เญจโŽฏ "Day-6. Mirror" โŽฏเญง


[ แต‰แตƒสณแต—สฐแต‡แต’แต˜โฟแตˆ โป แดบแถฆแถœแต‰ แต‡แต’สธ โป แต—แต‰แตแต–แต’สณแต‰หฃ]

1:07 โ€”โ€”โ—ฆโ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” -4:05
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You're awake.

But the first thing you do is breathing. Your eyes still close, you inhale deeply.

Last thing you remember falling sleep at the halls.


You shoot open your eyes, exhaling. You unfamiliar with that ceiling tho. Immediately you sit up, regretting it.

Your head start pounding on how fast you just sat.

A door open and you grip the fabric of blanket. Oh- a blanket. Turning your head to the door, you see Zarachiel.

Your Tourist.

|| Rise and shine, Traveller! Did you had delightful sleep? || He cheerfully greet.

He is happy to see you.

And you're happy to see him.

Smiles, just as him.

"Ah yes I did" You put a strand of hair behind your ear, Zarachiel approach you and take your hand. You confusingly watch until-

He gave a small peck.

To your hand.

You just stare at like- ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

|| Miyu is downstair! Oh darling- you must be hungry indeed ||



But you don't feel the headache anymore tho, which you were glad that your healer is here. Infront you. Cheerfully greeting.

You are hungry indeed.

So you nod, slowly,.

Zarachiel isn't wearing his usual ugly cloak anymore. He's with simple black blouse, black pants, black neck fabric.

He have hair.

You didnt know he have hair to be honest.

A long hair that rest on his shoulder into pony tail.

They look messy.

Probably he's too busy to take care of others stuff than taking care of his hair.

|| I'll let you change first tho, the restroom is at the left and there's some Miyu and my clothes in the closet that we just put in. Come downstair after you're done, Traveller! ||

Zarachiel wave off, walking out of the room after hitting his head with door frame.

You giggle at that, shaking your head. You get out of the bed and walk to the door in the room. Which lead you to the bathroom. It was actually cute little bathroom with clouds floating around.

You approach the bathtub and noticed the water's running. You spin to close it but it doesn't work, so you just let it here, staring at the bathtub until you decided- you should take a shower.

Taking off your clothes, you drop them in a basket beside the washing machine. Then you stare at the water yet again, you slowly drop a leg into the water.

"Its cold" you quietly mutter.

But you have to.

Or you'll regret it later.

You need refreshment - shaking your head you fully drop both your legs, standing until you feel like sitting.

Which you did.


You sighs, closing your eyes. The water is still running but the bathtub never full. Just- decent.

Losing in your own thought again, you wander for what you can possibly thought.


Dexter's number.


It might be still in the bag.

You sighs, trying to keep your best from thinking too much again. You must ask about Zarachiel 's wound.
And the monster you created.


||It's too much coffee, are you sure you're drinking another, Ojos de รกngel?||

Zarachiel watch Miyu pour another cup of coffee into the cup. She sighs "Can't sleep, At yesterday flood, I had to send them all to top of the hills" Miyu groan, rubbing her face.

Zarachiel chuckle, gently he bring the tea cup up to his lips, taking a sip. ||You can rest today, mon cher. You already send them up|| He smile at Miyu, titling his head.

"No, i need to check up your wound, dear boy" Miyu scoff, taking a long sip.

|| but- ||

"And gonna send them back to the ground" Miyu get up, "There's new creation arrived, you should come see when you can. I wonder why god keep on creating" She mutter at the last part.

Obviously Zarachiel heard ||Maybe they're bored?|| Smiling, he fondly thought of the old memories and shake his head.

No more.

Miyu huff "You know her more than i do anyway" Zarachiel frown when he saw Miyu walk out of her seat but confuse as she walk behind him instead of the door.

|| Miyu? ||

"Your ugly hair" She simply reply.

How dare she.

Letting Miyu do his hair for him. He pick up the cup again and take a sip. "I wonder how's Traveller 404 doing!" Zarachiel cheerfully call her title.

"She'll come down, I'm sure," Miyu braid, "Eventually.." She glance down at Zarachiel's featherless wings and sighs, "..Is that hurt?"

"A little.."


You open the closet, searching through the outfits you could wear.


Miyu and Zarachiel dont even have a dress-

Or they do but they dont give you? :'(

You doubt Zarachiel dont wear dress.

Snickering at the thought, you keep on searching until you found something that might be suitable for you.


And legging.

You can tell who's hoodie it is.

Comparing how oversized with you.

But you'll wear it nonetheless. The legging seem to suit you, which is because it's Miyu's - you thought. Shrug it off, you wear the fits and look yourself in the little broken mirror.

You touch your own cheek.

At that moment, when you releases your hand, your skin stink to your fingers like its melting. You just blankly stare at your own gaze in the mirror. You hear someone's laughing in your head.

You're melting.

Your head hurt so much.

The place is spinning?


