"What time is the flight?" Mina asked helping her brown hair friend pack for her flight,"At like 9 A.M." Nailea answered putting the last piece of clothing into her suitcase.Her and Mina had at least put half of her closet in a medium size suitcase,she didn't know for how long she was going to stay visiting Clay but she was prepared with at least 20 different outfits.

She then packed her laptop and other important stuff in a small bag pack,not waiting to do that early in the morning."I'm going to shower." She turned to look at Mina laying in her messy bed due from them two sitting on it for the last 3 hours,"Alright." Mina answered looking up from her phone just to see Nailea walk into the bathroom and close the door.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Β  ~
It was around 2 A.M. when both the girls decided it was time for bed,Mina was staying over to drive Nailea to the airport the next morning since her car was at the shop getting fixed."Are you nervous to meet him?" Mina asked in a low voice afraid to speak in her loud and clear voice she normally had,not wanting to wake up Nailea's parents at 2 A.M.

"Kinda,I just feel like everything is moving to fast," Nailea admitted rolling over to the right to look at her friend.It was true,everything was moving to fast,her and Clay meet a few months ago then started dating and now she's going to go meet up,she was grateful for Clay and everything he has done for her but it scared her how everything was moving to fast for her liking.

"What if he asks for me to move in." Nailea blurted out after awhile of silence between her and Mina."Then you say yes or no I don't know let me sleep." Mina answered with a sleepy voice wanting to have a nice sleep,"What if I say yes?" Nailea said grabbing Minas shoulders and shaking them trying to wake her tired friend up.Mina returned a groan and slapped Naileas hand off her,"Then you two use protection everytime." She answered trying to get Nailea mad and make her stop trying to wake her up.

"Minaaa that's not an answered," Nailea whined realizing what Mina was trying to do, "Yes it is,now fuck off and let me sleep." She answered back stealing half of the covers of the bed trying to get cozy and finally sleep without her worried friend waking her up every 5 minutes asking her questions.


Clay:text me when you land

Nai:Mina just dropped me offπŸ’”

Clay:yea she texted me saying "I dropped off Nailea at the airport safety like you wanted me too now pay me stupid green bitch"

Nai:well are you going to pay her ?


Nai:well she's going to hate you more now

Clay:it's fineeeeee
Clay:is the airport full?

Nai:there's only like 5 other people in the area I'm in

Clay:can the plane please hurry up
Clay:I want to seeee youuuu
Clay:and kiss you;)

Nai:lol i have a boyfriend 🀨

Clay:what's his name ?

Nai:Timothee Chalamet

Clay:I will block you

Nai:well ehhh


Nai:I'm bored please answer
Nai:why did I have to wake up so early
Nai:oh dreammmmn;)

Clay:don't you have a boyfriend named timothee 😬

Nai:he doesn't have to knowπŸ™„


Nai:why did I have to wake up early

Clay:idk bc you had to

Nai:thanks for the explanation😍😍😍😍


Nai:fuck the photo hasn't send

Clay:a photo;)


Clay:fucking hot
Clay:what that hand do ;)

Nai:wash the dishes bc IM A WOMAN


Nai:you fucking dirty bitch "what that hand do ;)"
Nai:stop trying to sex text

Clay:fine fine πŸ™„

Nai:go do that to george or sum
Nai:is it like that😰😰




Nai:I'll text you when I land
Nai:LOVE YOUUUUUπŸ–•πŸΌπŸ–•πŸΌπŸ–•πŸΌπŸ–•πŸΌπŸ˜²

Clay:you are so niceπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί

Nai:im aware😘

Clay:ok well text me when you land I'll probably be there already

Nai:is sapnap going to be there😰😰😰


Nai:bitch then don't pick me up πŸ™„
Nai:jk lol love you β€οΈπŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ–€πŸ€πŸ€Žβ£οΈπŸ’•πŸ’žπŸ’“πŸ’—πŸ’–πŸ’˜πŸ’πŸ’Ÿ

Clay:jk love you ig

Nai:"ig" SIR?

Clay:jk lol get skeppy trolled

Nai:I want to break up.

Clay:love you too❀️


After 4 hours of Nailea sitting in a plane she had finally landed in Florida,she had collected her stuff and walk out of the plane excited to finally meet her boyfriend.She quickly took her phone out of her pocket and texted Clay letting him know she had landed,"I landed!" she turned her phone off and started walking towards the escalator at the end of the hall.

"I'm waiting at the baggage pick up:)!" She read off her phone walking off the escalator and towards the same place Clay was waiting at.She quickly looked around the big place looking for a tall blonde boy when she didn't see Clay she opened messages sending him a text,"i dont see you."

"Turn around then," a voice behind her said,Nailea turned around seeing her boyfriend in black hoodie smiling down at her.He pulled her into a hug causing Nailea to laugh,"Why the fuck are you so tall?" She asked receiving a laugh from Clay,"Why are you so fucking short?" He asked pulling away from the hug to hold Nailea's hand and started to walk towards the baggage to get his girlfriends suitcase.

