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โ›what are you?โœ
( episode two, season one )

WHEN MALEA OPENED HER EYES THE NEXT day, she found herself still grabbing onto the sharp paper knife. Which she had hidden under her pillow last evening.

The blond sat up quickly, letting go of the knife while she let her gaze wander around the room.

She laid in a very sumptuous bed, the sheets as white as snow and as soft as feathers. The bedstead seemed to consist out of pure gold.

The candles from last night were completely burned down and the cream colored curtains let the small sun beams through.

Suddenly the large doors swung open and a a tall young woman rushed inside, followed by a couple of other women.

Her wavy red-brown hair fell over her shoulder and her blue eyes wandered through the room before they landed on Malea. "Saints, have you ever bathed?"

Malea didn't answer her as she eyed the woman completely flawless skin. That was possibly the most beautiful women the blonde had ever seen.

"What happened to your face?", the redhead questioned her and Malea suddenly realized that she must look horrible with all the bruise and cuts on her face.

The woman exhaled deeply before she spun around again, "This is going to take more work than I expected."
She gave her maids a look and clapped with her hands, "Fetch my kit."

One of the women grabbed Malea's arm and yanked her off of her bed, pushing her into the bathroom.

Some of them immediately started to unbraid her dirty hair and helped her out of her cloths before, before rushing her into the bath tub.

Next they started washing Malea with sponges as they started talking in old Ravkan.

"Smells like horse", one of them stated and Malea glaced at her.

The other woman smiled at her amused, "Horse has a use."

Malea yanked her arm away from them angryly and shot them a glare before she hissed, "I am perfectly capable of washing myself. And yes, I smell like horse. I was on one for 200 miles, after I was nearly killed."

She saw the srummed looks on the women's faces and nodded as she started washing herself, "Yes, I understand old Ravkan perfectly well and yes, you were quite rude."

The readhead spoke up again, ignoring Maleas fight with the staff,ย  "In an hour, you will be presented to King Pyotr, and General Kirigan has asked that I make you look presentable."

Malea's eyes widened shocked, "I am to meet the King?" The woman nodded her head, "In an hour."


"Yes, Oh. So let's get on with it."

Malea slowly got onto her feet and the maids placed a bathing roap over her body. "You know, I don't really need all of that. I can do it myself."

Genya raised an eyebrow before she clapped with her hands, "Everybody out."

The maids rushed out of the room and Genya lead Malea back into the bedroom.

"You know, I don't choose my staff. The Queen assigns them. Mostly so she can spy on me", Genya said as she pulled out a mirror from her case.

Genya approached her, pushing Malea's white hair out of her face. "You look terrible."

Malea chuckled before Genya contiued eyeing her, "Some of this is surface, but some of it runs deeper.

Genya moved her thumb and a tingly, warm feeling spread over Malea's chin.

"You're a Healer", the woman stated as she eyed the ginger haired woman closely.

Genya's face expression remained emotionless, "I'm a Tailor. I can fix, but I can also modify."

She carefully moved her thumb over Male's wound and it healed immediately. A tinglingand hot feeling shot through her forehead, making Malea let her finger move over her now healed skinn.

"I've never met a Tailor before."

Genya circled her, her eyes moving over Malea's body. "I'm almost as rare as you, though I hardly say saving the Queen from sagging tits makes my as important as you. Important to the Queen of course. And she does not like to see cracks in her porcelain."

Malea let out a quiet chuckle before Genya contiued to heal her wounds.
The woman suddenly moved on to the old scar on her hand and Malea immediately pulled her arm back.


She let out a nervous chuckle as she traced the scar with her fingers. Her eyes staying on Genya, "That one's staying. It's a reminder."

Genya smirked a bit, "Sentimental. I'll work on that, too. But for right now sit."

She motioned towards the chair in front of the desk and held up a small mirror.

Malea grabbed the mirror from her hands and sat down quietly, giving Genya the space she needed to work on her hair.

The ginger had a white necklace in one hand as she moved her other over Malea's hair. From one second to the others, the dirt was gone and her hair shimmered.

"It only lasts a few days", Genya stated as she saw Malea's stunned face expression.

The woman looked up at her, impressed by Genya's power and her confidence. She was curious. "How old were you when you knew? I mean, if you don't mind me asking."

