"I Showed up"





The party was in full swing (so to speak). Drinks were being poured, words were being shared. A few couples had started a "game" of seven minutes in heaven that both Inez and Betty had tried to stop.

Β  Β Β  Currently Inez and Betty were chatting with a few others by the drink table when Inez gasped loudly. "What?" Betty asked her friend in concern. Inez was staring at the door to the common room and saw the one and only James Sirius Potter being let in by a third year.

Betty started to turn her head when Inez stopped her, "No no no no no!"

"What is it? Seriously whatever it is I can handle it." Betty said. Inez turned Betty's head towards James, "Nevermind, I can't handle it."


Β  Β Β  Inez and Betty were sitting on Betty's bed playing Monopoly when Inez finally broke. "I saw James kissing my next door neighbor!"

Β  Β Β  Betty looked to her best friend with a look of disbelief. "What?"

Β  Β Β  Her friend took in another deep breath, "James is cheating on you, and I feel like it's much deeper than a kiss."

Β  Β Β  A sob had left Betty, though she tried to stop it. "I can't believe this."

Β  Β Β  "I'm so sorry," Inez said trying to comfort Betty. She had no idea what to say but she knew that it would be better for Betty if she didn't stay with her parents. "Maybe I can convince your parents to let you stay at my house for the rest of the summer."


Β  Β Β  The two best friends tried to hide and have fun but James kept trying to look for them.

Β  Β Β  The pair even tried splitting up for awhile but that was no good either.

Β  Β Β  "Oh my god! Why can't he just pretend I don't exist! He clearly had no problem with that this summer!" Betty yelled to Inez over the volume of the crowd. Inez nodded in agreement but before she could verbalize it James had caught up to them. "I knew we shouldn't have stayed in one place." The pair both turned around to walk away but James tried to stop them.

Β  Β Β  "Wait, Betty wait! Can you let me apologize."

Β  Β Β  Betty turned around and rolled her eyes, "You have two minutes no more no less."

James was spluttering as he tried to say what was on his mind. "I was stupid."

"Duh" Inez inputted.

"I made a stupid mistake, I thought you didn't like me anymore. So when someone did I thought it would make me feel better. But I was wrong, I knew it was wrong and I'm sorry." James said.

Betty looked at him, "Your two minutes isn't up." She said softly.

James looked back as he tried to form new things to say. "I'm getting there okay, uhm... well I'm sorry for the rumor my friend said about you, I'm gonna fix it all today. And I-uh really hope you can forgive me."

Then James and Inez who was off to the side a bit stood in silence together as they waited for Betty to say something.


Β  Β Β  The pair were now spending the rest of their Summer at Inez's house thanks to her fantastic skills in convincing. Inez had them wait for the rest of the day so that they could sneak out and Betty could confront James.

When they arrived at James' house it had started to rain, which was very fitting. She had knocked on the door three times and James had answered. He had a huge smile on his face and a hinge of guilt in his eyes. "Hey Betty! I'm so glad you're here, my parents took my siblings to the muggle fair. Do you want to go to- why are you crying?"

Betty looked to him with anger, "You are why I'm crying. Why did you cheat on me?" James opened his mouth to speak but she stopped him. "I don't want to hear anything you have to say right now. I think I deserve to be treated with respect, if you wanted to see someone else you should've at least had the decency to break up with me before hand but you're not even going to be given the chance because I'm breaking up with you. Don't speak to me ever again please." James was speechless. He watched as Betty walked down the walkway catching up with Inez and leaning on her shoulder.

He slowly closed the door and let out a frustrated sigh. He held onto his head and sunk to the floor letting out a few tears.


Act One is done and I wrote three of the chapters in one day holy crap balls.
