
tw: mentions of suicide, gore, violence, and foul language.

bold: writing

'single quotation': thoughts

slanted/italics: memories.

underlined: underlined sentences are basically commands and thoughts of those who's thoughts are still completely controlled by the mask.

single quotation dialogue is basically belongs to a person who isn't a mask or has gained a bit of freedom from the command and can retain their own thoughts..





~" ๐˜ด๐˜บ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฑ๐˜ข๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜บ "~

poll results: Butcher mask is a tall boy ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜ฉ



Butcher mask stood urgently, simultaneously interrupting the sniper.
He left the kid completely unattended.
He was a horrible accidental adoptive father.

He turned on his heel, bowed to the man in appreciation, then limped away to where he left the boy.

Sniper mask only watched him in awe. He brought a hand up to his mask.





3rd pov:

"Mr. (y/n)! Are you ok?" The boy half yelled when he opened the door.

Butcher mask looked like a truck plowed him. The bullet wound on his arm and leg opened, and he gained a limp from being slammed into the wall last minute. Not to mention the pain in his head.

He patted his head reassuringly. The boy took this opportunity to bombard him with questions.

"Mr. (y/n), how come I heard you in my brain?" How was he supposed to explain it to a kid?

'Magic.' He folded the paper and did a cheap trick to make it look like it disappeared.


'Let's go.' He put away the notepad in an apron pocket. The boy complied, grabbing the hand he extended.

Butcher mask would have to find somewhere for the kid to rest, as well as a safe place to treat his wounds.
He needed to start to prioritize Haruki. Yuri could more than handle herself, so he didn't need to always hover over her when danger was near.

"Look! A helicopter!" He pointed to the thing in the pink and orange sky.

He watched the shape shrink into a black speck on the pale horizon; a speck that was soon swallowed by the vast wisps of and masses of peach and faint indigo. Butcher mask relaxed for the first time in days, then pulled away when a small hand tugged at his.



"This place is messy." Haruki exclaimed.

They both stepped into an apartment building that gave Butcher mask a hard case of deja vu. There were scattered medical supplies and newspapers on the ground in the living space. But apart from that, the rest was very homey. A neat kitchen, though the cupboards were stocked with nothing but tuna, nice masters bedroom, a clean bathroom, and a very comfortable looking spot on the floor.

He cleared some on the things on the table for Haruki's safety, then sat him down on the chair.
"Mr. (y/n), what's for dinner? I'm hungry!"

He scribbled on his notepad. 'Tuna.' He gagged a little at that word, much to his confusion.


"Mr. (y/n), how come you're so tall? Why do you wear that apron thingy? It's way too small!" The boy looked up at him with shining eyes. Butcher mask only looked down at him then walked away to the kitchen slowly.

'how do children get so energetic?'

"I'm boreddddddd" echoed softly from the living room.


After an unpleasant dinner, Butcher mask put Haruki to sleep on a very comfortable loveseat. Haruki continued to nag on with his questions, which he had to admit, was quite endearing.

"Do you get cool superpowers from the mask?"

"What about xray vision?"

"Mister! Can I see your face again?"

Butcher mask complied with his last question and unclipped the piece.

The boy smiled at him and then settled down on the couch.

Butcher mask flicked the lights off, then retreated to the floor near the med kits.

While reaching over to them, he spotted something under the table.
A neat stack of papers with dates, tied with red string.

His head pounded for a few seconds before he reached back down and untied the papers.

He read the first paper.

(im just gonna assume the date is around spring or early fall. ill come back and change it id i ever find a solid date.)

(month), 17, xxxx

Baker mask has asked me to start collecting informative reports of every day activities and events. I comply with her demands.
Today, I killed 5 humans. There was nothing note worthy about them.
Baker mask taught me a new hand gesture, but she said it was rude and vulgar. I'll practice later tonight during my nightly wandering.

Butcher mask blinked at the paper wildly before sticking his face in even closer.
This was his handwriting! He wrote these papers! But, God, why couldn't he remember?

He tied them up into a neat bundle and placed them gently in his bag. Maybe during his patrol break, he could read a few more. Any information he got his hands on made a difference between life or death.


The sky darkened to a rich sapphire, stars shimmering dimly.

The ground below was completely black. Walking across the steel bridge would be terrifying if Butcher mask hadn't had so many near death experiences.

The building not too far away illuminated the area enough to be able to see what's up ahead, so being actively attentive for enemies wasn't completely necessary. The area was clear, with slight crisp wind that ruffled his hair every often.