"Testers found me when I was eleven. That's when General Kirigan gifted me to the Queen. But I've been working on myself since I was three."

Malea's eyes widened in shock and panick took over her body. "Since you were three years old!? Saints, I can't go in front of the King. Iโ€” I need more time. I'm not ready. I've only been Grisha for a day."

Genya escaped a chuckle, she leaned down to her level, making eye contact with Malea through the mirror. "Maybe you've only been aware for one day. But you've been a Grisha you're whole life. And now you're here to tear down the Fold."

Malea gluped uncomfortable while her eyes moved to the floor. Why was everyone so sure that she could tear the Fold down? She was justโ€” she was just Malea. Her whole life she had been no one. And now everyone expected the impossible of her.

Later the two women made their way through the Little Palace, Malea trailing after Genya.

"I'm pretty sure that no army uniform includes a veil", Malea stated annoyed by the veil infront of her face.

Genya contiued walking down the corridor of the Palace. "You look fine."

Malea grumbled under her breath while her gaze wandered to the windows. "Say one wanted to leave the Little Palaceโ€”"

"But everything you need is here", the ginger interrupted her. Malea huffed as she continued following her, "I've forgotten some things at the camp. I could just go andโ€”"

"Don't be ridiculous. This way."

Malea rolled with her eyes under the veil and was very tempted to just jump out the window and flee back to the camp. But that was useless, they would find her and bring her back anyway.

She passed a large mirror and her eyes widened as she stopped walking. "This outfit is absolutely ridiculous."

Genya pulled her further down the corridor, "Sadly, this is how the King sees the First Army. He cares little for mud, blood or sacrifice."

"But do Grisha not usually wear a Kefta?", Malea raised her eyebrow at Genya. "Oh no, you can't. The King expects to see a humble girl plucked from the ranks of his army. He'll want to take the credit for you. You get a Kefta once he's witnessed your power."

The two ahd nearly reached the end of the corridor as Malea spoke up again, "Do you perhaps know if someone named Alina Starkov was brought in as well?"

Genya gave her a short glance before her eyes darted back forward. Her body seem to tens up slightly before she shook her head, "No. Not that I know of.

Malea rolled with her eyes again before she followed Genya down the stairs. In the corner of her eyes she suddenly spotted what seemed to be a library.

"By all accounts, it'll be King Pyotr, the Queen, Crown Prince Vasily and the King's spiritual adviser, the Apparat. He's this greasy ratโ€”"

Malea interrupted her, eager to know if she had really spotted a library, "Was that a library? Is it available to all of us?"

Genya simples at her as if she said something silly. "Everything here is available to all of us. The General built this home for us so we can thrive."

Malea's mind went back to Mal and Alina. "Has any Grisha ever escaped?"

Suddenly a dark husky voice spoke from her right side, the General appearing infront of her, his back facing the woman. "Planning on making a break for it?"

They slowly came to a stand and Malea blushed as she stumbled over her words. Her eyes met his and she grew even more nervous, "Iโ€” uh I didn't mean toโ€”"

The General remained silent as they rounded the corner and Malea had no words for what she saw. It was rather impressive for an Orphan like her.

"I think the Grand Palace is the ugliest building I've ever seen", the man besides her stated disgusted. "How was your rest?", his eyes wandered towards her.

Malea sighed, "Restless. Despite Genya's magic. Iโ€”"

His eyes were still trained on her as he interrupted Malea, "It's not magic. It's science. Or rather, small science. We do not conjure form nothing. We manipulate that which already exists around us."

Malea smiled as she shook her head a bit, "You make it sound so easy."

"A bird makes flight look easy. But it was born to do so", his eyes left her for the first time, since they had stepped out into the day.

She scoffed, "Yeah, when it's ready." His eyes met hers again. There was a moment of silence while they just looked at each other, walking through the garden. "So, be ready."

Malea felt the panic spread in her chest. What if she couldn't summon her light and the King accused her of being a pretender? She would be hanged.

"You're asking me to do something I couldn't even do three days ago!"

Kirigan suddenly blocked her way, staring down at her, his voice low. "Do you think I brought you here to make a fool of you? To make a fool of both of us? Just keep your focus on me, and you'll be fine."

His face expression was hard and emotionless. "Once he sees what you can do and we have his blessing, you will remain here to train."

