Teddy Bear

¨What i'm trying to say that your shit mind can't understand is are we like together now¨ Kacchan says, semi yelling. I look up, our eyes meeting. I chuckle.

¨What!? Did I say something wrong!?¨ I put my hand on his cheek, and moved his face towards mine and gave him a little peck. ¨Even when you are being romantic, Kacchan is still Kacchan¨ I laugh slightly. ¨HUH!? WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?¨ He says, letting go of my grip. I grab his hands and pull him back. ¨Kacchan, it's a good thing, nothing bad.¨ he grunts in responds. Kacchan looks away, blushing. ¨Back to my question deku, are we.....together?¨ I've never seen this side of him, its kinda cute, he has a soft spot.

I put my hands on his waist and pull him in even closer, our noses are touching. I move both of my hands on his face, and gave him a peck. Β¨Oh Kacchan, yes!Β¨ I say and jump up wrapping my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck.


I opened the door of Kacchan's house and was about to walk out. I only got one foot out until I was pulled back in.

Β¨Kacchan, you gotta stop doing that!Β¨ I laugh teasley. He pulls me closer and gives me a kiss, a kiss that was beginning to be deeper than the last deep kiss. Kacchan kept forcing his way to get past the barrier I had to my mouth, buuuuttttt, somehow, he broke through there. The kiss getting deeper by the second.Β 

The longer it goes the more I feel weird, I mean, we used to rivals, and now were dating. It feels weird to be kissing the person that caused a lot of damage on me. But now, everything is different between us, things changed, and for once in my life in a long while, I have hope. The hope I lost when I was 4.

I pull away. ¨K-Kacchan......I should really.....get.....home¨ I said out of breath, gasping for air. Kacchan puts one of his hands on my face and kisses my forehead. ¨All right my Broccoli  I'll see you monday.¨ I look to the side of me and blush. ¨Broccoli, really Kacchan?¨ I say to myself. His hand slides off my face. Before I leave, I give Kacchan a hug. ¨Bye, if I don't see you tomorrow i'll see you at school monday.¨ I say as I let go. This time when I open the door, i'm not dragged back in by my beloved boyfriends hand. 


I am welcomed home by my mother standing in the doorway, she always seems to know when ill be through that door. I take off my shoes, give her a hug, and head to my room, shutting the door behind me. I plop down on my bed, face in my pillow, swinging my legs back and forth happily, blushing as I think about everything that happened at Kacchans house.

¨Me and Kacchan are together, we talked, he didn't hit me, and.... we kissed, wait¨ I say in my head but accidentally blurt out,¨ME AND KACCHAN KISSED!!!!¨ I cover my mouth, my face i'm pretty sure is a tomato. I get up cautiously and head over to my door, I open it slowly. I walk out my room and walk to the main room, I don't see my mom, I dont think shes here. I sigh with relief. I don't want anyone to know about me and Kacchan, at least at this time.


Later in the day

I jump as the sudden ringtone of my phone goes off. I stop studying and and look at whose calling me. Its Kacchan.

Kacchan: Hows my little Teddy bear doing?

Deku: What happened to broccoli?

Kacchan: You don't like Teddy Bear?Β 

Deku: No, I do, you just called me broccoli earlier today

Kacchan: Is there a rule that says I can't call you whatever cute names I come up with?

Deku: No... (I laugh)

Kacchan: Then I'll call you multiple nicknames starting now!

Deku: (Laughs)

Kacchan: Anyways, answer my questionΒ 

Deku: Well, uh, I'm just studying

Kacchan: tsk, nerd

Deku: Waaaahh, K-kacchan, that's not very nice (Pouting tone)

Kacchan: Ooohhh did I make the little nerd mad now??? (teasing/seductive tone)

Deku: K-k-kacchan....

Kacchan: What? Did I?

Deku: M-maybe...

Kacchan: Ah, okay, guess I'll have to make that up

Deku: Y-you don't need to..

Kacchan: Oh but I will, and trust me, you won't forget or regret it (Seductive tone)

I quickly hang up. I throw my phone across the room, and I fall onto my bed, face completely red in my pillow.Β 

Β¨Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, Kacchan, Why!!!!????Β¨ I say scream in my pillow. Β¨Why do you gotta have such a hot voice-, WAIT WHAT AM I SAYING!!!???Β¨

My phone rings in the corner of my room, I walk over and see its Kacchan. I freak out and my phone slips out of my hand. I quickly catch it and answer.

Deku: H-hi, K-kacchan (High embarrassed tone)

Kacchan: What the hell was that for!?

Deku: S-sorry, I freaked out, im sorry.... (Starts to cry-)

Kacchan: Hey, hey, don't cry, its fine, I should be sorry not you...

Deku: ......

Kacchan: Hey, deku, my parents are gone for the weekend, so how about you come over tonight?

Deku: O-oh, alright

Kacchan: Okay?

Deku: Yeah, Ill pack and be on my way

Kacchan: Okay, i'll see you later, Teddy Bear

When I hung up I quickly packed and when I was finished I left. My mom was still gone so I just left a note and said I was with a friend, who doesn't even exist.


I was gettin closer to Kacchan's house, and the closer I got, the more scared I got. I don't know why, but I was scared. Before I knew it I was outside Kacchan's house. I walk to the steps leading to the front door and knocked on the door. The door swung open and I was greeted with a kiss on my lips from my one and only lover, Bakugo Katsuki.


Another Chapter!!! and AnotherΒ one soon

Love you all!!

Have a good day/Night/Evening

良い一ζ—₯/倜/倕方(Yoi tsuitachi/ yoru/ yΕ«gata)
