
day two of working at anoa'i incorporated. it's a brand new day, and another day of being the world's greatest secretary.

"good morning" I said to the receptionist.

"good morning! anastasia right?" she asked me.

"yeah..." I said in confusion on how this woman knows me.

"you probably didn't think that I knew your name huh" she chuckled.

"no not at all" I nervously chuckled. "how do you know?".

"well you are the new secretary everyone's been buzzing about. and when you're the wife of one of the executive vice presidents, you know a lot" she said.

oh wow she's married to a VP? makes me wonder why she's only an receptionist.

"i'm trinity" she told me.

"hi" I said back to her. "which VP are you married too?".

"jonathan fatu" she said.

"oh I need to meet him" I said.

"how do you like it here so far" she asked me.

"it's nice, it's a lot of work but it's nice" I told her.

"how's joe? everyone seems to have their own opinions on him" she chuckled.

"he's.... okay" I said. "he hasn't really warmed up to me too much but he's alright".

"yeah he can be a bit of a hard ass" she said. "he'll warm up to you soon though, you're his secretary".

at least I hope so.

"I better head up to my office" I said. "it was nice meeting you trinity".

"you too! if you ever wanna talk or hang, you know where to find me" she smiled.

I went to the elevator to go up to the third floor. first I was going to check in with the boss man to let him know that I was here.

as I went to open his office door, I couldn't believe my eyes. a woman was sitting on the desk as joe was in front of her. her legs were wrapped around his waist and it looked like she was moaning and he was thrusting-

this man was having sex at 8:30 in the morning....

they both reacted and I quickly closed the door and went to my office to process what the hell I just saw. it's too early, WAY too early for this.

then, there was a knock on my door. I had went to get it and it was that same girl that was fucking joe.

"yo do you know how to knock?! how dare you just barge in on us?!" she exclaimed in anger.

"well excuse me I didn't think I was going to find my boss having sex at damn 8:30 in the morning" I shot back.

"mind your damn business we can do what we want" she said as she was getting all hostile.

"baby relax" joe said as he came over to my door.

baby? mhm, so I see that this wasn't just some random ass girl...

"anastasia, next time when the door is closed, just knock. don't barge in like that next time" he told me.

"trust me, i'll be doing that next time" I said as I gave both him and the girl side eyes. "just didn't really expect to see "that" this early".

"you're acting like you've never had sex before, grow up" his girl scoffed.

"calm down with the attitude, it was a whole accident" I said. "excuse me for ruining your orgasm".

"chill on the attitude anastasia" joe warned.

but his girl is over here being a bitch for nothing. whatever.

"I think I need to introduce myself so you know who I am" she said.

"i'm alana, joe's beautiful girlfriend of two and a half years".

I gave her a fake smile to keep face but in the back of my mind, I was just thinking about the terrible attitude she has. I don't know how her and joe work. one's a bitch and the other is a hothead and lowkey asshole.

"so anastasia, what was the reason that you came to my office anyways?" he wondered.

"to tell you that I was here..." I said.

"you could've just clocked in and I would've saw" he said. "but regardless, yeah you're here. don't barge into my office like that again, and get onto work".

joe and alana walked out of my office and closed the door as I sighed at that whole confrontation. I sat down in my chair and got onto some work.

lunch break

after the hectic morning that I had, I decided to go out to lunch with natasha, who invited me to go with her to this restaurant nearby. we were currently out eating and I was telling her about the incident from this morning.

"wait... you really caught them fucking on his desk?!" she exclaimed as I told her.

"yes! it was so weird, like it's only my second day and i'm already witnessing freaky shit" I laughed.

"not really that surprised though, alana's always doing something" natasha groaned.

"do you like her?" I asked her.

"no. not at all, alana's a bitch" she bluntly said.

"alana swears that she's the shit because she's dating joe. like for a grown ass woman, it's sad that she has that mentality. that's high school type shit".

"it's probably because he's rich" I said.