Malea remained silent as she broke their eye contact. Following after him as he continued his way towards the Grand palace.

It didn't took them long and before Malea could second guess her doing she stood in front of the King and Queen.

Behind her stood a group of Squallers and Inferni. All eyes were focused on her. All curious or sceptical looks.

The King and Queen looked down on her from their thrones. After a moment the King made a hand motion and Malea slowly pulled the vail down from her head, revealing her face to them all.

The crowd murmured immediately and Malea had this unwell feeling in her stomach.

"I thought she'd be taller", the King suddenly stated and the Queen joined in. "I thought she is Fjerdan. How ironic! Well, she certainly looks enough like it."

There was silence in the room as Malea fought against the urge to roll with her eyes. She didn't actually new if the was Fjerdan. Yes it would be ironic. A Fjerdan being a Grisha. But even if she was, she was tired of them all.

"Well, tell her a good morning", the Queen then went on and the woman besides her wanted to translate quickly, but Malea stopped her.

"I don't actually speak Fjerdan, your Highness", her eyes remained on the floor as she spoke.

"Then what are you?"

That was a pretty good question. What was she? An Orphan? Ravkan? Fjerdan? Solider of the first army or Sun Summoner?

Her eyes darted over the people before suddenly the General answered for her.

"She is Malea Belovaโ€” the Sun Summoner, moya tsaritsa." He bowed his head before he continued, "She will change the future. Starting now."

There was still whispering, which immediately stopped when the General held his arm up.

Loud rumbling could be heard and slowly the darkness consumed them. The General faced Malea, his eyes never leaving hers.

He slowly leaned forward, his warm breath tingling her ear as he whispered, "Now call the sun."

He moved his head back, their cheeks nearly brushing against each other before carefully grabbed her hand.

The moment he touched her Malea immediately felt the power rushing through her body. The light radiated from her body.

The audience gasped surprised, shocked or even amazed, while Malea stared at the General. Her whole body was glowing, it was glowing even brighter than the first time she had used her power.

Then the light disappeared as soon as the General let go of her hand. Everyone started clapping loudly.

The King stood up, clapping his hands as well, "How long will she need?"

"Destroying the Fold will be no easy feat. She alone may not be able to do it. She will remain with me at the Little Palace to trainโ€” undisturbed." The General laid emphasize on the last word, his gaze not moving always from the King.

The King did not seem happy but he didn't argue. "Then train her quickly. Our wars have been a nobel pursuit, but this chatter from the West about becoming a sovereign nation, that needs to stop. The sooner we are one country again, the better."

The General stepped forward. "Agreedโ€” moi tsar." He bowed down for a moment and then turned around, taking Malea's hand in the process.

The woman was taken by surprise and followed after him without a word.

"You were perfect."

This words made a smile appear on her lips. She didn't now why she felt so joyful because of his word, she did eben knew the man, she just couldn't explain it.

"I don't even know where it came from." They came to a stand again,"It came from everywhere. Because you called upon it to come."

Malea gluped again, her eyes fixed on his. "Welcome home, Malea Belova."

He suddenly let go of her hand, rushing through the crowd of Grisha that parted to let him through.

The all started whispering again, a few of them immediately pulling her into a hug, welcoming the Sun Summoner among their ranks.

Except for one, the dark haired Squaller blocked Malea's way, smiling at her friendly. "Such an honor to meet you."

It was no other than Zoya Nazyalensky, the Grisha who've had Mal wrapped around her little finger at the camp.

The woman brought her into a tight hug, her voice only a quiet whisper, "You still stink of the orphanage, half-breed."

Malea's eyes widened in shock as the woman let go of her and Genya appeared. "You truly are one of a kind. The entires country is going to be talking about you now."

LATER THAT DAY MALEA WAS WALKING through the Palace, in her new blue Kefta. Two guards were flanking her while she walked down the stairs.

The blond wanted to pass by the two guards, guarding the exit of the palace that let into the garden. But they wouldn't let her through.

The woman frowned at them in confusion. Wanting to speak up she opened her mouth, but suddenly there were two Grisha approaching her.

"Malea! There you are. We've been looking for you." The two grabbed her on each arm and dragged her into the next corridor, smiling widely.