It was just him and his thoughts now. The man from before. He was still fully under the Command's control, that was confirmed when he had glared down at the sniper and saw his intact mask.
So why did he pull Butcher mask away instead of running off?
The question boggled Butcher mask. It irritated him, not knowing anything about anyone but just kill, kill, kill.
Now that he thinks of it, why did he decide to shield the mask from a grenade?
The man attempted to kill his human ally, so why did Butcher mask act as though he was an ally as well?

"Hey." A teen with messy dark gray hair and matching gray eyes called out. He wore his usual dorky blazer.

"Hm? #%&-chan, when did you get here?" A deeper voice asked teasingly.

Butcher mask attempted to make out the name, but his mind skimmed over it.

The boys sat down at a bench on a patchy bit of grass near a river.

"So, what have you been up to? Shoplifting with Rika?" The figure turned to look at the boy.

"Hey, you know that one time was an accident. I can't control what middle schoolers slip into my pocket."

The boy chuckled lowly. "yeah, you were on the verge of tears while you forced that worker to take your wallet as repentance."

"Was not."

Piercing buzzing knocked Butcher mask out of his daze before the memory could finish. It was coming from the lit building. He turned once again to insure that the boy was safe, then took quick strides to the human.

By the time he got there, they landed at his feet from what looked like tripping themselves.

'Yuri?' She looked up at the man standing above her. "Mask!" She yelled urgently. Behind her were two masks, one with dangerously long steel fingers and another in what looked like a karate uniform. He pointed for the girl to take cover behind him, then drew his only cleaver. His sore body and missing knife were a big hinderance, but he would have to manage.

Over the shoulder of his enemies, Butcher mask saw a girl glare in concentration with her gun drawn.

"Mayu! You came back!"


"You good Yuri?" The girl called out sternly.

Yuri nodded happily. 'That mask managed to survive.' Mayuko's eyes narrowed at the mask that shielded her friend.

She gripped her gun harshly and aimed. "Sorry if I end up hitting you."

Butcher mask backed away and took cover when a bullet just barely nicked his head, taking a few hairs with it. The afro mask grabbed his ally and used him as a meat shield. She shot until she was out of ammo.

"It's empty." She said with worry.

The mask laughed gleefully at her shocked expression, and proceeded to charge at the girl. Butcher mask's modified Command forced him up to the girl and collided with her before she could be cut by the mask's nails. A deep gash singed the nerves Butcher mask's arm, but the girl made it out fine, with only partially ripped clothes.

Should he have interfered? Probably not. But It was too late for take backs now. Butcher mask struggled to get back on his feet, so he put his body in between the girl and the psycho.

The crazed man looked down at them with a predatory glare, lapping the blood on his claw like an animal.


The clicks of a gun made them all turn to Yuri. She pointed the gun at the maniac.

"Die." The man fell after a few rounds to the legs, arms and torso.

Then there was silence.

Butcher mask held onto the railing for support and offered a hand to the girl, who scoffed and pulled herself up with ease.

Butcher mask put down his good arm dejectedly.

"Mayu, mister... mask man? I'm-"

"Hold on. he's still breathing." Mayu cut her off and observed the falling and rising chest of the mask on the ground.


They all gathered around the man on the ground after Yuri pulled off his mask. He grunted and coughed.

"Hey, what are you doing Yuri?" The blonde girl asked her. Butcher mask quietly watched from the side as to not interrupt.

"Uh, it's just that there's something I wanted to ask him." Uncertainty laced her voice.

"hey, girl. I can see your panties."

'This guy never backs down, huh?' Butcher mask watched 'Mayu' kick the man stomp the day lights out of the dude.

"Tell me about the mask. Tell me what happens if you see the inside of one?"

The man groaned. "The moment you look," he said in a gravelly voice, "It's like you're instantly living in a dream."

The atmosphere got heavier.

"Try to disobey, and you'll just end up following the commands."

"Yeah, but won't you return to normal if you take it off?" Yuri replied.

"It isn't possible." He continued.

"The brainwashing, or rather, the brain hacking, if you can call it that, it won't allow you to return." This time, all turned to the tall mask who fidgeted under their critical gaze.

"Then, the one who's giving the commands, what goal could they possibly-"

She was cut off again. "This world is..." He took a strangled breath. "Actually, this realm is..." A crazed expression sunk into his face's muscles. He groaned loudly and green sparks erupted from his face?
He bit hard into his tongue and bled out quickly.

