𝗙𝗧. 𝗚𝗔𝗕𝗥𝗜𝗘𝗟, 𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗥𝗨𝗗𝗘𝗥, 𝗦𝗜𝗫/𝟲, 𝗗𝗔𝗩𝗘 𝗟𝗘𝗘 and Lynn Murray btw

btw it has some swearing

lets start :D



Dave Lee : "The purge is necessary because it's a release of all the tension, we hold it as Mandela County's it is the ultimate catharsis"

Jonah: "Who's Catharsis?"

Cesar: "I think she's a designer."

Cesar: "I'm pretty sure I have her new shoe collection"

Adam: "Catharsis is another word for the purge."

Jonah: "no it's not"

Cesar: "Read a book, Adam"

Jonah: "So, what are our plans?"

Adam: "We're staying here for lock down"

Cesar: "Yeah, there's no way I'm doing this purge thing with Mark healthcliff"

Jonah: "Are you sure we should separated from the rest of the family?"

Adam: "It's gonna be fine."

Cesar: "Did you guys see that weird neighbor earlier?"

Jonah: "the one with that disgusting pie?"

Adam: "Omg, why couldn't he just go away?"

Cesar: "Omg, he was so annoying!"

Jonah: "omg, nobody want his nasty purge pie!"

Cesar: "It was fattening just looking at it."

Cesar: "I gave it to Lynn Murray"

*Purge sirens*

Adam: "It's almost time for lockdown"

Jonah: "I heard they hired Dave Lee to announce the call!"

*Adam,Jonah and Cesar looks at the Tv*

Dave Lee: "This is not a test, Babe. The Annual Purge is about to start. Remember, all crimes are legal for Twelve (12) hours straight and won't end Until seven (7) in the morning.

Have fun!

Lets do ittttt!"

Cesar: "Okay.."

Cesar: "Well..you wanna watch a movie or something?"

Jonah : "We should watch kanye west music videos on repeat!~"

Adam: "I'd rather join the purge."

*Ding, dong*

Cesar: "Who the hell-"

Adam: "Turn on the security camera"

*All three of them look at the security*

Gabriel: "What's up Torres,Murray and Marshall, HII! How are you a little birdie told me you haven't eaten your purge pie everyone else has, BOY, im confused."

Adam: "Turn it off."

Cesar: "Wait."

Gabriel: "I know you got pie in there, love that but if you don't eat it by the time our backup comes, BITCH! it's over hahaha ~Cut it.",'

*The power cuts out*

Jonah: "They cut the power!"

Cesar: "No shit!"

Adam: "We should be safe with our security system"

Jonah: "Yeah, good thing you had it installed"

Adam: "I didn't get it installed, Cesar did"

Cesar: "no I didn't"

Cesar: "that was Jonah's job"

Jonah: "NO, I got the locks changed"

Adam: "I got the locks changed"

Cesar "no, I was assigned to get the locks changed"

Jonah: "So, we changed the locks three times"

Jonah: "but didn't install the new security system?"

Cesar: "I'm sure we'll be fine"

Adam: "Where did you put the pie?"

Cesar: "I gave it to Lynn Murray before she left"

Cesar: "I don't know what she did with it."

Jonah: "Well we need to find it and eat it"

Adam: "ew. no."

Cesar: "Adam."

Cesar: "it's either pie..or death"

Adam: "Death :")"

Cesar: "we're gonna find this pie.."

Cesar: "and we're gonna eat it as a family..."

*Awkward silence*

Jonah: "I don't see it"

Cesar: "it's in the kitchen, Lynn had to put it in here."

Adam: "What if she threw it away?"

Cesar: "She wouldn't."

Adam: "I would, it's trash"

Jonah: "I see it!"

*Cesar Grabs Pie*

Cesar: "Wow, looks like its still hot."

*Cesar places purge pie on the table*

Jonah: "This doesn't feel right."

Cesar: "What?"