"We weren't probably introduced earlier. I'm Marie", the brunette woman on her left stated before she pointed at her dark skinned friend on Malea's other side. "And that's Nadia."

Malea ignored there chattering before she asked, "Why are the guards keeping me inside?"

"Oh, you're supposed to be training now." Marie answered her before Nadia questioned, "Are you really a mapmaker?"

Malea wanted to answer but Marie shot the next question at her, "Were you really attackt by Fjerdans?"

"How many Fjerdans did you kill?"

Malea's eyes widened, "Kill? I barely got a swing off at one." Marie continued untouched by her words, "Well, sounds like our timing is perfect."

"Welcome to the first part of your new daily schedule."

"Combat training", the two Grisha said in unison. They let her outside, were all the other Grisha were training at the very moment.

"Sun Summoner!", a deep voice caught her attention immediately.

"All of Ravkan's foes want to kill you before you can destroy the Fold. It's a great honor to have so many enemies.

Malea remaind silent as she stared at the Shu man infront of her. "He's always like this", Nadia stated unimpressed.

"You must learn to defend yourself fast. Do you know how to fight?"

Malea immediately remember the lesson Mal had given her over the years. That was of course only a bit, but they were the basic steps.

"I had some training", she answered hesitantly. "Show me. Pick an opponent", Botkin said as he motioned to his Grisha.

Malea let her eyes wander over the crowd, her eyes stopping by no other than Zoya. She pointed at the dark haired woman, "Her."

"Zoya Nazyalensky. I've been training her since she was ten", the man stated proudly.

The two women exchanged looks. "Care to back down?", Zoya raised an eyebrow at her, arrogantly.

"No, I think I do not", Malea said confidently, eyeing her up and down. She couldn't, not now. Not after the insults Zoya had whispered into her ear earlier.

Zoya had an annoyed expression plastered on her face.

"Fighters ready."

Malea got into her fighting position. Zoya on the other side didn't move a finger. "And fight!"

Malea exhaled before she approached Zoya and swing at her, well awear of the fact that she would probably lose.

And in the next moment she was already on the ground. The Grisha strode arrogantly away from Malea, her hands on her back.

"We go again!", Malea exclaimed as she got back onto her feet.

Zoya spun around and Botkin nodded his head. "Fight!"

Malea swung at Zoya again, but the woman blocked her attack. She hit her into the torso before she threw her over her shoulder, grunting.

Malea laid on the floor again and Zoya grabbed her by the throat. "Your tracker friend also liked it when I put him on his back." She winked at her, smiling wickedly before she let go of the blond.

Malea was quickly on her feet again. Pure rage came over her, her mind raising as she approached the woman.

Zoya spun towards her and Malea's fist collided with her jaw, leaving the dark haired woman stunned.

The crowd gasped and someone let out a shocked laugh before Zoya moved her hands.

Malea was immediately sent back and pain took her over as the collided with the stone wall, her vision going completely black.

After a small moment there was a light breaking through the darkness and a gigantic stack was looking down at her.


"Malea, please be well!"

The woman opened her eyes, only to be greeted by Nadia and Marie faces. The two sat besides her, shaking her body.

"You okay? I can't believe she did that!", Nadia stated as she stroked the dirt off of her shoulder.

The two helped her up and Marie looked at Malea. "She's just jealous. Can't bear the idea of anyone else being flavoured by General Kirigan."

"Don't know why she wastes her time pinning over him when she could be with me", Nadia smirked at Marie confidently.

Under other circumstances Malea had found that amusing, maybe shehad smiled, but she couldn't. The pain was still there, every bone was hurting.

In the distance she could see and hear Botkin chastise Zoya angryly in front of the other's. "What were you thinking? Against the Sun Summoner? Have you lost your mind? She's not the enemy any more than I am! Go!"

He pushed the woman away and Zoya made a fleeting eye contact with Malea, before disappearing into the Little palace.

"Shall we take you in to get you checked?", Nadia asked concerned but Malea shook her head. "No thank you. Hopefully, I can still do that on my own", she spatted with more anger than she wanted.

The blond spun around and followed the same path Zoya just had. Her eyes were trained on the path before she glanced one last time back at the Grisha.

The blond suddenly frowned for a small moment, her eyes fixed on one young dark haired woman in a red Kefta.

Was she going mad? Or was that Alina?

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