
a/n : y'all seemed really excited for this so I hope it matches expectations!!

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She woke up to the sound of something she couldn't identify immediately, and just as she began to gain an understanding of her situation, she realized it was a knock on the door.

Knocking. On her door.

She lifted her head, pulling herself away from the warm bed sheets. Really warm bedsheets. Spencer looked down.

And there's a superhero in her bed.

Not just laying, either! Pietro must move a lot in his sleep or something because when Spencer laid down the night prior, he was all on his side on the small mattress. And now? She's being locked into place by the weight of his leg stretched across hers, and at the crown of her head, is his arm.

Then she realized that warm form against her? That's not her blanket bundled up. It's Pietro's chest. Against her back.

Spencer Rebecca Banner wanted to scream.

Instead, she scrambled off the bed, shoving Pietro off of her as she stumbled onto the floor. There was another knock. "One second!" she called.

The movement or the noise alone wasn't enough to wake the boy. Spencer promptly leaned over the bed, putting her arms on his upper arms, shoving him until he startled awake.


"Someone's here. Get in the bathroom," she hissed, and Pietro is watching her with wide eyes as he surveyed his surroundings.

Once he realized it wasn't his bedroom, he almost laughed, but stumbled off the bed, anyway, rushing into the bathroom, as per Spencer's request.

Once the door closed, Spencer breathed. Like really breathed. She looked in the mirror and saw blotches of green.


Shit, she thought, trying to gather her breath.

It took her another few seconds, but the green did fade away, and Spencer was able to open the door.

Only slightly, of course.

"Hey, dad-" she started, ready to make some elaborate excuse, but her words were cut short. It wasn't Bruce Banner in the doorway - it was Natasha Romanoff.

And Spencer?

She just stared.

"Hi," Natasha said after a moment.

"Hi," Spencer replied back, immediately.

Natasha paused a second, almost like she's assessing something. Then she shrugged a little. "Your dad said you'd be here," she explained, with an explanation that didn't actually explain anything. "Did I wake y-"

"No! Nope," Spencer denied with a shake of her head. "Nope, I was awake - am, awake. What's up?"

Natasha paused a second, again, and Spencer's sure she had her figured out by then. But if she did, Natasha didn't say anything - instead, she raised her hands, palms up.

"I want to call a truce."

Spencer blinked. She is half asleep, has a superhero in her bathroom, and this trained assassin is talking about truces?


Natasha rephrased, "You can keep hating me, or we can go get coffee. Your choice."

Spencer thought she had time to debate this. She's not worried about seeming indecisive or rude in front of Natasha, which is why she let her response really drag out. But of course, Spencer heard a crash coming from the bathroom, and rushed out her next words.

"Fine!" she exclaimed, plastering a smile on her lips, making sure to be extra loud. "Fine. Fine okay. Coffee."

Natasha smiled."Alright," she said, pleased. "See you at eleven? Meet me in the kitchens?"

Spencer glanced at the clock on her desk. 10:45 AM.

"Sure," Spencer said, and without any pleasantries, closed the door, harshly. She nearly collapses against it in relief, but the scene in front of the bathroom sent her into a whole new panic.

Pietro. Maximoff. Shirt riding up his chest, and abs on display.

"What the hell?" Spencer choked out. "Put your shirt back on! What are you doing?"

Pietro just laughed, tugging it down just a little. It's still showing a good portion of his abs, Spencer noted.

"Relax," he teased, and Spencer wanted to throw a pillow at him. No, something harder to get back for the log. "I was checking a wound from practice - not in front of you, of course. Wouldn't want puke all over me."

Spencer pulled a face but then shook it off. She didn't have time to insult him back. "You have to go," she told him, shortly. "I've gotta go meet with Natasha - which is completely your fault-"

She was abruptly cut off when there was a hand at the back of her head, and then a kiss on her forehead. With his free hand, Pietro was pulling down his shirt, saying, "See you later, dragฤƒ."

Then he slipped past the doorway and streaked away.

Spencer stood there, dumbfounded. Of course. Of course, this guy thinks he's all slick and cool, and wow, how charming. She wiped at her forehead, muttering to herself, "What the fuck does that mean?"



With a superhero.

At 11 in the morning.

But she was - Spencer Banner was, in fact, sitting in a car, with Natasha Romanoff in the driver's seat.

"You must be popular," Natasha noted with a smile, and Spencer glanced up from her phone. It had been going off for a few minutes, and she was trying to get her mom to stop calling.

Not because she was with Natasha, but because she wasn't sure she could speak to her mother after the events of last night.

