Once Upon a Time Drabble

(I thought Jefferson/the Mad Hatter/Sebastian Stan's character of Once Upon a TimeΒ deserved better so I made this for him. I tried to give him a happy ending accurate to the show's style of storytelling so I hope I do that. I feel like this song captures Jefferson's chaotic inner battle between having hopelessness take over his heart or keeping a hopeful mind. You can give that a listen if you want, but I won't be offended if you don't.


If you don't mind a spoiler of his story from season 1, read away. I did give you a warning above so pls don't blame me if you ignore it.)

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Jefferson could not deny it anymore. After making hundreds of hats and wigs, he could not get a magical, fully functioning anything for the ever demanding Queen of Hearts. "No no no!" He yelped angrily another completely normal wig he created. Jefferson sighed and tossed the fake hair across the room. He was almost suffocated by the walls hidden by stacks of hats and wigs. His sore fingers continued tensing up; diligently working on the next hat.


"Shit..." Jefferson winced at his sewing needle puncturing his index finger. The first drop of blood dripped into the interior of the forest green top hat, and his heart thumped faster at the potential side effects. "I have to finish this hat anyhow." Jefferson grumbled. The young father paused to suck on his finger which surprisingly reduced the pain. Even if he was still distracted with the ideas of the hat failing him again. But with the hat's last stitch in, it was ready for testing. Jefferson nervously spun the hat around. The top hat glimmered and sucked him inside.


His eyes opened to seeing his daughter sleep. The burning wood in the fireplace keeping the place warm. No more stacks of hats and wigs surrounding him. The fear of the Queen of Hearts chopping off his head no longer loomed over him. Best of all, Wonderland was out of his sights.

Everything stayed the same in his home, the cottage he lived in with his little girl. Jefferson couldn't be happier because after so long, the Mad Hatter was back home. He was sure as hell never abandoning his haven again.


(I can try to write other Once Upon a Time short stories like this one, if I get requests for 'em. But I won't write anything about FrozenΒ in the Once Upon a Time universe. I'm over Elsa and Anna and Jelsa, so I'm not writing anything along those lines.

I hope you enjoyed this little drabble and stay tuned for more random short stories or x readers. UwU)
