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แด„สœแด€แด˜แด›แด‡ส€ 1.

The sidewalk was almost frozen. Small light snowflakes fell from the grey clouds way above your head.ย 

"Brr..It's cold..Why didn't we come here during the summer?" A girl beside you said, wearing a black turtle neck, Skinny Jeans, Black boots, and a brown trench coat to top everything off. "I don't understand why you wanted to walk to the hotel...A taxi would have been just fine." She continued to grumble.ย 

"What's wrong with wanting to see the people on the streets? or the buildings? Plus, it's not that cold. Grow a pair." You said back to the blonde girl next to you. She turned her head to look at you. Her eyes piercing into your soul, her arms close to her body to help keep her warm. God, if looks can kill.

"How 'bout you grow a pair," The girl said back, sticking her tongue out before going back to looking ahead of her with a pout.ย 

"Stop acting like a toddler, Jadyn. We're here so you can stop pouting." You joked while stopping in front of your hotel.ย 

It was a tall building. Probably about as tall as the Treasure Island hotel in Las Vegas. The outside looked very nice. Just looking at it could make you feel like a big model in Paris. Or even a princess.ย 

Walking inside you two walked up to the front desk to get your room keys. Sharing separate rooms on the same floor, you guys rolled your big suitcases into the elevator. Pressing the button to go to the 25th floor out of 30.ย 

"What room number didย  you get?" Jadyn asked, looking at your hand where the key was. "Room 1,778." You answered.ย 

"Good, mine is two rooms down from yours. So we will be close to each other." Jadyn smiled. I'll drop everything off at my room, and then ill come to hang out with you in yours for a while, yeah?" She suggested. You nodded as the elevator doors opened. Both of you got out and started walking down the long, luxurious hallways to get to your rooms.ย 

Finding your room number, you swiped the key and opened the door to a massive suite. The rooms were separate, a small half-wall separating your bedroom from the living room. On the right of the door was a nicely sized kitchen. Big enough to have about four adults cooking at once in there. The living room had a huge couch and a small bar connected to the kitchen. Turning left down the hallway was a ginormous bathroom. The sink was massive, and there was a whole jacuzzi tub in there.ย 

Walking into your also massive bedroom, two sliding glass doors that lead to a balcony caught your eye. Placing your luggage somewhere in the room, you quickly open the doors and step out onto the balcony to see the view.ย 

It was truly astounding. You can see a bunch of buildings. Restaurants and small cafes were everywhere. People were walking along the streets as cars and mopeds zoomed around on the road.ย 

You were so lost in thought that you almost didn't notice the knocking at your door. You treaded along your hotel room to the door and opened it to see your best friend, Jadyn. She walked in and looked around the place, not making any expressions. "Ours looks pretty much the same." She said.ย 

"No shit. It's a hotel. The only reason why a room would look different is if it was cheaper, or a handicap room. Dumbass." You sarcastically informed her. Jadyn rolled her eyes and walked over to your couch before plopping down on it. "So far Paris is breathtaking." She said.ย 

You nodded before smiling, "do you think we will find my dream guy?" You asked as your eyes grew wider in anticipation. Jadyn looked at you with hooded eyes, "Y/N your dream guy is waaaaaay too specific. I don't even have that detailed of a description of my 'dream guy."

"Paris is the city of love though!! What if I do manage to find him?" You explained. Surely there had to be SOMEONE out in the world who was 5'7, Australian, and named Lee Felix. Right?

"How about we go find dinner first? I'm dying of hunger over here." Jadyn suggested as she got up from the couch.ย 

You and you're best friend walked along the streets again. Your short friend shivered, her teeth chattering from the cold of the snow falling onto hers and your hair. "We better find a place that sells hot chocolate or something," Jadyn grumbled. Again. You ignored her though and focused on the sights around you. Snowflakes were floating around like you were inside one gigantic snow globe. Yes, you were a little cold, but you thought the walk was worth it for this beautiful scenery.ย 

Soon enough you two found an interesting-looking cafรฉ. The name of it is 'Felix Cafรฉ.'

(I'm being serious. This is a real cafรฉ in Paris-)ย 

Walking in through the doors, Jadyn immediately sighed from the warm feeling of the heater. Placing both your coat on the coat hanger you found a seat as a sign said 'Please seat yourself.' The interior was nice and welcoming. Not too modern, not too rustic, nor was it too ghetto. It was perfect almost.

A waiter came up to you both and asked for your orders. Quickly glancing at the menu and looking at your friend, you told her what you wanted. Jadyn nodded and looked over to the waiter and translated everything you said to him. Wanting just a simple steak, you gave the waiter your menu and relaxed in your seat.ย 

"What did you get?" You asked Jadyn, who was resting her face in her hand and fiddling with the dรฉcor on the table. "Oh, just some hot chocolate and some pastries."ย 

"Seriously? For dinner?" You joked, looking at her with a 'really?' expression. "Hey! I'm a grown adult! And last time I checked you weren't my mother!" You stifled a laugh and lovingly mocked her by making an ugly facial expression.ย 

A few minutes later, your food came. Jadyn thanked the waiter and began taking sips of her hot chocolate, letting out small sighs after every other sip. You happily placed a piece in your mouth by taking your knife and cutting your steak. The food was delicious and you were quite satisfied with the dinner choice tonight.

After you guys were done eating, you both walked back to the hotel. Jadyn was once again complaining about the cold weather, and you were teasing and making fun of her for being cold. "Why don't you just get more body heat then if you're so co- Achoo!!" You stopped mid-sentence with an unexpected sneeze. "Uhh Y/N? Your nose is a little red." The blonde girl pointed out, seeming a little worried.