Jonah: "Are we really about to eat this nasty pie.."

Jonah: "because those alternates say so?"

Cesar and Adam: "Yes."

Jonah: "I'm being serious"

Adam: "I wish it was salad"

Cesar: "We have no choice"

Jonah: "This is so not watermelon!"

Jonah: "I say we don't do it"

Adam: "We have too"

Cesar: "Jonah."

Jonah: "No"

Cesar: "Stick your finger in the pie.."

Jonah: "Cesar, It's super hot!"

Cesar: "do it, Adam."

*Adam grabs Jonahs fingers*

Jonah: "NO! LET GO!"

Cesar: "this is survival, Jonah!"

*Jonahs finger is in the pie sizzling*


*Jonah crys*

Cesar: "We need to live."

*Adam lets go and let Jonah all onto the ground*

Cesar: "Adam!"

Jonah: "Ow! I probably have like a 10th degree burn!"

Adam: "Cesar look at us, we look stupid"

Cesar: "You're right."

Cesar: "We're losing it." 

Jonah: "What if we just fake it!"

Jonah: "We can pretend we ate it!"

Adam: "How?"

Jonah: "We can throw some of it away."

Jonah: "and like smear it on our faces"

Cesar: "That would never work."

Adam: "Impossible"

Gabriel from the front door: "Times up Torres, Murray and Marshall were coming in, HI chainsaw! *chainsaw sounds*"

Jonah: "Oh.. MY ... GOD"


Adam: "I have a plan"

Cesar: "What?"

Adam: "You two sacrifice yourself and I'll run away"

Jonah: "SHUT UP ADAM!"

Cesar: "We have to fight!"

Adam: "we should split up and take them one on one"

Cesar: "Good idea"

Cesar: "Splitting up is always the best option!"

Jonah: "Okay..."

Jonah: "I just wanna say.."

Jonah: "that's no matter what happens.."

Jonah: "I-"

Adam: "Shut up,Jonah."

*Cesar and Adam went separate ways*

Jonah: "So.."

Jonah: "Fucking"

Jonah: "Rude-"

Cesar Pov

Cesar: "I know you're here"

Cesar: "Where are you"

Cesar: "I have a bat and I'm not afraid to use it "

Intruder walks up to Cesar and hits him 

Cesar: "AHHH"

Adams Pov

*Six/6 appears with a knife*

Adam: "You look stupid"

Six/6: "It's alright to purge"

Adam: "You should purge that outfit"

*Adam runs*

*Adam Grab a ball throws it at the tv man letting his knife in the air and stab him in the heart*

Adam: "Stupid."

*Intruder comes up behind Adam with a gun*

Jonah Pov


Jonah: "oh my gosh.."

Gabriel: "Hey!"

Gabriel: "Funny seeing you here"

Jonah: "but you knew I was here. Why is it funny?"

Gabriel: "It' an expression..-"

Jonah: "Like where else would I be?"

Gabriel: "I knew you were in here"

Jonah: "then why is it funny?"

Gabriel: "Okay"

Gabriel: "It's time to purge, bitch"

Jonah: "I don't think so!"

*throws pie at Gabriel*


Skipping the fighting to the end 

Cesar: "Adam, Omg"

Adam: "hi."

Jonah: "where did you learn how to use a gun?"

Awkward silence 

Cesar: what matter is we're safe

Adam: We should call to make sure everyone else is safe

*Jonah rings mark*

Jonah: Mark are you okay?

Mark: I'm great Jonah

Cesar: It's so great to hear your voice!

Mark: Aww we miss you too, I was thinking tha-

Cesar: "Mark don't put words in our mouths!"

Jonah: "We didn't say we missed you, don't assume"

Adam: That's so rude

Mark: but you said tha-

Jonah: "Happy  Purge, Mark, Bye."

Cesar: "can you believer him?"

Adam: "that call was the worst thing that happened tonight."

Finshed :D
