Chapter 48: Without you

Hold on I still want you
Come back I still need you

As soon as the ambulance arrived, Hana was channelled onto a stretcher, an oxygen mask was secured on her. Renjun and a couple other members followed him along in the ride, knowing well the young boy wasn't going to handle the situation well. They tried to comfort Renjun, but to no avail.

The van that stank slightly like disinfectant and chemicals, numbing his nose and choking everyone. As Renjun sat on the crisp white sheets that crinkled beneath him clung to them like he would to the lifeless body before him. The drips and beds rattled as the van sped off to the hospital, racing against time as the life slipped out of Hana's body slowly.

Everything seemed to happen in a flash in those moments.

The ambulance coming, the paramedics loading Hana onto the vehicle, their panicked commands into the radio to the hospital. Everything seemed to be ringing in his ears. He never thought he would be there, holding his love's cold hand and while she was on the verge of death.

The blaring sirens of the ambulance wailed like a baby in distress, the kind of noise that makes you sick. It made Renjun sick, it made his already palpitating heart run faster, as if reminding him Your girlfriend is going to die, your girlfriend is going to die, your girlfriend is going to die.

"Hana, Angel, you can't go, please stay strong, please, I need you," Despite his desperate voice, Hana showed no reaction to it. He refused to look away from Hana's lifeless face, even as his lips trembled and his shoulders heaved with emotion, unwilling to back down. His dark lashes brimmed heavy with tears; his right hand clenched into shaking fist as his left one gripped onto Hana's tightly, hoping if he held on tighter, he couldn't lose her. Even though he knew he was losing in a desperate battle against the grief.

With every bump that the ambulance made on the road, Renjun's anxiety peaked higher. Seeing her strapped into the stretcher, he knew it was just the beginning. He didn't care how they saved Hana, all Renjun cared about was if she was gonna be okay.


Renjun P.O.V.

"She's losing too much blood!"
"Get Doctor Choi!"
"Roll her to the theatre now!ย 
"Prepare 2 units of O positive!"

They hurried through the double doors, the wheels of the stretcher and our pounding footsteps the only thing I can hear. I squeezed Hana's hand tighter, hoping she could feel the warmth.

"Sorry, you cannot follow them." A nurse stops me right before the door with a rigid hand. I tried to push past her, my eyes locked on Hana.

"No! Please, I can't loose her! Let me go!" Doyoung pulled me back from behind, his arms strong around my torso. The nurse looks at me with pity and shook her head, pointing to the empty seats nearby.

"The chances are slim, but they would save her."
How very fucking reassuring.

"Renjun, she's going to be okay, she is going to be okay," Jisung voice reverberated in my ear as Doyoung pulled me down onto the seat, yet I couldn't convince myself he was right. My heart sunk into my chest as I watched Hana disappear from our view.

Angel, you gotta stay strong, I can't go on without you. I can't lose you Kang Hana.
