Chapter 9

A couple of hours later

Wills pov:

I'm pacing around Mike's room because Richie is downstairs with Stan Bill, El Mike, and Max, and I currently don't know what to do. So I do what any intelligent person would do I go downstairs and sit on the couch next to the mike.

"oh hey, will I did know you were here," Richie says

I ignore him and instead ask max a question, "hey, max, wanna go to yours?" I ask, glancing over at Richie.

"Me, Lucas Dustin, and Mike were going to go to the arcade. Wanna come?"

"Max, that's not till after dinner, plus weren't we gonna have a sleep-" mike stops talking as he sees Max's eyes widen, which indicates him to stop talking.

"I mean, we can go over to Lucas's now tho," mike says to cover up what he said earlier.

"Can I come?" El asks

"You think I wanna be the only girl? Come on, let's go, bye curly-haired boy, the one with the stutter and cheater boy," Max says as they leave.

the last thing I hear before leaving is "shit."

"Thank you for getting me out of that horrible situation," I say

"why was the situation so bad exactly," El asks.

"You guys didn't tell her," I ask.

"That was Mike's job," Max says

"No, that was your job. We agreed on it." Mike says

"No, it was your job. I said you have to tell El what happened"

"Yea, you said you have to, oh nevermind..." Mike says

"Your so fucking stupid, Mike," Max says, walking ahead a little."

"Ok, but like what happened and why did we need to get out of there," El asks.

"Long story short, Rich cheated on me," I say


"What do you mean he didn't believe me," max says as she turns around.

"Wait, so how did he find out" Mike questions.

"Yea, how?" El asks

"well, uhm he uh... he- actually, I don't know. He never told me."

Max says (i can remember if will told max but pretend he didn't)

"Wait, Will, what did he say exactly?" max asks.

"I can remember something along the lines of yea Eds, ill break up with him soon blah blah blah love you bye," I say

"And your 100% sure he said Eds and not like dad or something..." Mike asks.

"Mike, that's a dumb question," I reply

not too long after this convo was at Lucas's house

After we get to Lucas's house, we say our hellos, and I sit down, thinking about what just happened.

I'm not listening to the conversation until Lucas asks me, "Right, Will, I am right, and Max is wrong, just say I'm right."

"Uh, I don't know," I say as I get up to go to the bathroom.

"LUCAS UR SO DUMB," I hear Max say as she and El follow me.

"Will, what is wrong? You've been quiet this whole time," El says

"Yea, what on your mind," Max asks.

"I mean, I don't know. I'm just questioning what he has that I don't like. Was I not good enough for him, you know" I say

"Will, what does this Eddie kid look like?" Max asked

"Well, he looks uhh," El says, not knowing how to describe him.

"I don't know how to describe it. I can call him if you want tho," I say

"Please do that. I wanna visual," max says

So I facetime him, and he didn't answer till the last ring. As soon as he answered, I started the conversation by saying, "Hey, Eddie."

"Hey, will. How's Hawkins?" he asks while max looks over at my phone to see his face.

"it's good. It turns out his cousin is one of my old friends and also els well now ex-boyfriend," (i don't remember if they broke up, but now they are, so roll with it, I guess). I say as I glance up, and I think Lucas and mike heard the conversation because Max, El, Lucas, and Mike were all surrounded by my phone but not in the frame to where you could see them.

"Oh, the one you were lowkey in love with before Richie" I can see max contemplating something while he says this and when he's done with the sentence, I just see her reaching for my phone.

"MAX STOP," El says, but it's too late.

"BRO, SHUT UR FUCKING LITTLE TWINK ASS UP BITCH. WE KNOW UR FUCKING RICHIE, JUST PLAYING WITH WILLS EMOTIONS; YOU THINK THAT'S FUCKING FUNNY, OK? IF YOU EVER FUCKING TALK TO WILL EVER AGAIN, I WILL COME TO MAINE AND BEAT UR LITTLE FAIRY ASS MYSELF; YOU HEAR ME" During this, I see Eddie look like he's about to cry el trying to get max to stop Lucas from trying to pull the phone out of max hands I'm sitting there in shock and mike is about to piss himself in laughter.

After she says that, she loosens her grasp on my phone, and el takes it and says, "Uh, we have to go bye, Eddie."

After that, we all burst into laughter. I don't know why we were laughing, but we were, but I think we were all laughing for different reasons for me; at least I didn't know what to do because Eddie was my best friend in Maine, and I honestly don't know what I'm going to do when I get back.

don't expect me to update this frequently
