
Again not check πŸ˜‘

one week later

"Β  baby I'm heading out "

" okay love you "

" love you two "

dance studio

" tray here "angel yell

you the only person who calls me tray I wonder why

cause I'm different how you been

I been good how you beenΒ 

same old shit how my girlfriend

my sister is good and she not your girlfriend she engaged now

oh shit tell her congratulations

we'll do

enough talking you two let get to practicing

Hour later

got damn i haven't had that much energy in a minute

" Tracey your wifey calling " angel say

" here I come "

otp with Billie

" where nora "

she with me in the car but she sleep I going to have my mom drop us off tho

okay that fine but when you get here just tell them your my wife and they go tell you where to from there

okay we pulling see you soon

Alright bye

heres the waters and snack we start filming in a couple minutes

skip ⏭

" mommy " I hear someone yell

" hi baby "

" where momma "

" I'm right here " billie say laughing

Is this the famous nora we always hear about my dance teacher say

Yes it is nora say hi


hi sweetheartΒ 

okay go back to momma I have to finish my dancing

time skip

okay Tracey - frontΒ  , Angel - left
bre - right

The dance they did πŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ‘

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A/N : pretend they girls 😭

" Wooo yes y'all ate that shit "

" lord thank you "

break time

mamas you did amazing

thanks baby

somebody still tried huh

im guess she fell asleep quick when the music come on

I'm Happy she did because the lyrics to that song is wild for her

I like the song

ofc you like the song

" Tracey your up text " Mia say

" alright here I come "

* kiss * bye

* kiss *Β 

okay everyone it's the last dance of the night let's make this perfect i need Tracey , Mari , Alex , Amelia and Aaliyah

alright girl y'all got this come on

The last dance ☠️

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A/N : only the dance not them πŸ˜€

" Cut " the teacher called


y'all did amazing

thank you That's the end everybody thank you to all tbr dancer that was apart of this everyone did amazing good night and driving safe home be

break room

mommy I seen you dancing

you did was it good

yes you did you

thank angel

" Baby what time is it " Tracey yell from the restroom

" its 11:20 "

Oh shit it's late we need to get home

you are right we tried and hungry

okay then let's go

at home

It's currently midnight nora and Tracey is asleep and I'm up in my laptop looking at these places to go for our anniversary

Tracey always wish to go to Miami I should take her there

Mmh Yep Miami it is

i need to book our tickets and get our hotel situation in check

Miami trip soon πŸŒ›

It's almost 1 am I need to go to bed

And with then that billie eventually when to bed think about her upcoming trip

A/n : This book is coming to a end soon 😩 I hope y'all enjoy more books coming soon
