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Serenity sighed before started the journey down the stairs, she kept thinking, 'what if people judge' over and over in her mind, Asher stared with amazement as Serenity walked down

Almost in slow motion, he looked at her up and down, admiring the beautiful figure before him, she fake smiled towards Jordan who had returned the smile. Then glaring at Asher, "wow Serenity" Spencer huffed, "you look..." asher was lost for words, "fantastic" JJ finished, "thank you all, but now, let's get these fucking pictures taken" she walked over to Asher who grinned at her, "I'm speechless Serenity" he told her

"You don't look bad yourself adams" she wrapped her arm around the back of his waist, Asher instantly warming up to her touch. Him wrapped his arm around the back of her waist

Serenity's heart melted at the touch, "oh YALL look amazing" billy looks between each and every couple, "get in there, Spencer, everybody, all right" billy spoke, Serenity and Asher looked at each other then laughing three seconds later, "get right, get tight" billy made a move in motion

"Humor me, 1....2 dont do that with your face J.P and...boom" billy states as he finally clicks the button, "ok one more of safety" Serenity smiled a fake one, she still didn't wanna be there, she wanted to be in the comfort of her room, not giving a shit about everything and actually having a good weekend

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Serenity and asher walked hand in hand as they entered the decorated gymnasium, "woah, it's beautiful in here" Serenity looked around, there were people very where on the dance floor, basically filling the whole thing up. The giant group all walked in together, a lot of people stared with amazement

"Want something to drink?" Asher asked Serenity as they sat at the table they claimed, "sure" she nodded as he walked away, "so, when is the wedding happening miss. Adams?" Olivia teased as she sat down, "Olivia I'm not in the mood right now ok?" She snapped, "I'm sorry god, didn't know homecoming had such an effect on you" Olivia mumbled and walked to go find Chris

"What was that about?" Asher sat next to her, "nothing" Serenity took her drink from his hand, "how you feeling tonight, I know this could be overwhelming" Asher placed his hand on top of hers, "I'm fine Asher" Serenity assuered him, "ok with that attitude no, cmon, let's go dance" he took her hand and dragged her out onto the dance floor

"Your a bitch" she raised her eyebrows at him, shouting over the music, "I've been told once or twice" he started doing embarrassing dance moves, "oh my god" she laughed as he continued

"Looks like he's having a good night" Layla spoke with Olivia, "yea, so does Serenity, but we all know it's an act" Olivia and Layla stood by a table while watching Asher and her

"I have to tell Asher about what I did" Layla sighed, "I thought you already told him?" Olivia faced her, "I did, but it wasn't even really anything, I wanna tell him what really happened" Layla sighed, "go get him and tell him now" Olivia pushed Layla towards her ex boyfriend and best friend

"Oh Layla..." Serenity's voice trailed off as she approached, "here to ruin my night?" Serenity straight up asked her, "no I need to tell Asher the real reason why I broke up with him, I'm not a liar" Layla looked at Serenity, "so I'm telling the truth" she dragged him out of the gymnasium, "I hate dances" Serenity sat in a chair across from Jordan

"Don't we all" he shrugged, "Jordan shut the fuck up, your perfectly fine" Serenity rolled her eyes, "I'm leaving, cover for me at home?" He pointed at her, "I'll try" he smiled at her and walked out, leaving Serenity alone

"Ok your alone, where's lover boy?" JJ scared the girl, "oh shit, hi J" she turned towards him, "Layla stole him to tell him the truth about the reason they broke up or something" JJs eyebrows furrowed as Asher sped walked towards him, "JJ, where's that flask baby" he asked the boy, "oh. Keep your voice down bro" JJ lowered his, "Yall are going to get into so much shit" serenity looked between them

"We will be fine" JJ told the girl as Asher took the flasks out of the secret pockets in JJs suit. "Next thing I know is that someone's going to punch someone or something like that" serious rephrased her words