"It's my mom," Spencer excused lamely, and that's enough to shut Natasha up for a minute. But the silence got to Spencer and turned to Natasha again and just asked, "Are you and my dad like... dating?"

If she's surprised, Natasha didn't show it. She gave a quick glance to Spencer before saying, "You'd have to ask him that -" another glance, "I don't know any more than you."

First, Spencer wanted to call bullshit. How do you not know if you're dating someone? But then she took a second, and let the words set, Spencer gets it. She's the CEO of not knowing where you stand with Bruce Banner, and she can't blame Natasha for falling into the same situation.

"Yeah," Spencer offered. "He's not good with labels. Or relationships."

And Natasha? She laughed. Really laughed, and said she completely agreed.

"On any other note but Bruce," Natasha switched calmly, and Spencer was surprised and thankful by the change. "You're going to be a senior this year. Have you thought about colleges?"

Okay, Spencer is a little less thankful.

But it's not because of Natasha, she had every right to ask that question and it was a pretty good icebreaker, but Spencer didn't like talking about college and the future. It was close, but she didn't like it.

"Well my dad's a biomedical engineer," she mentioned, then said, "so anything but that."

"Not a fan of medical things?" Natasha guessed.

"Not a huge fan of nepotism," Spencer contradicted, and Natasha laughed again. "Also, blood is not a strong suit."

"Really? Blood?" Natasha said, but her tone clearly gave away that she had heard it before.

"Did Bruce tell you?" Spencer asked.

"Wanda, actually," Natasha corrected, glancing at the girl in the passenger seat. "I think she heard from Pietro though. Any clue why?"

Spencer shrugged. "No clue. But the guy's not good with privacy, so I'm not shocked."

Sensing that was the end of that conversation, Natasha promoted, "So not biomedical. Then what?"

"Mechanical," Spencer offered. "Maybe electrical, or computer science."

"Peter's mentioned mechanical before," Nastha noted. "But I wonder if he's worried about his relationship to Tony - but I bet he could give him a run for his money."

"Peter's a genius," Spencer agreed excitedly, turning to Natasha. "Seriously, I took a look at his homework - it's quantum physics."

"Peter's definitely the brains of the young," Natasha agreed.

Natasha pulled over to the side of the street and parked.

"This is our stop," she said, unbuckling her seatbelt, as Spencer stumbled to remove hers. The two exited the car.

"This is nice," Spencer mentioned nonchalantly, surveying the small cafe Natasha had brought them to.

"Isn't it?" Natasha agreed. "I took down a drug ring here once. They've got a wicked basement."

It took Spencer a moment to process the words. Natasha was already walking toward the door when Spencer started to move, demanding, "seriously?"

Yes. Seriously.



it was a good two hours. Spencer was still drinking her iced coffee and grinning when Natasha and her walked back to the labs.

Needles to say, it shocked Bruce to see the two of them. Smiling. Not near murder.

"Hey, Spence," he said when the two walked through the door. Spencer smiled over at him. "H-hey, Natasha."

"Hey Bruce," Natasha said easily. "Hope you don't mind that I stole Spencer for a little bit."

"Oh, it's fine," Bruce said, laughing it off. Spencer stared at her dad like he'd gone crazy - he really was awkward. "Did you bring me any coffee?"

Natasha raised an eyebrow. She went to make a comment, but Spencer excused herself, "I'm gonna go. Wanda's not busy, right?"

"No, no," Bruce said, looking away from Natasha. "She might be outside. Want me to come with you?"

Spencer looked between Natasha and Bruce. "I'm good," she said and left.



not in a blistering heat kind of way, but the perfect temperature where Spencer didn't feel like folding her arms in on herself and let them hang at her side.

Wanda was in the clearing right in front of the door, so luckily, she didn't have to go hunt her down. Above her, maybe by ten feet, a medicine ball was floating in the air. At its side was a rising weight jump rope.

Sensing a new presence, Wanda's head turned away from her work, and over to where Spencer's eyes were trained to her work.

"Spencer!" Wanda called, letting the objects descend to the ground quickly. Spencer's eyes snapped away from them and turned to the girl.

"Hi!" Spencer called back, equally as excited.

Spencer moved closer to her, taking a few steps on the grass when there was a sudden rush of air at her side, and just as she turned to see what caused it, there was a pressure at her waist that made her jump and screw her eyes shut.

Then she was incredibly warm, and there was heat in her ear, and a voice saying, "Goodmorning."

The presence was enough to prompt Spencer's head to turn up to where Pietro was already grinning down at her.

