NOW you were on the bench while the first liners were on the court. kusuke snickered at the sight and the volleyball players glared at him.

'just wait, boke.' kageyama had thought as he watched kusuke laugh from the court.

as you sat on the bench, you notice a boy looking at you. it was akaashi.

when you lock eyes with him, he turns away with red on his face.

'she's so...'

'oh no.'

'she's so pretty...'  he glances at you again with curious eyes, 'i wonder what she's like.'

'let's hope you never find out.' you think to yourself as you stare at the court, avoiding his eyes.

"oi," you look at your coach, "go ahead." he nods towards the court with a smirk.

you nod and switch with hinata again. but sugawara was on the court this time instead of kageyama. it was interesting to you, you had never seen him play. he was always on the side yelling out encouragement along with yamaguchi.

they both were so nice.

"you got this y/n!" you turn and meet eyes with yamaguchi.

"thanks yams." you smile a little.


'oh god, what did i do.'


your team won. you had gone against nekoma and kusuke sat there with his eyes wide.

"gee, chibi-chan." you turn around and kuroo was right next to you, "you're hella good."


"uhm..." you sigh internally and turn around.

"hello, akaashi." it had just slipped out. oh no.

"you know my name?" his eyes go big for a second.

"your friend had said it." you pointed to bokuto.

"oh... well, i wanted to say that you were really good." he rubs the back of his neck and looks down at you.


kuroo pouts, wanting your full attention. so he nudges your shoulder, "chibi-channnnnn." he whines and your eye twitches.

akaashi saw your eye and chuckled. he felt he needed to leave but you quickly forced a thought to his brain, this is called "foreboding".

PSYCHIC ABILITY- FOREBODING: this is under the same category as telepathy. this ability allows to force an idea/thought in a person's head.

'don't leave y/n!'

he stops and stares at you, 'maybe i shouldn't leave her.'

'thank god.'

"y/n-san..." akaashi had trailed off and you look at him as kuroo stops his whining, "can you... give me some advice on volleyball?"

you look at him. no one asked for your help; you gave it to people without them saying "thank you", but it was kinda nice to hear it for some reason. even though you were annoyed when people asked you for help, you didn't feel any negative emotions towards him.


"but chibi-channn!" he pulled out his bottom lip, "can you give me advice too?"

'why does he look...'

you sigh, "yes."

he cheers with a giant smile on his face. you wanted to smile back but you kept it to yourself, though your lips did tug upwards a little.

'catching feelings?'


'i feel that's a yes.'

'whatever, kusuo.'

you didn't know what was happening to you. you felt warm around so many... people, boys nonetheless. you didn't need a boy to be happy. what the hell?!

"well," you narrow your eyes at the voice and look at kusuke, "seems you beat me again." he walks towards you and puts a hand on your head.

you shoot him an annoyed look and kuroo snorts.


"you can hug me now." he opens his arms and you immediately go behind akaashi and peek out from behind him. this made him smile softly.


you catch his eyes and then they shoot the other way. kuroo notices this and goes to grab your hand before someone coughs.

"excuse me..." you four look to the direction and see yamaguchi, "can i talk to y/n-chan?" he points to you.

'oh no! what do i say?! i just wanted to get her alone...! i didn't think this through!'

"sure." you walk away and the boys stare at your retreating figure.

once you had gone outside with yamaguchi, his mind was racing.


you stayed patient, surprisingly.

"i was wondering if you would want to-"


'why is everyone and their mom interrupting today?'

yamaguchi watched as you peek over the door frame and see kita, atsumu, and osamu standing on the side of the gym. atsumu was holding the back of his head in pain.

"atsumu, don't you have something to say to your brother?" kita eyes atsumu.

"i'm sorry i provoked you."


"i'm sorry you're my brother."




"damn, my b."

kita's aura becomes dark and the twins stop.


"damn, go daddy kita." aran snaps his fingers.


"oop, gomen-"

'what the fuck is happening. why am i here.' as you were questioning your life's existence, yamaguchi had brushed your hand.

your face heated up a little and your mind started to panic.

'why are my cheeks heating up?!'

'her hand is so soft...'

'yeah, it is, glad you got to feel it.' you roll your eyes internally and look at him.

'oh shit! she's looking at me!'

'this is awkward.'

'i can't tell her yet... i haven't even had that much time with her!'

"hey lovebirds." yamaguchi jumped and you just looked at kusuke, "i'm leaving, can't wait to tell mom and dad about your... talent." he shoots you a fake smile.

"k, bye." you wave at him and bump his shoulder as you walk in the gym.

'i didn't get to ask her out...' yamaguchi saddens but he quickly pops back up when he watches you walk away, 'i won't give up!'

'please don't... WAIT WHY DID I THINK THAT?!'