Your breathing become heavy, you just stare at your own self melting like a liquid in the mirror.

You closed your eyes.







You peer open your eyes, noticing everything are normal again. Your hand stay still, but you aren't a liquid anymore. Your head is okay now. You're alright, normal again.

You look away, walking out of the room slowly, you walk through the halls until you saw the stair that lead downstair.

You don't want to think about that again.


You take a breathe and walk down the stair, down and down until you see those figures. Miyu was braiding Zarachiel's hair while he calmly rest.

You giggle before making your way to them "I'm here!" Approaching the seat where Miyu used to sat, you sit down.

Unknown to you, Zarachiel immediately slam cover his both eyes with his feathers like ears. Sighing in relief.. ||Traveller-..|| He pause.


You look-

You look really fantastic in his eyes.

Lord, help him.

I mean- not even 402 wear his hoodie-?


It feel bitter to call her title.

Instead he rest his chin on his intertwice hands, smiling || Se ve tan linda con mi sudadera, Miรฝu ||

You confusedly shoot a look at him. Pardon, what the fock- he isn't obviously talking to you since you heard him call Miyu's name at last sentences.

Miyu chuckle at what he said, agreeing. You just sigh, slouching."Thats not fair, speak the language i can understand" sighs.

|| My apologise, Cariรฑo. I just want to say you look wonderful today! ||


You just nod. "Thanks" Miyu made her way to you after she done braiding Zarachiel's hair - which he just push it back and continue to drink his tea.

"Coffee?" You heard Miyu ask, softy.

"That'd be great" You let Miyu pour you a cup of warm coffee and hand a cup to you gently. You thanks her and watch as she took the cloak from the handle and swifty wore it before launching herself off the ground. To the outside. {Author: Superman-}

You look back at Zarachiel, calmly.



"It's.. your wound better?" You look away from his gaze of mentioned wound.

He just look at you and to his arm, smiling || Yeah, it's better. I can heal myself, no worries || Zarachiel calm you down with a wave of hand.

"Its at the arm..?" You questions "What happend when i wasn't here?" You ask, you actually wanted to knows this question in a while.

Zarachiel just perk up to find your eyes and chuckle, || Guess what? Your monster isn't dangerous at all || He repiled with a happy tone.

"Wait what?" You said.

Excuse me but what the actual fock?

Zarachiel just laugh at your confuse expression, shaking his head.

"But- WHY is it chasing us??" You slam your hands on the table, gently.

|| It probably want to play with us || Zarachiel calmly said as he clasp his hands.


"Wish we find it out sooner so we wouldn't be spread away" You pout, leaning back in your seat as you cross your arms.

|| My apologise || Zarachiel nod politely,ย  you wave your head in dismiss, then it click, you turn to look at him again.

"Where did you get injured then?" You squint in suspension, Zarachiel sigh, putting down his now empty cup.
|| I'd rather not tell, Traveller ||

You sigh, picking up the cup "Are we still going to travel around?" You asked before taking a sip.

|| even might farther than this territory, yes || Zarachiel said, with his hands clasp together, resting them on his knee. || You just went to level 3 door, this is the safest place where low lifes void who haven't hatch new shell yet lives ||

You stop drinking, raising a brow at your Tourist in questions "What do you mean?"

|| Voids are where we all begun from-..|| then he pause, || Not me nor Miyu tho, Choosen one aren't. ||

"Oh, you guys are Choosen one? Damn I'm so lucky" You place down an empty cup, resting comfortably in your seat.

Zarachiel giggle at your words, shaking his head. || You are. Anyway, as i was saying...


They're newborn, beginners. Don't mind them, they're just working for their life. That one i said about hatching new shells is where you have to go to higher levels with Train, and you'll get new form, new life, never boring endless void. They're not easy tho ||


You remember that old lady. Even she's in her low life self, she still managed to smile warmly at you.

"But.. some people here aren't void..?"

Hot head and Sketch.

You remember.

And that one Cold head.

|| Oh? || Zarachiel hum || They're people who help the voids to get into higher levels by doing what's best. At least higher than Level 5, they can transfer||

{Author: Transformers๐Ÿ’ช }

"I see" What a nice guys, you thought. Zarachiel sit up and take all the dishes on the table, you yawned "Are we going?"

|| Yup, go prepare || Zarachiel carries all the dishes to the kitchen, leaving you some time to let you prepare. Which you did, running back up the stair you run back where you came.



Room number 7..


You open the door, spotting your backpack that sitting beside the bed, you pick it up and fish into the front to find the little paper.


What a weird numbers.

Probably you should ask Zarachiel for that.

Rolling the paper and stucking it back, you pick up the backpack and noticed a Lantern at the bedside table.

Should you..?



You pick the lantern up and clip the top with hook in ur backpack before brushing your hair a bit with your hand.

You walk out and pause, walking back you glance at the little broken mirror.




You have no time.

Rushing back down the stair, you didn't notice the mirror, crack a bit more.
