

it's been a week since we've been back on the road. we've been to spain, libson, amsterdam, berlin, and today is day two in germany, but we're in cologne. everything has been going smoothly with the sets and transportation and blah blah blah.

the thing is... ivy and andrew have been going at it a lot. like, a lot a lot, not just a lot. i'm talking public bathrooms, which i definitely have an issue with since i do have a small bladder, bunks, once in a closet? and of course their fucking hotel rooms that are always right across from billie and i's room.

i mean... good for them but, come on.

billie has been starting to get homesick a little bit. she's used to being accompanied by her whole family on tour and this is new to her. maggie calls at least three times a day and she's always talking to finneas, she texts her dad a lot of songs she thinks are cool and checks up on claudia and the little baby. she cried a total of two times, i hugged her and comforted her all the way through each breakdown.

claudia is having a gender reveal party when we get back in about two weeks. billie already thinks it's a boy and i think it's a little girl. she also tried telling me that she's psychic and she was definitely right about the gender, i responded with a bet on it for a hundred dollars.

i know it's a lot of money to bet on over a child that isn't even born yet but she's a millionaire and i'm her employee.

maybe i'll just report her for stealing to matty and then i can get my money back if i was wrong. she can do the same but she's not smart enough to think of that and i also may get fired if she did. but it's also stupid cause it's a serious allegation and we'll both get yelled at yet again by matty.

anyways, billie had some press to do and i had no one to stay with at the venue so i tagged along with billie for the first time. it's was cute seeing how she appreciated everyone in the room and made them feel seen, if she couldn't shake their hand she would look them in the eye and ask them about their day.

the first interview was pretty chill. they just let her play with some arcade games while she answered some questions. when we were done with that, we stopped by for some milkshakes and went to the next interview's location. it was for some radio show so we took a minute there.

billie was sitting in a couch, hugging a red fuzzy pillow. i was right behind her sitting on a bean bag, scrolling through instagram.

"okay i kind of want to talk about this but if you don't you just say it and we'll change the conversation." the interviewer dice said.

"oh no, okay shoot." billie said.

"so the vancouver show..." he started.

"you know what? i'm actually surprised no one has asked me about it." billie laughed.

"so you're dating blue?"

"i am, you know i've almost known her for a year now and we've been dating for a while and yeah, i love her and she makes me happy." billie said in a baby voice.

"aww, that's great! I'm happy for you." dice said.

"thanks man!"

"she's looking behind the couch cause blue is there by the way." dice explained to the listeners and the camera.

"i love you." i mouthed.

"more" she mouthed back.

"it's the first time she's joined me in a press trip." billie said. "she usually stays the venue with my best friend and my mom."

"your mom stayed home at this leg of tour, right?" he asked.

"she did." billie nodded. "i didn't think i would be this homesick because i've kind of gotten used to being away from home but i guess mom not being here with me changed everything."

"yeah cause the main reason you get home sick is because you miss your family back at home right?" he paused. "and every other time they would join you on tour."

"exactly!" she strongly approved.

"so how have you been liking germany?" he continued with the interview.

once they wrapped up we stayed a couple minutes in the building just talking to dice and his bosses then we left for the last interview and went back to the venue. we quickly got ready for sound check and ran backstage cause the vips were being let in. we crossed off another unimaginable show off our list and we have twelve more days of being on the road.

"is it just me or am i the only one that has the worst fear of pulling my eyelashes out with i'm curling them?" i said as billie, ivy and i were refreshing our makeup because we decided to go out since the tour bus won't be moving for another five more hours.

"those short videos on the internet on epic fails in makeup and beauty will forever traumatize me." ivy laughed.

"now you got me paranoid to curl my lashes!" billie complained.

"where are we going again?" i asked. "i wanna know what to wear."

"there's this lake, apparently not a lot of people go there. it's like this hidden gem, it's not too far away." ivy answered. "just wear something casual, but also something you don't mind getting dirty."

"well i'm gonna go and figure this mystery out." i jumped off the bathroom sink.

"are you sure we aren't lost?" sully asked as we walked through the dark woods.

"i'm sorry but aren't you the one that's supposed to protecting us? cause i can hear you shivering." ivy responded.

"i'm technically supposed to protect billie, not you and i'm not scared, it's freezing." sully backfired.

"it is super cold." i agreed.

"it's not that bad." billie said.

"holly shit!" i widened my eyes. "look! it's so pretty." i gushed, pointing at the lake that was now visible. it was super dark but in a distance you could see the village's lights and it reflected on the lake's water which prevented the place from being completely and utterly dark.

"i'm gonna stay back here, you girls have fun." sully said and gave us our space as we continued walking closer to the lake.

"what are you doing?" i frowned my brows as ivy took off her shoes and socks.

"i don't want to get my shoes dirty." she shrugged.

i looked over to billie and she was skipping rocks so i decided to look for flat faced rocks for her. ivy soon did the same and collected her own rocks to later skip.

"you know, ivy, i'm surprised andrew didn't follow you here too." i teased.

"what do you mean?" she chuckled and threw a rock in the water.

"oh come on, don't act like you aren't aware of the fact that you're always all over him and he can't spend a mintue without you being beside him." billie said.

"we're in our honeymoon phase or whatever." ivy rolled her eyes.

"that's cool and all but you might want to tone it down a little, every one knows what's up when you just got banged. also please stop fucking in the bathrooms, you know i have a small bladder." i told her.

"we'll cut it down to just in our hotel room, does that sound good?" she rolled her eyes.

"yes! thank you!" billie yelled.

"you guys the water is actually warm." ivy dipped her toes in. "do you wanna go in?"

"is it safe to swim in?" i asked.

"i saw a sign of a man swimming earlier, so i think that it's all good." she replied as she started getting fully naked. "imma skinny dip."

"i've never skinny dipped, like ever." billie said.

"what!?" i widened my eyes. "i've done it, like five times? you have to get in then."

"is sully watching?" she looked over to him.

"i'm going to turn around! just don't drown!" he yelled.

"he isn't watching, come on. strip down baby." i said as i took off my clothes myself.

"it really is warm." billie widened her eyes.

"get in!" ivy yelled.

"i'm going to dive in and swim to ivy." billie told me.

"no, don't do that!" i yelled but she did anyways.

"we're is she? she's been down there for a long time." i started panicking.

"i don't know."

"i'm diving in."

"ahhh! fuck you!" ivy splashed billie as soon as she popped up from the water, for scaring her by pulling on her feet, they were both laughing at this point.

"you almost gave me a heart attack!" i splashed billie again, trying to get a hold of my breath.
