Bittersweet Catastrophe/Tsukiyama

520 words.

"Are you serious?" Yamaguchi felt hot tears streaming down his face. His cheeks were burning and his head ached. He watched as Tsukishima dodged the flower pot that Yamaguchi had thrown at him.


"NO!" Yamaguchi shouted. His throat felt raw, his airways felt glued together. He choked on a breath and let out a harsh sob.

"I knew it!" Yamaguchi yelled. That girl wasn't just Tsukishima's friend. No, Yamaguchi thought, friends did not lie like that together. Friends did not have sex!

"Yams, please," Tsukishima begged, stepping closer. Yamaguchi hiccuped. He couldn't get the sight out of his mind. Tsukishima, with Tamika-kun, in their bed. Yamaguchi shut his eyes, tight until he saw spots. When he opened them, Tamika was making her exit, running out of the bedroom with a whispered "bye".

"How dare you?" Yamaguchi whispered. It was just a breath, he couldn't muster much more than that. Not right now. His anger flared as Tsukishima opened his mouth to defend himself.

"HOW DARE YOU?!" Yamaguchi saw Tsukishima flinch and, momentarily, puffed with pride. It didn't last long because the hurt and anger rolled over him like a huge wave.

"How dare you bring that- that skank into our bed?! In our home?!" Yamaguchi struggled for words, but whether it was due to him not having them or just being too filled with anger, Yamaguchi didn't know.

What he did know was that nothing Tsukishima could say would get him out of this mess. Yamaguchi felt a new rush of tears stream down his face and he let out a painful, croaking sob.

"Get out! Get out!" Yamaguchi shouted. It hurt to speak, hurt to move. His head was pounding now. Tsukishima looked as if he was about to say something, then shut his mouth and walked out of the bedroom. A moment later, Yamaguchi heard the front door fall shut.

His knees buckled from underneath him and one hand grasped his stomach as the other covered his mouth to muffle the harsh sobs coming from it.Β 

And he cried. And cried, and cried, and cried until Yamaguchi's tear ducts couldn't produce any more of the salty warmth.

Sluggishly, Yamaguchi grabbed his phone and clicked on the contact labeled "Suga <3"

"Hey, Yama!" Sugawara answered cheerfully despite it being so late. Yamaguchi couldn't say anything, just sobbed. He could've heard Sugawara's atmosphere change.

"Yams?" It was quiet. Yamaguchi was able to mumble a "Please come over,". Sugawara agreed quickly, saying something about 5 minutes before he hung up. Yamaguchi let his upper body fall to the floor. He sat there, on the same floor next to the same bed when Yamaguchi had given Tsukishima his first time. Where Tsukishima had brought that girl into their home.

Yamaguchi's eyes closed.

When he opened them, Sugawara was lying on the ground next to him, slipping his hand into Yamaguchi's. Yamaguchi gripped onto Suga's hand so tight he was afraid he'd hurt the grey-haired man. Instead, Suga smiled sadly at him and caressed his face.

"What happened, Tadashi?"

Breakups hurt down to your core. They eat you out from the inside and pull you apart until you can't take anymore. And it hurts.

It's going to be okay. I promise.