The girls watched with stone like shock.

Yuri was the first to snap out of it. "What was that? Where are we? What the heck is this world?"


"Mask! I was sure you were dead! I'm so glad you made it out!" Yuri bounced up to the man with peppery enthusiasm. Butcher mask backed away a bit from how close she was to him, immediately noticing the dangerous way the blonde girl eyed him.

Mayuko looked away with a pout.

"Mayuko, this is the mask I was telling you about on the roof (when I thought he was dead)." She threw a hand back to point at him.

"He doesn't show any interest in harming humans, so we're good to be around him." Yuri stuck her hand out to the girl, who Butcher mask found out was Mayuko.

"Mayu, Mr. um-mask, thank you. From here on out, we'll all work as allies."

Mayuko threw another glance at Butcher mask before turning back to the Yuri. "Sure, I guess we can be allies for now." They shook hands in a new found alliance. It was sweet and all, but the adrenaline from the fight wore off quickly. Butcher mask stood awkwardly, then decided to go and treat his gash that was bleeding at a mildly concerning rate.
They exchanged a few more words that Butcher mask's ringing ears couldn't quite catch.

"Now with that done, I have a few questions, Mr.-" She faltered when she noticed the empty space where the mask once stood.

"Whaa??? Where'd he go?!" She looked around frantically.

Mayuko shrugged perfunctorily, not really caring what happened to the mask.


Butcher mask heaved as the needle dug into his skin. It was difficult to concentrate on the small metal tip with his blurry vision.

'You're going to hurt yourself even more.' The voice complained.

Butcher mask couldn't muster the strength to reply with something snarky.

He was too far from the apartment to walk back, and he didn't want to burden two high school girls with his bleeding out problem. All he had was a medical kit and a few bandages.

The voice quieted down before continuing again.

'Maybe there's something useful in the papers.'

'I need to stop the bleeding.' He winced when he looped the medical needle in his flesh.

The voice sighed discontentedly. 'Here, let me.'

His hand moved on its own, now in much more fluid movements.
'Look in the papers.'

'Helping, are we?' Butcher mask replied. The needle wasn't as painful now. But to be honest, nothing was painful. He couldn't feel his arm or toes.

'You're getting dangerously drowsy from blood loss. Do not close your eyes.'

His hands fumbled with the red string before untying it. The papers were blurry, but he managed to make out the words 'doctor' and a building description.
'This sucks ass. I really did it this time, huh?' He asked the voice.
It didn't reply. 'Died from a pervert's freaky fingers.'

'I was hoping to be surrounded by hot daddies when I die.' His mind felt tired. Loopy. His thoughts were scattered and they had freedom to roam in his head.

'Hey-Hey, mister voice. What were the last words someone heard me say?'

The voice didn't reply.

'Hello?' His hands felt like jello. Jello's a weird word. Who invented the word jello?

'Through telepathy, it was 'Fuck,' if I remember correctly.'

'Seriously? Who heard that??' He couldn't hear over the bells and fireworks going off in his ears. They were pretty sounds.

'The mask with the rifle.' His hand stopped moving. The voice must've given up too.

Footsteps approached Butcher mask, but he couldn't care. A hand shook his body. It was funny. He was with the clouds now, where nothing could hurt him anymore. God, had he known that it was this peaceful, he would've...



A blinding florescent light woke Butcher mask from his dreamless sleep. His eyes felt heavy and everything else felt like brick and shit.
How did he manage to get inside this room?

He examined the new room. IV, heart monitor machine, sterile smell,...

The door bursted open and a snotty faced boy ran in.

"Mr. (y/n)!!" He clung onto Butcher mask's good arm and sobbed. His heart swole a bit from the gesture.

Butcher mask awkwardly patted the boy's head.

A doctor(?) walked in after the boy.

"So it's true. How curious." The man eyed Butcher mask.

"So, you are the mask that helped Ein?"
Behind him stood a girl with bows and a wine red dress.

Butcher mask looked around dumbly before his eyes landed on a stack of neatly tied papers.

"You must be wondering how you got here." The doctor tilted his glasses in understanding. "A mask brought you here. You were bleeding badly." He checked Butcher mask's bandages while speaking. His short and bangs curtained his face as he looked down and continued.

"This kid came in trailing after you a few minutes after the man dropped you off. To think, a mask and a human boy." The doctor spoke in disbelief. "And even another mask, bringing you, a mask, down here."

