fourteen. end

Final Chapter

Neighbours started to run out of their houses as they could hear screams. They saw a man at the front door of Jarad's house, punching Jarad hard, blood flying everywhere.

Some bystanders had phoned the police and some had just watched in shock and disgust. Men started to run up to the house and tried to get Stokeley off of Jarad but he just wouldn't stop.

The Police and an ambulance had arrived and separated Stokeley from the boy. They put Jarad into a stretcher and took him into the ambulance, and they handcuffed Stokeley and dragged him into the police car. "He murdered my friend, I was only giving him what he deserved," Stokeley shouted.

"Okay kid," the officer laughed. Stokeley was just slumped in the back seat of the police car, looking out of the window. His breath made the window go a bit foggy and he drew a 'X' on it with his nose, since his hands were in handcuffs.

The car arrived at the station and the Police officers immediately grabbed a hold of Stokeley and took him inside the building. As he was pulled through the station people stared at him, though he just ignored it. He knew he wasn't the bad guy and that Jarad was.

Stokeley was let out of the handcuffs and was sat in a room his self for about 20 minutes before a woman came in and sat across from him. "I know about your friend, Jahseh Onfroy's death, but could you please tell me how Jarad Higgins is involved," the woman asked. He gulped as he pulled out the birthday card from earlier and handed it to the woman.

The woman looked at him with a confused face before opening it. She read it and looked at Stokeley. "How do you know this was your friend that wrote this and not just someone pretending?" She asked. He sighed, "I just know he wrote it, it's his hand writing."

"Okay could we keep this for a while, for evidence?" She asks. He simply nodded.

Eventually the woman left the room and left the boy alone his self again. But after about half an hour he was let off with a warning and let out of the building.

A police man offered to drop him off at his house so he wouldn't have to walk the long distance home. But Stokeley declined and started to walk down the street, regretting not taking up the police man's offer.

Meanwhile at the hostpital, Jarad was lying on a bed with casts covering his whole body. Stokeley had really punched the fuck out of him. The injuries weren't life threatening at all but Jarad had said that he was in so much pain, he thought he was going to die. Surely it wasn't that bad.

The ward that Jarad was in was pretty quiet and there wasn't too much people walking around. Until two female police officers, came running through asking to see Jarad Higgins.

The police officers reached Jarad and told everyone else to clear the room, so they could have a talk with the boy. Jarad looked so confused as both of the officers looked at him with angry eyes.

They told him what Stokeley had said and that they now know that Jarad is responsible for the death of Jahseh Dwayne Ricardo Onfroy.

Once they told him that, Jarad's furrowed his eyebrows. He looked angry. "Don't believe that piece of shit, everything he says is lies," he shouts. The police look at eachother and laugh. "You're coming to the station with us," one of them said while the other grabbed Jarad's wrists and put them behind his back, putting them into handcuffs.

"No! I'm innocent," he shouted. The police simply just ignored him and dragged him out of the hospital and into the car.

He was going to be locked away for a long time


A few months had passed and Jarad's trial had begun. He knew that no one would believe his lies and pleaded guilty to all the charges, and he was sentenced to 16 years in prison.

Jahseh's family started to cry, cheer and shout once they heard that. Some of the family were happy that he was going to locked up, some were angry and shouting because they believed he should have had a longer sentence and some were just crying because they didn't know what else to do.

Stokeley didn't attend it but he later found out everything a few hours after and he couldn't help but smile the rest of the day. Jahseh could now rest.

Stokeley pulled out out a box from the back of his old wardrobe and blew on it, dust flying about and going up his nose. He coughed and sat down on his bed with the box on his lap. He opened up the small black box and carefully took out the cd's from inside, smiling as he did so.

One of the cd's had the words 'A song by Jahseh Onfroy' on it and Stokeley ribbed his thumb over the writing, written in black sharpie. He sighed as he took that cd and placed it inside his cd radio and pressed the play button. The sound of the nice beat and Jahseh's voice took over his ears as he lay down on his bed, closing his eyes.

An hour had passed and he had listened to every cd inside of the box. He sat up and put all of them back inside of it and picked it up and threw on his hoodie (that Jah had let him borrow, but he kind of forgot to give it back) and then ran out of his house and towards the radio station a few blocks down.

Once he reached it he immediately ran inside the small building. The stood there, panting with the black box in his hands and then hands it over to the only mad inside of the building. "You have to play these, they were by a friend of mine. He never wanted anybody but me to hear them but he's not here anymore and I really need everyone to hear these. Please," he said and the man just looked at him with a slightly shocked expression on his face.

"Kid, I cant just play your dead friends' songs, they're probably about drinking and snorting all sorts of things," the man said as he turned away from Stokeley and towards his computer. Stokeley noticed a button to open the cd thing on his computer and he went forward and pressed it. It slowly opened and Stokeley just placed a cd inside and pressed the button again so it would close. The man just stared at him, annoyed.

The song started to play and the man's attention went back to his computer and he slowly started to bop his along to the beat, a small grin appeared across his face. Once it was finished he asked to listen to another one and Stokeley agreed and the man was once again smiling.

"These are really good, your friend was really talented. I'll consider playing them," the man said. A big grin spread across Stokeley's chubby face as he thanked the man and left the building and made his way back home.

He sat listening to the radio for the rest of the day, hoping one of Jah's songs would play soon but it started to get pretty late and he slowly fell asleep on his bed.

Stokeley woke up the next day and immediately remembered that none of Jah's songs were played on the radio yesterday. He went onto instagram to dm the guy that worked at the station, but before he could he saw a post in his feed. The post was about how good Jahseh's songs were. He scrolled down and saw more posts about them, that's all he could see.

So his songs were played. And people loved them. Then all of a sudden he heard his letter box chap, so he went to go see who it was. It ended up just being the paper and Stokeley decided to read it, even though he never reads the paper.

Right on the front page was an article about Jahseh and his songs and how they had affected people in a good way and helped them. It had only been a day and Jahseh and his songs were famous and being appreciated.

Stokeley smiled to himself.

Now Jah was going to be remembered for a good reason, just like he wanted.


Thankyou so so much for reading this story. I really enjoyed writing it and I hope you enjoyed reading it, even though its really bad but it's my first story. If you liked this story and want another Ski Mask story then just let me know, i'll be happy to make one. Thankyou so much again for almost 300 reads I am very grateful- Leah๐Ÿ’ž
