirked. "Scared that we'll show you up?"

Arthur shot her an irritated glance. "Father will slam us both in chains if he knew I'd endangered you." To Zipporah he emphasised, "especially you."

"Well good thing he doesn't know about it then," retorted Morgana.

Arthur huffed. "I'm telling the both of you, turn back. You could get hurt."

Morgana exchanged a sly glance with Zipporah before saying, "you could too..."

Zipporah finished, "if you don't get out of our way."

Then they both strutted past the Prince, who looked to Merlin to find him grinning. Arthur rolled his eyes then followed after them, tailing Zipporah.

In the darkness, Morgana squinted as she struggles to see properly. "How are we going to find it?"

"I just hope we find it before it finds us," mused Merlin nervously.

They drew to a halt when they reached the water source, the sense of eeriness increasing the longer they stayed down there.

"Spread out," Arthur instructed, but reached out and grabbed Zipporah's arm when she went to leave. "I want you with me."

She didn't see any point in arguing and in all honesty, she was relieved not be left alone with the creature.

Within the matter of only a few seconds, another growl rung out from behind them, and they whirled around, holding out their torches, only to come face to face with the monster.

Zipporah screamed instinctively at the hideous sight as Arthur raised his sword and tried to strike it, but before he could, it had disappeared again into the shadows.

Having been altered by the scream, Morgana and Merlin rushed back to them. "What is it? Are you alright?" And asked in alarm.

"Yes," Arthur said whilst Zipporah nodded.

Merlin looked around him cautiously. "Did you see it? What was it like?"

Arthur deliberated before saying, "it was...quick."

"And hideous," Zipporah added, feeling that the detail was important. "Very, very hideous."

All of a sudden, the Afanc appeared in front of Morgana, who screamed in fear, and the others readied to fight it again.

The Afanc managed to swing Arthur's sword away from him, leaving him only with the torch as his defence. However, he didn't panic as he turned to Zipporah, who nodded in understanding. She had explained to him that she would have to use her magic to defeat it and he had agreed to protect her as she did so.

Arthur moved in front of Morgana, ensuring that her view of Zipporah was blocked, and was satisfied when he saw that Merlin was distracted by the creature. Of course, he had no idea that Merlin knew about their secret plan too.

"Use the torch, Arthur!" Zipporah yelled, and he obeyed, swinging the torch in front of the creature wildly. Wasting no time, she muttered a spell under her breath, "Lyfte ic รพe in balwen ac forhienan."

Her spell summoned a powerful wind that blew the flames of the torch onto the Afanc, incinerating it.

As soon as they realised their victory, all four of them turned to one another with relief, hearty laughs of triumph echoing throughout the caves.


After the wonderful victory of the evening, the group gathered themselves in the dungeons, as glamorous as it sounded, in Gwen's cell, with the happy news of her release.

Gwen had burst into tears of joy when they had told her that the King had dropped the charges against her. Gwen cried further when her father, Tom, entered the cell, and launched herself into his arms.

"Oh, my little child," he greeted as he held her, making the others smile infectiously at the heart-warming sight.

Gwen reached to grasp Zipporah's hand, telling her gratefully, "thank you."

"Don't thank me, it was more Merlin."

Although that wasn't strictly true, Zipporah wanted him to have the credit for it, and she knew it would make Gwen light up.

She turned out to be correct when Gwen looked to Merlin with bright eyes. "Really?"

"Mhm," agreed Morgana, playing along, "he was the real hero."

"I don't know what to say," admitted Gwen bashfully, staring at him adoringly.

Merlin chuckled nervously, waving it off. "I didn't do anything."

Tom held his daughter's hand and looked to them with a smile. "I'm-I'm grateful to all of you," then he bowed and directed to the two Royals, "thank you, My Queen, Prince Arthur."

They merely smiled in response and watched as he left with Gwen, who sneaked a glance back at Merlin as she went.

Standing in the doorway to the cell, Morgana turned to Merlin with a coy smile. "Merlin. I wanted you to know, your secret's safe with me."

Merlin gulped and worry crept within him as he echoed, "my secret?"

"Merlin, don't pretend. I know what you did. I saw it with my own eyes. I understand why you don't anyone to know."

He couldn't help but look to Zipporah, his anxiety growing, but she gave him a reassuring nod.

"But I won't tell anyone," Morgana promised. "You don't mind me talking to you about it?"

Merlin stuttered out, "no-I-you-you have no idea how hard this to keep this hidden-"

Morgana's smile widened. "Well, you can continue to deny it, but I think Gwen's a very lucky woman."

Merlin faltered when he realised that she had got the wrong end of the stick. "Gwen?"

Morgana put a finger to her lips and said, "it's our secret," then walked away, leaving a dumbfounded Merlin.

"Yes, Merlin," announced Zipporah with a giggle, "your secret is safe with us."

Arthur grinned at her teasing as Merlin pouted grumpily. She smirked when she added, "you two would actually make an adorable pair."

Throwing his hands up in exasperation, Merlin whined, "not you too!"

Zipporah held her hands up in a gesture of mock surrender. "I'm only saying, you know I'm right. Don't you agree, Arthur?"

"Hmm? Yes, possibly," he mused with a smirk, "I suppose, if the girl could learn to put up with his donkey ears."

Zipporah broke out into amused laughter, making him smile with pride as Merlin exclaimed, "hey! I do not have the ears of a donkey!"

Arthur nodded along but mouthed to Zipporah, 'he does,' causing her to laugh even more, as Merlin put his hands on his hips indignantly.

"Ooh!" Zipporah exclaimed in excitement. "I've got the perfect dress Gwen could wear if you take her on an outing! Maybe a picnic by the lake?'

Merlin groaned loudly as Arthur chuckled. The latter added, "are those wedding bells I hear in the distance?"

Merlin looked between the snickering pair with annoyed and resigned eyes. However, inside, he was reeling with anticipation at the reality that the three of them together were establishing a certain bond.

A strange dynamic that seemed to fit perfectly. Something that he just knew was going to last a lifetime.


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