

I sat in my Dodge Challenger waiting for Taylor.

I grabbed my phone out of the cup holder and called her because she was taking a long time.

I listened to the line ring continuously and suddenly she answered.

"Sorry I'm coming now" she shouted through the phone and I snickered as I hung up.

I watched her run out of the house wearing a different outfit then she was at school.

She looked hot.

She opened my car door and sat down closing the door soon after.

I just stared at her.

"What?!" She shouted at me laughing and I started laughing.

"Who are you trying to impress?" I said snickering and her eyes dropped.

"Sorry" I apologized and she shook her head.

"No it's fine" she started

"I just want Angel to know that I've grown up.. I want her to see me and regret leaving me.. I want her to see how much I've changed with her gone" she spoke lightly and a tear escaped her bright blue eyes.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything.. I understand how you feel, let's just go find her" I spoke reassuring and she nodded her head lightly.
