BONUS: Injury

"Not again, love," Takumi sighed as she sat down next to her husband, who was being taken care of by the doctors.

"You know how serious I am in game though,"Β  Ran pouted, "can I pwease get a kiss though?"

"No," Takumi said shortly, "you need to rest, buddy."

"She's right," The doctor said, "Takahashi-san, you need to make sure you don't stretch your ankle or anything. With your condition, you should be able to play in about half a year."

Ran looked down, disappointedly.

"I'll take good care of you, love," Takumi smiled.

"Ran! No, I'll get it for you!" Takumi said as Ran tried to get up to get his favorite snack.

"I'm fine, darling," Ran chuckled.

"No you aren't," Takumi smiled, shaking her head, "you have a sprained ankle right now."

"But my heart and head is fine," Ran said as he showed his puppy-eyes to Takumi.

"You cheekyβ€”" Takumi said as Ran pulled her in for a kiss.

Ran grinned as Takumi blushed, " little tsuma is blushing!"

"Shut up, Ran!" Takumi said as she handed Ran his snack.

"You're adorable," Ran chuckled.
