o 12 o


As Renjun stood frozen, Jeno continued trying to help Jaemin. After some time he noticed Renjun not moving a muscle and he finally snapped.

"Huang Renjun just fucking call 119 do you want him to die"

This snapped the elder out of his shocked state, he ran out of the kitchen and toward his bedroom where his phone was sitting on the bed. He quickly dialed the number and waited for the operator to finish their greeting.

"Please we need an ambulance at 123 Dunk Shot Rd. My boyfriend is bleeding out" He cried

into the phone

Time Skip -

Within a few minutes, the boys heard sirens. Followed by a bang at the door. Paramedics rushed to the three before attempting to take Jaemin. Jeno hesitated before handing over the younger.

"Can I come with you?" He cried out. Luckily the man nodded while placing Jaemin on a stretcher.

Renjun continued to cry as Jeno rushed out behind the youngest.

"It's all my fault" He fell to the floor.

"Sir please tell us what happened" An officer on the scene asked.

Renjun stood silent for a few seconds before only repeating "It's all my fault"

"Sir, why is it your fault?" They asked.

"He's hurt because of me" He cried more.

Not knowing what to do, they decided to leave one officer with the crying man while the other left to interview Jeno.

Renjun wouldn't speak to the officer now trying to comfort him.

"Sweetie, do you want to talk now?" The female asked.

He finally answered. "I wouldn't let him be happy and now he's hurt" He said to the woman.

"Why wouldn't you let him be happy?" She asked while writing on the note pad.

"Because Jeno is mine, I didn't want to share and now he's hurting" Renjun continued to cry.

The officer was lost not really understanding what was going on and who the victim even was to this person but she continued to do her job as best as she could.

To Jeno -

Jaemin was rushed into the ER while Jeno was brought into a room and questioned by the police. He tried to calm down so he could be as helpful as possible to the officer but he was hyperventilating worrying about Jaemin's chance of survival.

"Sir please take a deep breath and try to relax for me" The male officer said, passing Jeno a box of tissues.

"First of all please tell us what happened"

Jeno finally calmed down enough to explain the whole thing to the officer from the start of the polyamorous relationship all the way until he and Renjun had made it home to find Jaemin in his current state, He continued to answer all the officers questions until he was finally allowed to go.

"Alright Mr. Lee thank you so much for your time you can go"

He left the room and made his way over to the waiting area and took a seat. He waited for what felt like days until a short blonde hair woman in scrubs walked into the almost empty room.

"For Na Jaemin" She called out, causing Jeno to quickly stand and follow her into a more private area.

'Why does she look so worried?' He panicked.

A/N: I updated this one too <3