You sniffed and rubbed your nose a little, "I wasn't expecting a sneeze." You said calmly. But not only were you sneezing now, but you felt kind of sluggish. You were suddenly exhausted and wanted to just get to the hotel as soon as possible. You felt Jadyn's bare hand against your forehead. Her fridged hand from the snow made your forehead feel a lot better for some reason.

"I can't tell with how cold my hands are...But you may have gotten the cold. Or the Flu." You scoffed before interrupting yourself with another sneeze. there's no way you managed to catch a cold on your winter vacation! You sighed and agreed to go to a walk-in clinic. It was all stupid to you. How did this even manage to happen? You were wearing warm winter clothes; so how did you end up getting sick? However it happened, you were willing to do almost anything to make it go away faster.ย 

Finding a walk-in clinic, you and Jadyn sat in the waiting room for about five minutes before a doctor called you to look at you. The two of you followed the female nurse to the room. Opening the door for you two, she let you guys inside before sitting down at a desk. Logging into her computer she turned to you and asked you a question in French you didn't understand.ย 

Jadyn said something to her in the same language, assuming it was something along the lines of only she speaks it. Not you. The nurse's brown eyes widened and her red lips formed an 'O' shape. Seeming to understand why you weren't answering her.ย 

You told Jadyn all your answers to all her questions. The girl nodded before logging off the computer and waving us goodbye. You both sat there in silence for a good fifteen minutes before a man with brown hair walked in. Assuming by his lab coat, he was the doctor. He sat down at the desk just like the nurse and logged into the computer, seeming to be looking over the document the nurse wrote.ย 

The man turned around to reveal his very squirrel-like features. He was...Cute. He made you kind of wanna just squish his cheeks.ย 

"Alright, so Y/N; you don't feel good on your winter vacation?" The doctor said in English.ย 

You and Jadyn were taken aback slightly; not expecting the sudden English. Not to mention his perfect accent. "You...Speak English?" You ask, arching your eyebrows in confusion. "I was born and raised in South Korea. But I moved to study in Malaysia, and I moved to Paris for college to become a doctor. And along the way, I just happened to pick up some English!" He smiled.ย 

His seemed like it brightened the room slightly to you. But you ignored it and continued paying attention to his questions and observations. He nodded at most of your answers; seeming like he was expecting more or less of what you told him. "Sounds to me that you have a common cold. It's a shame...Right on your vacation too." The doctor sighed, scrolling through the documents on the computer. Studying the symptoms.

He got up and grabbed a pen and paper to write stuff down for the prescription. "Oh, and also I'm Doctor Han. I'll be here if your cold gets any worse. Just come to the clinic and say that I wanted to see you if you ever needed to come back."

You nodded as the man handed you a piece of paper that had excruciating messy handwriting on it.ย 

'Typical handwriting for a doctor.' You thought to yourself. "Alright, thanks, Dr. Han." Smiling you got off the bed and reached for the door handle. But Dr. Han stopped you, "no problem! Just take that paper to the pharmacy and they'll get your prescription!" He smiled.

Jadyn thanked him and opened the door for you. Walking through it, Jadyn gave one last goodbye to the doctor before walking right back to your side.ย 

You both made it to the pharmacy. Handing the pharmacist the paper, he took a glance at it before running near an aisle and grabbing a paper bag that held your prescription. He came back and rang you up for the medicine. Occasionally he would glance at you for about ten seconds before going back to finishing ringing you up.ย 

"Odd. Why does he keep looking at me and Jadyn like that? Fucking creepy...'ย 

ย Jadyn answered whatever he said in French before quickly grabbing the medicine and taking a harsh hold on your arm and speed walking away. Uncomfortable with the situation.ย 

"Just me, or did he seem extremely...creepy?" The girl said trying to get out of the pharmacy quicker than before. "No, he was creepy. I didn't like how he was looking at us."ย 

The man seemed to be in his late twenties, and he didn't look bad. But his actions did settle right with you. Hopefully, you won't have to ever see him again.ย 


Jadyn called a taxi once you both managed to get out of that uncomfortable place. You wanted to know WHY he was staring at you both though. Was he checking you out? Maybe something was on your face?ย 

You touched around your entire face to see if anything was on it. And to your avail, nothing was there. Maybe he was just reading something behind you? No, there was nothing on the wall behind you and Jadyn. It was all weird...

Shaking your head, you freed your mind of all those thoughts and looked out the window.

Making it back to your hotel room, Jadyn walked in with you and sat down on the couch. She turned on the TV and surfed through the channels. "Huh...Weird." The blonde girl stated, her eyes still glued to the screen.

"What is it?" You ask, looking at the medication you were just given from the doctor. "Apparently, people seem to be dying. And the reason is because they keep having these weird hallucinations. They managed to save a person before they died and did a examination."ย 

You swallowed the pill you just took with a glass of water with a sigh and looked at the TV. 'Weird...Why ARE these people having these hallucinations? Are they just all going crazy?' You pondered.ย 

You walked over to the living room, and grabbed the TV remote before turning it off. "Well, its gonna get late here soon. And no matter how crazy this is right now. You should go to your own hotel room and watch this on your own time. Because I'm sick and I need rest. So, goodnight~!"ย 

Jadyn looked at you with a slightly disappointed face before rolling her eyes and getting up off her seat. "Fine, only because you need to rest. Night, get better soon~" She said before walking herself out of your hotel room.ย 

You let out a heavy sigh and got ready for your nightly routine. Sleep took over you and as soon as your head hit the pillow, you were out like a light.ย 
