I had decided against going to Adam. It was late, what kind of person would I be if I woke up Adam when he was probably dead asleep?

I can answer that actually.

I would be Wren Queens, the person who was currently knocking on Adam's room. Softly, of course, but I was still knocking.

I almost walked away when no one answers. Everyone was probably asleep. I was ok with that. It was fine. I was fine.

I'm probably lying.

Jesse answers the door. He's rubbing his face and squinting at me, "Queens? What's up?"

I start popping my knuckles, "Any chance Adam's in there?"

Jesse turns around and looks behind him, I hear a muffled who's there from inside, and then he looks back at me, "Yeah, he's here."

Jesse and I stare at each other for a minute, I roll my eyes, "...Well, can I please talk to him?"

He blinks slowly, still processing what I've said in his dazed state, then he turns around, "Hey, cake-eater. It's for you."

I can hear shuffling and groaning from inside the room and then Adam appears at the door, he blinks at the bright light of the hallway then he looks down at me and he switches spots with Jesse, leaning against the doorframe as Jesse walks back inside, "What?"

I switch between looking at both of his eyes, "I wanna talk to you."

"So, talk."

I frown and grab the collar of his shirt, pulling him into the hallway and shutting the door behind him. I start walking a little ways away from his room, trying to avoid people from listening. Like Averman, he totally would do the cup to the door thing to hear us talk. Little gossip.

Adam follows behind me, I can hear him stumble through the hallway.

I turn sharply and look at Adam, his attitude annoying me, "Are you ok?" I ask him.

He turns his head away from me and I can see a bump in his cheek from where he's pressing with his tongue, "Fine."

"Cut the bullshit."

Adam looks back at me, also clearly annoyed, "Look, you woke me up so you could talk to me. I'm here, aren't I? So...talk."

I look up at him and tilt my head, "What's with the attitude tonight, Adam?"

It's his turn to switch between which of my eyes he's looking at, I shrug my shoulders at him to tell him to speak and he sighs, "You pissed off Coach, he gave us another practice right after the game. I'm tired and I'm annoyed, Wren. Can I just go back to sleep?"

I raise my eyebrows at him, "You're mad at me because I got into a fight with Gordon?" Fine Adam, if you're going to give me attitude, I'll give it back.

He sighs, "Slightly annoyed, yes."

"I think you're lying."

Adam pulls my shoulders and moves me closer to him, slightly bending down so he's eye level with me, "I'm not lying." Adam says slowly, punctuating his words.

I shrug out of his grasp, "I'm confused. Do you think I was in the wrong? Gordon's been a dick to all of you."

"You've been a dick to him," Adam stops himself before he goes farther, "I don't think you were in the wrong. I do think that you both went too far."

I shake my head and quickly lick my lips, "Go back to sleep, Adam."

I turn away to walk away, tired of whatever was going on between me and Adam, "Wren, wait. I'm sorry. I'm just tired and..." I turn back to look at Adam as he rubs the back of his neck, "I guess I'm just taking it out on you. I'm sorry."

He's being genuine but I'm already upset. I wanna piss him off.

That's toxic of me, I know, but I can't help it. I always take things too far and Adam's starting to piss me off.

My raging emotions are probably just the effect of the argument with Gordon and my lack of sleep but still, I apparently can't keep myself in check today.

"I kissed Gunnar."

Adam's face drops. He doesn't look mad, just a mix of disappointment and surprise. I don't like that look.

"Good night, Adam." I start to walk away from him for the second time. I can feel the regret already building up in my chest and that's enough to make me want to punch something, someone, I don't really care.

"Wren!" I hear him yell at me. I keep walking, "Wren get your ass back here before you make me run after you, and my legs hurt. Do not make me run."

"Run!" I yell back.

I hear a mumbled fuck and quick footsteps.

I'm being grabbed and lightly shoved into a wall to stop me, "Why?" Adam asks me.

My face is devoid of emotions, "He was there. He cared. Spur of the moment, real movie stuff."

"Wren, cut it out." There's a silent threat in Adam's voice and I want to test how far I can take it before he snaps.

I'm about to test it before I catch myself, not wanting to end a friendship with what I was going to say. I like Adam. I like his friendship and how he's there for me. I need to calm down.

I let out a slow breath before making eye contact with Adam again, "Gunnar and I were already friends. I ran into him and he cared. Need I remind you that you weren't there? Or do you remember that part? I'm tired Adam, so good night. I'll see you later."

Adam lets go of me, accepting that this was the end of the conversation.

I hated that it went like that, I really wanted to talk to him. I really wanted his comfort. As much as I cared about Gunnar and how I appreciated him in the moments he was there for me, Adam is who I really wanted to talk to.
