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𝐓𝐖: 𝐘𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 ;; phil brings home a kid without telling the others


Phil was a nervous wreck. He watched as Techno and Wilbur watched a movie on the TV and he bit his lip. 'How am I supposed to tell them?'

For a little bit of context, in the heat of the moment Phil had decided to adopt a timid boy who he'd stumbled upon. Reason? The kid seemed to have just been kicked out of his house, and he had nowhere to go.

What kind of father would he be if he let a 7-year-old child sleep outside in the cold. A horrible one, that's what. So he'd gotten the papers and done it, now the boy was cowering in the doorway as he peered over at Phil.

Though he'd made one tiny mistake. He'd forgotten to tell Techno and Wilbur.

The two brothers had stuck by each others side, having pretty bad trust issues to anybody outside of their quiet little family because of some incidents that happened before Phil took them in. Another addition would be a huge change. Sometimes Phil was smart, but this was not one of those moments.

After sending a reassuring glance over to the kid, Tommy, he let out a small cough and got the two's attention away from the TV screen. "Boys, I have some news for you." The serious tone in Phil's voice made Wilbur and Techno straighten up and raise an eyebrow.

"Now I know I should've consulted you about it before but I-"

"Dad...whose that kid?"

Now all attention was on Tommy, who let out a huff and pouted. "'M not a kid." There was not a single drop of sound, everything went quiet until Phil gave Tommy a little pat on the back. "I- uh...adopted again, meet Tommy!"

Techno's reaction was better than expected. The oldest child just rolled his eyes, giving a non-sincere wave to Tommy, who cowered back slightly. However, Wilbur's reaction was what scared him.

"What the hell Phil!?" He yelled out, not noticing the slight wince Tommy gave to the loud volume. "Why didn't you even talk to us about it!? Don't we get to have a say who your inviting in-" Phil let out a sigh and bent down to Wilbur's height, gently placing his hands on the boys shoulders.

"Look mate, the kid had nowhere to go-"

"THAT DOESN'T MATTER! You know what's gonna happen, your gonna forget about me, just like my parents did. A-And I'm gonna be alone again-" Before Wilbur could even start to fully panic, he was pulled into a comfortable hug, knowing those warms arms very well.

A few tears dribbled down his face, and Wilbur pushed his head into the crook of Phil's shirt, letting the man wave a comforting hand through his matted locks. "I'm sorry, it was wrong of me...I know- But please try? Put yourself in Tommy's shoes and try not to be to harsh."

With a little grumble of approval, Phil pet his head a few timed before turning to where Tommy and Techno had previously stood. "Wha- where did those two go?"

Wilbur gave a shrug, and followed Phil as he called out their names. Soon enough he'd gotten to Techno's room, the only place he hadn't checked, and a smile grew on his face at the sight he was greeted with.

Techno had a book in one hand, and another around the sleeping boy curled on his chest. The faded tear streaks made Phil raise a concerned eyebrow at Techno. "The yelling got to much." Was all he said before he went back to the book.

Out of the two, Techno was not the one Phil thought would be the first to warm up, but by the looks of things he'd been proven incorrect.

"Dad...I-I'm sorry for shouting."

He'd forgotten that Wilbur had followed behind him. Giving the boy a smile, he rubbed a hand along the messy brown mop of hair. "I don't think I'm the one who needs to hear that, but I'm sorry as well."

The two shared a brief hug before Phil checked the time and realised it was almost dinner time. Giving one last glance to his now three children, he let out a content hum and wandered to the kitchen.
