Chapter 3


I walk out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my body and sit on my bed.

I groan out loud.

I need a release or something. I had Lookkaew on my mind from the moment I went in the shower. I was sexually frustrated, and I know no woman could satisfy me right now, but only one, Lookkaew.

An image of Lookkaew comes into my head, which instantly makes my cock harden.

She was wearing those glasses, her hair in a messy bun, and that damn off-the-shoulder top with shorts.

I remember the day so well. It was the hottest day of the year, and we were roasting. We had the air con on and ate ice cream all day. Lookkaew was sitting on the couch with a book in front of her, as she usually does, and she was breathtaking. I could tell she had no bra on; her nipples were hard and peeking through the material of the top.

My cock hardens again.

I wrapped my hand around my cock and started to stroke slowly as I thought of what I wanted to do to Lookkaew.

I stroke a little harder as I bite down on my lip as I think of her being on her knees in front of me with her mouth wrapped around my cock, sucking me dry as I come into her mouth.

I can't help the groan as my cock twitches in my hand.

I need...

"FUCK," I groan out as I keep looking back at the image of her on her knees; my cock is throbbing with the need to be inside Lookkaew more than anything.

I couldn't help but moan out her name as I shot my come all over my waist and towel, "Lookkaeeww," which I hope was quiet enough, but I know if she were outside, she would have heard me.

I heard a door close outside.

I look up but think nothing of it.

I walked back into the bathroom to clean myself up.

I spray some cologne on and spray my pits. I walked over to my closet and I grabbed a pair of dark blue jeans and a t-shirt. I know we are having a few drinks in the house, but I don't want to leave. I want to be in this house with Lookkaew.

After a few moments, the doorbell rang out.

I walked out of my room and headed to the front door, and opened it, and there was Noon with bags in each hand.

I groaned as I stepped aside and noticed they were full of spirit bottles.

"Dude, what did you do? Run sack the liquor store or something," I said as I closed the front door behind her.

Noon laughed. "No dude," she said as we both walked towards the kitchen. Noon.places the bags down on the floor and stares at me.

"I had some of these hanging around the house after the last house party I held," she says with a smirk. "You remember the one where I had the two..." she says, but the doorbell ringing out cuts her off.

I stared at her with confusion, but I walked past her. I opened the door and there stood Praewa.

"Hey, handsome," she says as I step aside for Praewa to walk in.

I smiled at her. "Hi, Praewa," I said, but looked over my shoulder to see Noon, who was leaning on the doorframe.

She stares at Praewa, but she looks her up and down.

Praewa smirks. "Like what you see," she says to her as I turn around, but Praewa's face turns serious. "How is our girl?" She says in a sad voice.

"I don't know," I said as I looked towards Lookkaew's room.

Praewa clears her throat, which makes me look at her. She has a smirk on her face. "Well, I'm here now," she says and walks away, but as soon as she gets closer to Noon, she stops and looks between the both of us, "We will join in the living room for a drink," she says and smiles, "I'm going to make sure she is dress to impress, even if it is for you both."

She stares at me when she says the last sentence with a hint of a smirk.

Praewa turns and walks away, and she walks straight to Lookkaew's room.

I turned to look at Noon, who hadn't taken her eyes away from where Praewa couldn't help but smirk, "You okay there, lovergirl?" I asked as I walked past her into the kitchen.

Noon groans. "Damn, that woman is fine," she says as she walks in with a smile on her face, "It looks like we are lucky tonight if they stay in the house."

I looked back at her. "What do you mean by that?" I asked with a frown.

Noon glances at me but doesn't say anything.

She starts to unpack the bottles of booze, placing them on the table.

You would have thought we were having a house party with the amount he had brought with her.

I watched her. "You going to answer me? What did you mean by that?" I asked her.

Noon stops and sighs. She grabs her phone from her pocket and scrolls through it till she finds out what she wants to show me..

She places the phone in front of me, and I can't help but stare at the photo.

It is the same photo of Bonus with that woman. "Bonus cheated on her, so what better way to get over a guy than get under one," she says with a smirk. "You got your chance, dude."

I have known Noon for five years, and she was the one who suggested that I move closer to her after all the crap I had going on with my father. I owe her that much that she helped me out and even found this place for me. But all I want to do right now is punch her face with my fist.

Noon lives with five other girls and one boy. There was no room for me to stay, and the smell from that house was unreal. It would bring me close to tears if I even stepped one foot in there. She has to stay there for another six months before she can find another place, but she was hoping to move in here. But I didn't want her here, not with Lookkaew around.

She thinks me bringing a few women back was hard. Noon brings a different one back every weekend. She is a big-time player.

"Look," she says, which pulls me back from my thoughts. "I think we should see where the night leads us; I want a piece of Praewa and what better way than to stay here with the lovely gorgeous women?"

I clenched my fists to the side of me. "You know you will meet your match sooner or later," I said.

Noon stares at me with a smirk foaming at the corner of his mouth, "Oh, I know I have," she says as she glances at the kitchen door and then back to me, "I never told you this, but Praewa and I know each way back when, we used to have a thing, and if I remember rightly, I could never get enough of her."

"What happened then?" I asked her, slowly releasing my clenched fists.

Noon sighs, "I was young and stupid," she says, "Wrong timing, I guess."

She shrugs and grabs two beers from the table.

She hands me one.

I pull the top off and take a long swig.

I moved the bottle from my mouth and looked at her.

"Look, let's see where this night goes," she says. "You never know. You may get to talk with Lookkaew;
you can tell her how you feel or something."

Noon walks away, straight through the kitchen door.

Leaving me to my thoughts, I would love nothing more than to be with Lookkaew, but not as a one- night stand.

I know with her, one night won't be enough for me. I will want her more, as my feelings are that strong for her.