And that's exactly what happened. The slightly drunk Asher walked up to the stage, stealing the microphone from the singer, "what's up Beverly" he yelled, "and I was right" Serenity stood next to JJ in the crowd, "matter of fact I thought it would be you J" Serenity teased

"Rude much" he glared, "allow me to introduce you all to the best damn football team in Southern California" Asher announces, everyone cheering as he finished his sentence

"Aaron Miller. Mr. strong safety himself. Get up here" Asher waved him over, "make some noise everybody" drunk Asher shouts, Serenity not entertained by any of this, "and that beast?" Asher points, JJ smirked kneeing exactly who he was pointed too, "oh J-" Serenity stares at him, "that beast, JJ...my boy, best damn line baker I've ever played with" Asher waited for JJ to come up next to him, Asher dabbed JJ up before looking back at the crowd

Layla and Spencer stood next to each other all cuddly, clearly Layla avoided ashers comment to her in the hall, "and of course....the real MVP" Asher starts

"Bitch why did you go up there" Serenity hits JJ in the arm as he returns to his spot next to her, "I don't want my drunk ass friend to get laughed at if I didn't go up there" JJ whispered, "beverlys latest transfer, Spencer James" Asher stared at Layla and Spencer

"He's the best there is" Asher pointed, "isn't that right Layla" Asher asked, Serenity and JJs argument quickly stopped as their heads snapped towards Asher, the crowd going quietly quickly, "I mean you did cheat on me with him" anger rising inside Asher, "so you would know" Serenity and JJ stared at each other

"Holy" JJ started, "fuck" serenity finished the sentence, everyone in the gym started talking among themselves, "no no, it's-its ok, really, it's ok" Asher told the crowd, "because technically I cheated first, twice" Serenity's throat went dry

"Tell her Olivia, serenity" he looked between the two in the crowd, Serenity having tears in her eyes, JJ wrapped her in a bear hug, "tell her, go on" he told Olivia and Serenity, "tell your best friend how we had sex way before Spencer showed up on he scene" he told Olivia, "and how we had sex that night of freshman year" Asher pointed at Serenity, "tell her go ahead" he screamed, billy ran on stage an grabbed Asher arm, "come with me" he forcefully moved him away

"Serenity" JJ spoke softly, "I have to leave" she wiped her tears and started out, "I'm coming with you" JJ ran after her, "Serenity" he caught up to her in the hallways, grabbing her wrist, "what JJ" she almost yelled, tears streaming down her face

"Tell me what happened, I'm not mad, I want to be there for you" he pulled her into a hug, "the thing is, I can't remember it J" she spoke into his chest, "I can't remember, I-I was to drunk" she sobbed, "hey, it's ok" he cooed,

"What about Asher?" JJ stroked her hair, "he was too, I don't know if he remembers or not" she sniffled, the pair sat their for a minute because hearing the shouting of Layla and Olivia, "I'm leaving now, I don't want to fight with anyone, especially one of them" she let go off JJ

"I'm calling you later" he yelled as she walked away, "ok" she told him, Laura waited by the car knowing exactly where she would have came, "mom" Serenity ran into her arms, "hey baby it's ok" Laura told her, "I don't wanna be here anymore" she screamed, "we need to get you home baby, cmon" Laura let of her, opening the back door for her

"Do you need anything Serenity?" Laura walked up to the house with her, "I'm ok, I need alone time" she walked up the stairs to her bedroom, yelling into a pillow instantly, she knew Asher wouldn't have said anything about that night if he wasn't drunk, slightly drunk Asher wasn't bad, drunk Asher was

She sat in silence in her room, staring up the ceiling, only hearing the sobs coming from her mouth. She had finally changed clothes after like two hours. She sat up once she heard her phone rang placing it down after she saw the contact


Next in life's tough: Serenity didn't know what to feel anymore, that wasn't the only big secret she was keeping...

What do you guys think will happen between Asher and Serenity next chapter? Also Stan JJ for being the caring and sweetest person ever like always

Also I have a new book, it's called visit!
