
I wake up the next morning next to Jordan and Zach on the other side of him. I try and get out of bed and not waking them but I ended up waking Zach up.
Zach: morning baby
Y/n: morning
Zach: what you doing awake already?
Y/n: I wanted to spend the whole day with my 2 handsome baby boy's
Zach: really?
Y/n: yes. Why wouldn't I?
Zach: I don't know, you can have someone better in your life than me
Y/n: I do, Jordan obviously but then your my second favourite
Zach: yeah well your my first favourite person, how about me, you and Jordan go out to eat tonight?
Y/n: we can't, our partners said we're going to a restaurant to celebrate Jordan living with us
Zach: okay then, but can we have some fun later?
Y/n: watch it Herron
Zach: oh well

It's now 10:36am and Jordan is now awake and just finished having his breakfast. Y/n is on the sofa with Reese playing with her hair. Ryan is at Ashley's again and Jacob is at Anna's whilst our parents are at work.
Y/n: Zach!
Zach: yeah
Y/n: can you take Jacob outside, my mums picking him up to take him to Daniel's, he's going to play with Lavender
Zach: yeah sure, Jordan buddy let's get your shoes and coat on
Jordan: okay
I take him out to Amy's car and strapped him in. They left and I went back in the house to see y/n and Reese in the kitchen. Reese is washing her hands whilst y/n is looking for something.
Zach: I leave you guys for 2 seconds and your already in the kitchen
Reese: we're making cookies, do you want to help?
Y/n: we have to go to the store first. We're out of flower and eggs
Zach: everyone get in the car I'll drive
Y/n: are you sure?
Zach: yeah, it's fine
Reese: I'll be in the car
Zach: okay
Y/n: Zach are you sure you want to drive us to the store. We could of got an Uber
Zach: y/n baby, I said it's fine. I would love to come to the store with you, now go get your sexy ass in the car
Y/n: okay bossy
