Maxwell "Moxxie" Owens

Name: Maxwell "Moxxie" [last name Unknwo].

Grade: 10th grade

Extra curricular: none of them catch his interest.

Friends: Millie, Loona, Blitzø.

Favorite subject with which teacher: Art with Mimzy

Nickname throughout the school: Nerd boy with the guitar

1: Maxwell is a good boy he did have something against someone (Cough cough Blitzø cough), he will try to help everyone though, no matter who they are which got him into a mess involving you, because you both decided to help Blitzø you had been helping Moxxie with you know a tutor type thing except you and him weren't helping the students understand the material more helping them cheat, anyway you were both sitting behind the school with your lunches waiting for students to come to you guys, you and him wer having friendly conversation, until you heard "Maxwell Owens and Y/n L/n" it was a teacher a Male teacher....Mr. Edward Bosco... you two were in for it now. Moxxie looked terrified he then said "the only solution is to run!" He grabbed your hand got up and sprinted away

2: make it up.