After a few minutes of waiting Nailea finally saw her suitcase,"Let me go get it," she said starting walking towards it,"I'll get it wait here," Clay quickly said pausing Nailea to turn around and smile at him.She watched as he picked up the white suitcase without a struggle, something her and Mina had when they tried to put it in the car earlier that day."Ready?" Clay asked holding out his hand for Nailea to hold she nodded taking his hand are walking out the airport towards where his car was parked.


"I think sapnap is asleep," Clay said holding the door open for Nailea to walk in closing it when she was finally in his house."Yes because sapnap will fall asleep when I know Nai is coming." Nick said walking out of the kitchen looking at Nailea and Clay,"Hi Nai!" he said walking towards Nailea and giving her a hug, "Hello!" Nailea said smiling at her friend after they both pulled away from the hug.

"Come on let's put your stuff in my room," Clay said making Nailea walk upstairs behind him and into his room."The closet is big enough for your clothes to fit in." He said walking Nailea to the closet where his clothes were at,"You sure I can put there here?" Nailea asked not sure if he meant it or not,"Yes I'm sure,I'll help you if you want to." He said wanting to make sure she felt comfortable.

Both him and her put her clothes and shoes in the closet talking and listening to Nick being annoyed for Mina not coming with Nailea to visit,"You are soooo annoying," Nailea groaned hanging her last shirt on the hanger,"He just had a crush on Mina," Clay said walking out the closet closely behind Nailea."Trueeee" Nailea replied to her boyfriend causing Nick to roll his eyes and say,"That's not true it will be more fun if she was here."

"Yea because you have a crush on her," Clay said again laughing at Nick rolling his eyes again."I'm hungry." Nailea said while she played with Patches,who seemed to like her for the short time she had known her,"There's left over pasta from yesterday," Clay suggested looking at Nailea still playing with Patches, "Yea no i ate that," Nick said causing both Clay and Nailea to laugh,"there's still steak though."

The three of them sat at the table enjoying their food while talking about random things and laughing at the dumb things Clay or Nick said randomly.It was around 2 A.M. when they all decided they were going to bed,"Please dont do anything." Nick said with a yawned both Clay and Nailea knew exactly what he was saying causing both of them so say,"fuck you."

Nailea was already in bed with a sleepy cat right next to her waiting for her boyfriend to come out of the shower.She spend time on tik tok when she heard the bathroom door open causing her to look up and see her boyfriend shirtless with only a towel around his torso.She couldn't help with stare at him,something Clay noticed and smirked looking a pair of sweatpants."Grey sweatpants?" Nailea asked with a laugh when she noticed the color of the sweatpants he had found thrown around his room,"Stop looking creep." Clay joked looking at Nailea as he walked back into the bathroom to put pants on.


"Im cold," Nailea heard Clay say for the 10th time,truth be told Clay just wanted to cuddle with his girlfriend so he started to annoy her thinking that will be the best way to cuddle with her."Well yea no shit your shirtless," Nailea said after hearing Clay to whine and pull her close to him by he waist.Nailea was caught by surprised but she soon realized the reason her boy was being annoying about being cold.

"If you wanted to cuddle you could of just told me," she said in a low voice still surprised she was against his chest,"Well this work didn't it?" Clay said connecting one of his cold hand with his girlfriends warm hand,while the other one was still resting on her waist."You're annoying," Nailea said,laughing when Clay pulled away from her and turned to his other side,"Well youre the one that's cold." She said teasing him,he turned back around and without a warning kissed Nailea.

He put his hand on her cheek,while Nailea put her hands behind his neck pulling him closer to her.Both his hand roaming around her body still making out with her,suddenly he didn't feel cold anymore.He smiled against the kissed when he noticed Nailea playing with his hair,something he wished for days she will do once they met up.Nailea finally pulled away which caused Clay to frown misses her lips on his,they were both breathless both of them just looking at eachother in silence.

"Well that was something I didn't expect till later." Nailea admitted causing Clay to laugh and agree with her."You aren't complaining though," He smirked at Nailea causing her to get red and hide herself in her hands,he pulled her hands away from her face and gave her a small kiss."Let's go to bed," he said pulling her close to him once again,"you expect me to sleep after that?" Nailea joked looking up at him,Clay answered by nodding him head before she playfully punched him.

They both feel asleep soon after that holding eachother.For the first time in a while Clay was sleeping with a smile on his face finally happy to have his girlfriend against his chest.And Nailea was finally in a loving relationship with the one person she never expected to make her feel the way she does everytime she looks at Clay or hears him talk.

Both of the were finally happy.


helloooo!I don't really know if I like this but here you go!IDK IF I WANT TO CONTINUE THIS OR NOT

Anyways I'm planning on putting out a sapnap book if any of you are interested on that:)

(pretty sure there's typos so I'll fix those in the morning😫)