The girl, Ein, came forward and greeted Butcher mask silently. He returned it back with an acknowledging nod.

"My name is Kazuma Aohara. Don't make a habit out of coming here and just expecting me to patch you up again. This should set the score even for helping my ally." He turned elegantly and wisped away.

The kid settled down. "Does it hurt?"

Butcher mask shook his head. The boy smiled brightly at his response.
"Phew! I got really scared when you disappeared, Mister. I went out to find you when it got dark, but I saw a man with a hat carrying you away!" Butcher mask's usually stoic straight face broke for a second when he felt his lips tug upward. His mask was still on his face, which he was grateful for.

Fast stomps and a door flung open ended the conversation. The doctor, looking a little more disheveled than usual, stood at the door with the posture of a board.

"Er, actually, I'm quite curious about your situation. How are you so composed near humans?"

Butcher mask blinked at him through his mask. Kazuma got the message and scrambled to fish a notepad and pen out of a desk drawer.

'A chip someone close to me, it had the necessary program to make me safe to humans.'

His hands went into autopilot, moving too fluidly to be considered normal.

'HAPP, short for the Human Aid and Protection Program, is a program that is designed to help those who are not close to God, along with those who are, in order to aid in the multiple efforts to create a desired world from a neutral perspective.' He dropped the pen in shock.

'Was that you?' He looked at his shaken hands like they were foreign trespassers to his body.

'No, it was the program.'

"Interesting." The man inched to his mask, to which Butcher mask pulled away from the uncomfortable proximity.

"Well, I guess I'll leave you to it. There are fresh clothes on the chair. Your old clothes have been washed and placed in your bag. Do not put strain on your arm." And he was gone, through the door and down the hall.

Butcher mask realized something. He hadn't got his kill in today; or yesterday.

Haruki blabbered on about his day and the girl with the mask, and the snacks the doctor gave him, and the food, and the girl, and the fun he had, the fun, the girl, the food, the meat, the flesh, her katanas, the knives, her blood.


He needed to leave. He was in no condition to defend himself and the kid on the way back to the apartment in broad daylight, or control himself long enough to not hurt anyone, so what was he to do?
He couldn't stay here; he's already burdened the man with his situation.

His solution: burden him even more, but indirectly.

He lifted himself from the white, sterile bed.
"Where are we going now, Mister (y/n)?" The way he looked up at Butcher mask broke his heart at what he was about to do.
He shooed the kid out to change into the neatly folded clothes. Hardly managing to get his arms through the sleeve, he stood back to gaze at himself in the mirror above a sink.

A white, loose sleeved sweater and suit pants, accompanied by his white apron with bright red letters and faded stains that never seemed to wash out completely.

He looked... comfortable. Complete contrary to his instinct ridden head. 'Too loud.' He covered his ears to try and dim the echoing buzz and mysterious voices that bounced back and whispered at him to take the cleaver,

to take the cleaver and,

to take the cleaver and end-

"Mister, are you done yet? I'm bored!" Soft knocking seemed to echo loudly in his mind.

'Deep breaths.'

He gathered his things in his bag. The door cracked open and Butcher mask looked down at the boy who bounced in place.

"Let's go!" He cried out.

'Where is the doctor?'

"Oh, here, I'll lead the way!" He took the (h/c) man's hand and pulled him down the hall.

There was the man, doing his thing. Being a doctor. I think.

"Hm?" He turned to Butcher mask.

He pulled out his own paper and pen, then wrote.

'I need to ask a favor of you.' He looked at the doctors face for any sign of emotion.


'I need to go out, but it's too dangerous for the kid to be out in daylight. Could you take care of him for a while?'

The doctor thought, seemingly came to a decision, and then sighed.

"I... guess." He pinched his nose.
"But this is the one and only time I do it!"

Butcher mask bowed at the man.

"You're leaving me here?" The small voice called out from the corner.

Butcher mask crouched down and tussled his hair.
'Just for a little. I'll be back soon.'

The boy sniffled. "You pinky promise?"
Butcher mask stuck his pinky out. They shook.

"Let's pinky swear on it. When we get back home, we'll share all the memories and information we have." A girl with an apron said. She sounded foggy.

He stood and left. Hopefully, he'd run into the sniper. He had a few questions.






The plot is progressing. Butcher mask will now be tall.

please point out mistakes! thank you for reading.
