chapter 3//pt 2

๐™ˆ๐™–๐™˜๐™š๐™ž ๐™ฅ๐™ค๐™ซ
๐™…๐™–๐™ฃ๐™ช๐™–๐™ง๐™ฎ 2021
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"stop doing all those damn flips in my house" my mom said laughing

"i'm sorry i'm trying to practice something" i said smiling

"for real stop flipping before you break something" kacey said

"kacey nobody asked for your two cents shut up" i said

"don't start arguing" my mom said

"alright i won't say anything else just for you" i said sitting on the couch

"let's do a talent show on live" kacey said

"alright" i said starting my instagram live

"kacey comment talent show so i can pin it" i said putting the phone on the tv stand.

"alright i did it" he said

"mk" i said
"who wants to get added?" i said

i added the first person that said 'add me' in the comments.

"hey" i said

"hi i'm going to sing" the girl said

"okay come on kacey come down here" i said
once he did i said start.

they were singing halo from beyoncรฉ but they were trolling.

"who is that singing" my mom said laughing from the kitchen

i was trying hard not to laugh but failed.

"macei you wrong for laughing" kacey said holding his laughter in

"alright good job i'm going to add another person" i said removing them.

"that was something" i said
in the comments everybody was laughing.
"alright kacey add somebody" i said letting him get closer to the phone.

"alright they said they do that dancing stuff you do" he said adding someone

"what" i said laughing

the person started dancing and it was good they did a back handspring but slipped.

"oleee are you okay?" i asked while kacey laughed

"kacey stop laughing" i said pushing his head
"bow bow" i said smiling while my mom was dancing she was going tiktok's.

she do tiktok's more than me sometimes.

"alright i'm tired" she said laughing taking her phone.
"where kacey at?" she asked

"in his room playing on the ps4" i said
"you know where we should go for vacation?" i said

"where? it might be to cold in some places" my mom said

"california" i said smiling

"maybe" my mom said

"hopefully, do you know what my dad is doing? he's not answering his phone." i said

"no he might be partying or at the studio i haven't heard anything." my mom said
"but i'm about to get in the shower" she said

"okay" i said going in kaceys room to got bother him.

"kaceyyy" i said dragging his name while walking in his room

"nah get out i don't feel like being bothered" he said already know why i came in here.

"alright i'll leave you alone but let me stay in here" i said laying in his bed.

"okay i'm about to facetime someone" he said

"i don't care" i said going on instagram.

five minutes went by and i was tuning out who he was talking to but then i realized it was mya.

"why you talking to mya?" i said laughing

"macei you just said you would leave me alone so shut up" he said

"hey macei" mya said

"hi" i said putting my attention back on my phone.

"macei you fake why did you answer like that?" kacey said

"i said hi how is that fake?" i said laughing.
"this movie was never this scary" i said laughing
i was watching 'scream' with kacey.

"it's not scary at all you're just a scary cat" kacey said

"nah dont lie if you saw that in this house you would be scared!" i said mugging him

"of course i would but that won't happen" he said

"okay shut up watch the movie" i said

after the movie was done i went in my room i would go in the living room but my moms boyfriend got here a few minutes ago.
i don't know why it's to late at night.

i brushed my teeth and got in bed and fell asleep.

about to drop another book when y'all want it ?