Okay, to be honest, Spencer made this whole plan on the way to get coffee to completely ignore Pietro. She wasn't sure why, but she sure knew it would feel a lot better if she didn't see him. Pietro was cocky, okay? And Spencer did him a favor by letting him crash in her room - she thinks? - but she was not going to get bullied about it. She gets that his entire persona is cocky and confident, but she couldn't handle anymore teasing.

She doesn't know why, but Spencer's brain is going haywire. It's short-circuited and phasing, and - stupid pretty boys and stupid body heat and stupid -

"Morning?" Wanda questioned, her eyebrows furrowing. "It's the afternoon."

Wanda's voice brought clarity to the situation; Spencer's brain unfazed, and she was suddenly extremely aware of Pietro's hands on her waist, her butterfly-infested- stomach, and Wanda standing right there. Spencer's face scrunched, and she immediately jerked her elbow back into Pietro's abdomen.

Pietro caught the attack with ease but offered Spencer a faked expression of pain to humor her. Now there was only one hand on her, hip, and Spencer moved a little to lose his grip as Wanda continued taking.

"I couldn't find you this morning," Wanda mentioned as she took a few steps in Spencer's and Pietro's direction.

Don't think, don't think. don't think-

"I went on a run," Pietro provided swiftly, and Spencer didn't dare to look at him, but instead, looked to see if Wanda was buying it.

She wasn't.

"Clint didn't see you this morning," she mentioned, and Pietro made a noise of amusement.

"Barton is old, his eyes barely work," Pietro countered.

There was an uncomfortable pause, and all Spencer could do was pray that Wanda wasn't taking a peak in either of their minds.

To break the silence, Spencer interrupted, "I went out for coffee with Natasha." Wanda looked surprised, and Spencer nodded understandingly. "You were right," Spencer went on, wringing her hands. "She's not that bad like you said."

Pietro looked down at her. "I said that."

"You have never said anything right in your life," Wanda replied immediately, and Spencer laughed out, choosing to forget the several times Pietro had given her advice in the last ten days that she had elected to use.

Pietro scoffed, glancing down at Spencer who was hiding her smile in her hand.

"Look," he said, gesturing to Spencer. "You broke Banner. She finds something funny."

Spencer considered kicking him, but that would involve accuracy, and she'd actually have to look at him to do that.

And if she looked at him, Spencer was 90% sure she was going to blush/cry/embarrass herself.

"This is why Spencer likes me most," Wanda noted, and Pietro let out a giant laugh that has Spencer thinking he's gonna mention last night.

But he doesn't. "Oh," he laughed out. "I do not think you're the favorite."

Spencer didn't look back. "You're my favorite, Wanda," she confirmed.

Pietro behind her rolled his eyes.

Wanda smiled, clearly pleased by the response. "I have to go, I have a meeting with Clint," she excused Spencer, then looked at her brother. "You missed your appointment with him this morning."

"Running," Pietro reminded her.

"Sure," Wanda said and bid the two goodbyes.

Spencer went to follow her back inside, deciding that her best bet was to go hang out with Bruce and Peter, but a hand on her shoulder pulled back to Pietro.

There were those blue eyes she was avoiding.

"Hello," Pietro said, calmly, his eyes glued to hers. Spencer wanted to look away but wasn't sure she knew how.

God, what was her problem? This is why she doesn't drink cold brew.

"Hi," Spencer said. "W-what's up?"

"Are you well-rested?"

That's it. "Okay," Spencer said, sharply, spinning on her heel. She knew it! She knew he was going to act just like this the second he got the opportunity, and damn it if he thinks she'll fall for it-

"Okay okay," Pietro reasoned, staring her dead in the eye. "Not funny. My bad." The words take Spencer back. He sounded almost... sincere. "Thank you," he said, continuing to shock Spencer into silence. "For last night. I-Thank you."

"Oh," Spencer faltered, shifting her weight on her feet. "It's fine. I mean, it's not a big deal, right? You were having tr-and I owe you-"

"Spencer," Pietro cut in, and Spencer quieted instantly, swallowing down the rest of her words. She wasn't that easy to quiet, but there was something about how he said her name. It was enough to make her forget everything.

It's a cold brew! Caffeine crash. Sugar crash. Crashing. My brain is crashing?

He looked almost serious as his head hung a little as he said the next words, and Spencer moved to keep her eyes on him. "You should know," he said, carefully, somehow getting Spencer to hang on to his every word.

"You like to cuddle. Did you know that?"

He was off, racing into the building.

Spencer stood there. In the middle of the field. Trying to get her breath back. She's not even sure why she lost it.

There's no way on earth she was the one to cuddle anyone. It was Pietro whose leg was on her, and whose arm was under her head! It was him that moved - what an ass.

She stuck up her middle finger to no one in particular.
