1 | Broken promises

"Will you be back, Mommy?" "Of course honey. Mommy will be with you forever. Pinky promise" "R-remember, you never break pinky promises Momma." Their pinky's met as the did a little handshake, "Has Momma ever broken any promises before? I don't think so!" She said as she booped Giyuus nose. Giyuu had let out a little laugh.

"Mom.." Giyuu looked at his mother, "I'm sorry Giyuu, it's for your own good. I want you to have the best life, the one I could never give you." She caressed her hand on Giyuu's face before walking off into the light, "MOM!! WAIT PLEASE!!" He said as he tried to catch up with his mother. The hole of light was slowly getting smaller, and smaller..and smaller...

(Giyuu's POV)

There it is again, the sound of the alarm. I pick it up and throw it across the room as I rub my eyes and yawn. It's always the same dream. What's the point in having me see it over and over again? She broke her promise, I don't get why I need to be reminded about it. "Giyuu, wake up." My Aunt says as she walks into my room, "Seems you're already awake." "What does it look like to you?" I say in a tone that's enough to get her mad, "Listen here young man, you respect me in this house, you understand? This is my house, I could technically kick you out whenever I wanted. As soon as you turn 18 I want you out of this house, I can't deal with your attitude anymore." She says as she walks off, "Breakfast is on the table, I'll be at work, and don't cause any trouble today," I get up and tidy my bed, I then go to the washroom and look at myself in the mirror, hands on the counter. The same old face I see everyday. No emotion whatsoever. I guess it's no wonder I don't have any friends. I take off my cloths and step in the shower as I feel the cold water landing on my skin. The breeze is so cool and warm. It feels like I'm at the bottom of the ocean, right then, I hear my phone ring. I sigh and get out of the shower, drying myself with the towel. I pick up my phone and check who the notification is from, I'm actually quite shocked, I never get notifications unless it's a group project or study hall.

🐍Obanai Iguro: Tomioka, we need to talk.

Oh, it's just Iguro. I lied before, I have one I guess you could say, friend? We just text sometimes about life, y'know the usual, "hey, hi, hru, good wbu," etc. I met him during PE and we kinda just hang out during school hours sometimes, back to the point. What does he possibly need to talk to me about? If it was a question about his love life, I doubt I would be able to give any advice, I've never experienced one myself. Fine, I guess I'll meet him somewhere today

πŸ’§Tomioka Giyuu: when & where?

I check the time. 8:45 the clock read. My school usually starts at 9 so I still have 15 more minutes to do whatever I want, although the walk is like 5 minutes, I might as well get there as early as I can, that way, I'll be able to talk to Iguro as fast as I can, and then I won't have to deal with him for the rest of the day. I quickly put on my uniform, throw my bag over my shoulder, and put my shoes on the run while I'm going downstairs. I grab the bagel my Aunt left for me and shove it in my mouth while I also shove my phone in my pocket and grab my keys, plus my umbrella. I then open the door, slam it closed and lock it while I run to school. It was already 8:50, I would've been late if I left any later.

I arrive on campus and finally swallow the last piece of my bagel. The time read 8:57, I'm sure I'll have enough time to meet with Iguro, I hope. I'm usually never late for class, it's fine if it's just once I guess. I head on inside and put on my school shoes while I run down to class. I then hear a "ring" from my pocket, I take out my phone and see the notification.

🐍Obanai Iguro: Right outside class. Right now.

He sounds awfully serious today, something must be bothering him. I slide my phone into my pocket and run up all the way to our classroom. When I arrived, I stop right outside and door and try to catch my breath just to be pulled to the side by a mysterious figure, "What's up with you today bro? You've been acting so weirdly ever since I messaged you." I say as I rub dirt off my pants. "What could you possibly need from me anyway, We're only friends, what could've been so important you ha-" My mouth was covered by a hand on my face, "Shush," he says, "I haven't even uttered a single word, yet you're here with a whole essay for me." He removes his hand and then takes a deep breath. "I'm inlove with someone in your class." He says as his face turns the colour of a tomato and he looks down, "Okay, but you could get advice about your love life from someone else, why are you even telling me this in the first place?" I say as I look at him all confused, "Because.." he mumbles, "She sits right next to you," you have got to be kidding me. I slam my hand on my forehead, then put my hand on my head, "Dude, it really doesn't matter who someone sits beside, you can still talk to them either way. Plus," I sigh, I know she told me not to tell him this but it has to be said, "She talks about you all the time, how you're so good and soccer, you're so nice to people, even though that's the complete opposite, and anything else you can imagine. So yeah, I think you guys have a pretty good chance, I don't get why you're asking me advice for love" Iguro looks up at me, "Have you really never experienced a crush before?" "Are you really just gonna ignore what I said?!" "Boys" we both look behind me and see the teacher standing there, "It's time for class, Mr. Tomioka. Mr. Obanai, I suggest you get to class before I give you a detention slip, you've already had 2 this week," "Yeah probably cause you're always staring at mitsuri." I mumble, "What was that?" "Nothing Sensei, my bad. I'll be heading inside the class now, thank you." I bow and open the door to see all eyes on me, this happens everyday, it's no difference. I finally sit in my seat and lean back. Mitsuri looks at me and asks, "Do you think Iguro-san would like me??" I sigh, this is gonna be a long day.