"he's rich and he's handsome. alana is so obsessive over him, she gets jealous when women are around him" she told me. "she's even the reason why the old secretary quit....".

"oh wow, really?!" I wondered as I was surprised.

"yup. so her name was celine. she was joe's secretary from the very start. she was like one of the first people joe hired himself when he took over anoa'i. even his dad loved her" she explained.

"lots thought that they had a thing, even I did. but they both always denied it... and then he started dating alana. alana never really liked celine. she was always jealous that joe would spend time with celine at work. they were "too close" to her".

"alana's always been rude to celine but celine always just ignored her. but like three months ago, everything came to a breaking point. alana disrespected the hell out of celine and she was done. and she told joe but joe didn't do anything about it, he allowed his girlfriend to disrespect the most loyal employee he ever had. so she walked out and never came back" she continued to say.

"wow..." I said in shock. "so joe really just lets alana be disrespectful like that?".

"yup. I already didn't like her because of her personality, but that whole incident made me genuinely despise her. it also made me side eye joe a bit. like he lets that girl be rude like that towards the people that help him make money" natasha said.

"maybe he just lets her do whatever because he doesn't wanna hear it from her" I said. "alana does seem like the type to try and lie on him to make him seem like a way".

"she would" she laughed. "either way, alana is rude. i'm sure she gave you an attitude when you ruined her sex session".

"she sure did" I chuckled.

I checked the time and saw that we only had like an half hour left before our break was over.

"we better hurry up and eat, lunch break almost over" I said.

"right it's your second day... don't want you in the doghouse, again" she jokingly said.

I chuckled at her little snide joke and continued to eat my lunch. we did finish up before break was over and quickly made it back, only to be three minutes late.


everyone has left the building and the only people still here were my cousins, the two vice presidents jonathan and joshua and jonathan's wife trinity, who's also my receptionist. we stayed back, ate some dinner, and got some executive work done.

"I kinda like it when we stay back here, even though I would rather eat dinner in my own home" trinity said as she was eating the sandwiches we ordered.

"babe you know the miami convention is in two months, we got shit to do" jonathan told her.

"I still don't even know who to have run the office when we go" I told them. "since you both wanna go".

"you forgot... ol dude gonna have his people there. we need to be there to back you up" joshua said.

"you right... but there's nobody else I trust enough to run the office while we're gone for that week" I said.

"when celine was here, she always offered to take over the office while I was down there, while I was gone period".

"well alana ruined that...." trinity mumbled.

I gave her a look and so did the twins and trinity drunk her drink and gave us a look back.

"y'all acting like i'm wrong! alana is the reason why celine quit. her disrespectful ass" she said.

"ANYWAYS" I said. "who should I have take over the office?".

"how about your brand new secretary anastasia?!" trinity suggested.

"I haven't met her yet, is she good?" jonathan asked her.

"she's a sweetheart, and she's so pretty" trinity told him. "I think she can get the job done".

"anastasia's too new she's not taking over anything" I told her. "imma just have colby do it".

"do you like anastasia? how do you feel about her?" trinity asked me.

"I mean.... I don't know. she hasn't really done much yet for me to care. shit I nearly had a dispute with her earlier" I said.

"what happened?".

"she walked in on alana and I... yeah. then alana got mad and she was firing back with an attitude and it was just a bunch of petty shit that could've been avoided if she knocked on the door" I explained.

"how you that horny at eight in the morning?" joshua said in confusion.

"oh my god you really-" trinity said as she jumped off my desk and ran to the other side of the room.

"Imma need to wash this outfit as soon as I get home... ew".

"relax she didn't even cum" I said.

she stopped eating and just put her food down. trinity has to be one of my favorite in laws, she's hilarious.

"so you can't even do the job right?" jonathan said.

"no I didn't have enough time too" I shot back.

"i'm surrounded by idiots for a husband and in laws" trinity groaned.

we all just started laughing at her and continued on with our food and discussions.
