After Sesshomaru and Jaken had jumped into the portal, Myoga had begun to pester Inuyasha about following after his older brother. Inuyasha said no but eventually changed his mind when Kagome decides to be a dumbass and goes into the portal so you and him are forced to follow after her.

You get the high honor of riding the weird skeleton bird creature.

Even though you've done nothing but black out in this fanfiction you decide to take a proper nap out of pure boredom.

Kagome looked over ready to announce to the world that they had made it to Inuyasha's fathers tomb when she notices you sleeping peacefully.

"Hey Y/n, it's time to wake up." The teen shakes your shoulder but you're a deep sleeper and are unaffected.

"Is all she do is sleep? We're wasting time, let's go ahead without her." Inuyasha impatiently encourages.

"We can't just leave her here unprotected!" Kagome might be brash and overly rude but she does have a kind heart.

"If you're so against leaving without her then carry her." Inuyasha rolls his eyes with a huff.

Kagome lets out an annoyed sigh and grabs your limp arm and wrap it around her shoulder. She tries to lift your body but finds the task to be a lot harder than she realized. She gasps when your sword begins to glow and Zangetsu appears before her.

"Go ahead, I'll carry her." The brown haired spirit picks up your peaceful self effortlessly.

"U-Um who are you?" Kagome stutters in fright.

"I am Zangetsu, her Zanpakto." Zangetsu smiled charmingly at the young teen to hopefully reassure her he wasn't a threat but someone you were familiar with.

Kagome nods not fully understanding what a 'zanpakto' is but decides to put her trust in the handsome older man. She notices Inuyasha leaving the two of you behind and hurries after him.

"What a troublesome kid you are." The old spirit chuckles as your fox ears twitch.

He follows after the human girl and half breed demon boy with his long legs. You had told him all about how Kagome was the protagonist who was the reincarnation of the white haired boys first lover over fifty years ago and that the two were fated to be together.

Zangetsu keeps an eye on the fight before him and sighs in exasperation as Kagome decides she needs to step into the danger to protect her Inuyasha.

"You can stop pretending to be asleep now."

"I wasn't pretending just merely enjoying being in your arms."

Zangetsu drops you and you whine at his rudeness.

"You are such a pervert."

"I just know how to appreciate muscles."

You peek over the bone wall and see Inuyasha and Sesshomaru fighting. Zangetsu fades in the background as you watch Kagome trying to be a hero by attempting to pull the sword out of its place, she does it successfully.

"This is going to be a long ass chapter for the author to write out. RIP authors hands!." You decide to join in on the main story by following Kagome's example to slide down the bones that belong to the brothers fathers demon form body. You land gracefully without anyone noticing your existence and pause to wonder if you should be thankful for that or petty that you really don't matter to these people.

You decide to be thankful that you are such an amazing ninja.

Oh wait wrong anime.

You decide to be thankful that you are simply one hell of a demon.

Close enough.

You notice Sesshomaru giving Kagome a cold glare and laugh nervously at her upcoming doom.

"Run bitch run, he gonna kill you!" You shout your favorite line when watching horror movies where one of the protagonist are about to get murdered when Sesshomaru begins walking at an eerie slow pace towards Kagome.

"Huh?" Kagome looks startled when Sesshomaru appears in front of her.

You use your plot armor powers to flash step in front of the onyx haired girl when Sesshomaru uses his poison foam. It starts to surround you two so you use Zangetsu's power to make a barrier around the two of you. Not that you really need to since Tetsusaiga was already doing that for Kagome.

Kagome looks confused when she realizes she isn't dead.

"The swords are protecting us via barriers. I love these weird supernatural abilities the authors use to conveniently not get their characters killed." You laugh at the absurdity of Tetsusaiga having the ability to protect Kagome.

She nods in understanding and you two remain quiet as the two brothers continue their duel. Then she gets up when Sesshomaru starts talking about how he should have killed her sooner. She makes a whole scene which is pretty understandable since he literally did just try to kill her moments ago.

The barriers disappear soon after she walks out of the poison foam.

"Hey you, you tried to kill me didn't you?" Kagome screams pointing the sword at him.

"Of course he did, that's why he's a demon." You flop onto your back and just take in the view of the pretty clouds above you in appreciation.

Kagome glares at you and walks over to Inuyasha. She gives him a small smile and gives him Tetsusaiga. Sesshomaru gets tired of the whole thing which you don't blame him for because you were too. He changes into his true demon form which is a huge freaking dog demon.

You watch in awe and really want to pet him.

"You two might want to go hide." Inuyasha warns.

"Okay but where?" Kagome asks looking for somewhere to hide.

"How about the bone wall?" You suggest looking over towards the bones.

"How are we suppose to get up there?!" She shouts at you.

"Honey my ears are sensitive as hell! Just shut up and get on my back!" You shout right back while covering your poor fox ears and bending down to wait for her to hop on you back.

"Fine just get us out of here." She huffs out but wraps her arms around your shoulders and wraps her legs securely around your waist.

You are surprise at how heavy she is and feel instantly rude. You deal with the extra weight and focus on getting up the wall to a safe distance where the poison won't instant kill you. Kagome jumps off your back and watches the two brothers continue their fight. You rub your lower back in discomfort.

"I don't think Inuyasha's going to win." Kagome says when Tetsusaiga doesn't lay a scratch on Sesshomaru.

"Maybe he will maybe he won't, we'll just have to wait and see." You shrug not really having anything wise to say.

Sesshomaru's poison starts filling the air and Inuyasha tells you and Kagome to get out of the Tomb. You both hurriedly climb to the top and see that Inuyasha is having trouble getting up the wall because of the poison. Sesshomaru bites him and brings him to the top.

"I really want this episode to end..." you get a very bad idea.

You reach for your backpack that hasn't been mentioned what so ever throughout the story and take out your favorite pan.

Kagome notices and cue the screaming.

"Why do you have a pan???!!!"

"That is way too many question marks and exclamation marks!"

"I agree why do you have a pan?" Zangetsu and Hichigo get curious.

"It's my favorite pan." You tell the three with a shrug not seeing it as a big deal.

"Haha man I like this girl even more!" Hichigo laughs like the maniac he is.

You do a little bow and take off and make a ridiculously high jump that allows you to land on Sesshomaru's head. You hit his head a shit tone of times only doing 12 damage each hit which isn't much against a boss character. This only serves to annoy Sesshomaru but also distracts him allowing Inuyasha to have enough time to get Tetsusaiga to change form. You quickly jump off the scary dog demon and watch with a conflicted feeling as Inuyasha cuts off his brothers arm.

Sesshomaru leaves the scene feeling shamed from his defeat.

"Who would have thought no longer having an arm would make him have character growth...noice." You swing your perfectly fine pan around to distract yourself.

"Why do you have a pan?" Inuyasha lifts a brow.

"Why don't you have a pan?" You fire right back.

Inuyasha only blinks at your response making things a bit awkward until Kagome joins you both.

The three of you chat on and off on your way back to the village. When you're finally there you are beyond the definition of exhausted and immediately flop to the floor lifelike when you enter the hut not even bothering to get to the bed properly.

Then you remember something important and jump right back up and stomp aggressively towards Inuyasha who just wants to enjoy some food.

"Bath now." You drag him away from his precious food and he cries in betrayal as you toss him clothes still on into the recently heated bathtub.

You toss some village clothes to the side for him to wear later and send him a wink and finally leave to go get some much needed rest.

No one bothers to wake you up so you end up missing the very interestring episode involving the prince toad dude.


Note the sarcasm as you are too lazy to fight a toad.
